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Everything posted by cropzy

  1. I can build you one for around £160
  2. I used to have one, back in the days when i used to frequent. I put it on a dummy on bonfire night ages ago and burnt it.
  3. Novekse fire pig. ASG Blaster 0.25's P90 molle mag pouch.
  4. Got it 2nd hand for £50, never been skirmished, didnt come with box or weaver rail and only 6 high power shells. ASG do low power shells in packs of 6 or packs of 25. The hole for the c02 is 50% smaller, basically cutting the fps in half, although its still just as loud and satisfying to shoot. It feels great when you get a hit as you know you only have 6 shots before you reload. The revolver itself is extremely easy to mod for more power and very easy to strip and maintain. It works like a dream and never had a single problem at all, I just need a speedloader now. Sorry about the broken triple post, the work computer wouldn't post them properly and was slow as hell....
  5. 6 High power ones around 500 fps and 25 low power ones around 270 fps.
  6. 1st of all laptops are not made for gaming at all. Its not really an overclock, its more of a boost to enable it to play the games you want, because of that it gets hot and loud, hot and loud means you are shortening the lifespan of your laptop an excessive amount when you play games. Turbomode makes the laptop push itself to keep up with the game. It seems that when you de-activated it, the laptop has gone into recommended settings and when you launch a game it slows it down a bit so it does not get hot and risk frying the solder on your mobo. I cant say for sure as I would need to look into it and diagnose it, if you want add me on steam and I will help you out when I finish work. http://steamcommunity.com/id/cropzy/
  7. User Account Control, type it in your start search. Also firewall settings and have you tried port forwarding?
  8. I meant this Sunday coming up. Halo Mill is an excellent place, I go there every weekend and have been for the past 5 months.
  9. Permban the assaulter from the field and ban the other one for 1 month.
  10. Sure that would be great man! You still got my details right? I have put Jack Pyke stealth tape on the grips, it helps improve grip and the tape only sticks to itself and nothing else, so no residue or mess and easy to take off. http://www.jackpyke.co.uk/products/concealment/stealth-tape.aspx
  11. A pic of my small collection.
  12. I feel your pain, I do the exact same thing and come out with red marks from the D shaped hole. Problem is, I have a massive head, I would rather try on a helmet that would fit snug, if not I just want one that somebody can recommend who has a big head too.
  13. Used to have a pair of magnum amazon 2's. Amazing boots, never had a problem ever.
  14. Could anybody reccommend a good (but not too expensive) helmet for a bloke with a massive head? I really want one.
  15. Havent been airsofting in 3 weeks! ARGH

    1. Lord_Metile


      I found that when I don't go airsofting, I find pocket money.

  16. Might get a pic of my family up soon.
  17. I'm a regular there and a member. I go nearly every week without fail (although I have been on holiday recently and had a tat and I would rather wait until it's healed just in-case it gets hit and knocks a scab off). The membership for £60 is worth it. You save a great deal of money on skirmishes, you get to attend members nights (which are great because you just go in and game as everybody knows it and there are no newbies there) and you get free stuff (mainly food and t-shirts haha). Overall I have been going since around March every week and I must say, the staff and marshals are friendly and they are tough when they need to be i.e. somebody cheating they will warn them, happens again they get kicked out etc etc.. Even for cqb, 350fps is enough and even though its single shot, you still have great fun and it helps your accuracy too, rather than just mag dumping down range to pin somebody down. There are supplies on site, ammo and tools too. If you feel peckish you can walk 30 seconds down the road and you can find a few shops, rather than having packed lunch or what they have on site if you were at a woodland. Long story short, if you can go to halo then go. You will love it. Its cheap, its fun and the staff are great! The variety of game modes is great too, from stealth games, to ctf and even zombie games, there is something to make you have a great time. My personal favorite is the disco game.
  18. If I could rap I so would rap over this but I can't.
  19. Literally one of the best scenes in any movie. The song is just chilling.
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