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Everything posted by Russe11

  1. Why not get the rail mount? There are lots of different ones from the standard side mounted rail to ones that replace the rear sight.
  2. You just need the correct helmet now Personally while everyone else has moved from DPM to the more modern MTP, I went the other way The Pre-DPM UK camo pattern: Brushstrokes
  3. So I have now tested my WW2 loadout at the 3 main types of site (woodland, outdoor CQBish and indoor CQB). The 2 main issues are the weight and heat. The gear is a lot heavier than normal gear and the Sten is not a lightweight gun. The smock does get rather hot but is excellent in light rain. The webbing and clothing gives you a vast amount of carrying capacity. If I filled every part of a molle vest with pouches even over the back and then added a belt rig and drop leg's I might be able to carry almost as much. The Sten: The range is decent but not exceptional, in woodland I wished I had a nice Lee Enfield to get some longer range shots in but it was doing better than some other AEG's. The Sten is noisy, the gearbox is fairly quiet but the piston seems to make one hell of a lot of noise so it's not a stealthy weapon. Outdoors the Sten excels at supressing enemies, the high rate of fire combined with the noise provides the shock and awe needed to stop a group of enemies and make then dive for cover. Equally if you want to cover someone then it draws attention away from team mates. Anytime you need to fire from a prone position, the Sten works well, the side mounted mag is excellent for this. In CQB it's not as good as my MP5 but I would rather have the Sten than an M4 or AK as the iron sights are really very good. Only the ability to have a torch or red dot sight would make M4's or AK's better. The Sten is sometimes impaired by the magazine position in CQB but equally the magazine position sometimes works in it's favour. The Sten gun sling is a pain, especially in CQB and takes a lot of getting used to. I find that letting the sling slip down to my right elbow works. It's then possible to shoulder the gun quickly and easily and even switch hands. My Sten chrono's at 335-338fps (10 shots semi auto) very consistent. Unfortunately that's technically to hot for the 328fps limit for the indoor site I use but they let me get away with it as long as I didn't do any head shots.
  4. Any paper trail showing that you are an airsofter may also be helpful, even if it's just pictures of yourself at an airsoft skirmish. Unfortunately the law is really badly written but you do need a defence to import a realistic imitation firearm. This means being able to prove it is being imported for the purposes of airsofting. If you regularly attend a site in the Netherlands you could ask them to give you a letter to that effect, this will be the same thing as UKARA effectively so you would definitely have no issues. In all probability if you come by ferry no-one will check and if they do then a copy of an email confirming a booking will cover you.
  5. http://www.shootandscoot.co.uk/shop/brownbess-musket/ Aha, he cheats and it's a pump action shotgun internally with the pump action attached to the cleaning rod, the hammer is just for show.
  6. May be worth contacting Warren from Shoot and scoot. He does a brown bess and a flintsoft pistol. I would guess the easy way to do things would be to use the small Co2 capsules as this would remove the need to build a sealed gas reservoir. Just plug a capsule into the gun behind the brass plate on the butt connected via some tubing to a valve activated by the hammer.
  7. Looking them up, the MK23 is 245mm long The H&K USP is 173-240mm long (P45 match is the 240mm one so a massive 5mm shorter than the MK23 ) Desert Eagle is around 270mm long So no, the MK23 isn't as big as a Deagle but it's in the same ballpark. If you can find a decent holster than really the Mk23 should be relatively easy to draw as they are quite light. Obviously it would be easier to draw a glock etc. The cheaper Mk23's do tend to need the silencer for performance at any significant range so it you are going to rely on it as an emergency backup then the TM version would be advisable. The cheap Mk23's (ASG/HFC) are never going to be as good as the TM one. If you are looking for a quiet pistol for CQB or a sniper backup and don't want to spend a lot of money however they are very decent pistols. Mine cost me £45 and gets me more kills relative to the length of time it's in my hand than any other gun.
  8. Who cares, Bruce Willis uses them. Bruce Willis > Navy seals
  9. Does the ASG silencer work with the TM? Does it provide any benefit?
  10. They are all plastic so the only real weight is the mag so as long as you have big enough hands it's a very easy gun to use. It should be noted that I am wearing well padded leather gloves in that photo making my hands look bigger. If you compare the gun to the size of my head rather than my hands, you will get a better idea of scale. It's comparable in size to a desert eagle, this makes it hard to find a holster. My smock luckily has rather large inside pockets so as long as I take the silencer off, its actually pocket sized Bruse Willis seems to like the MK23
  11. This is what the MK23 looks like. Mine is the HFC version. I believe HFC and ASG are the same as STTI but different branding. I disagree, the inner barrel doesn't make the gun loud. The loudest part of the gun is the hammer, you just hear a click when you shoot. Admittedly the click is quieter on the better made TM guns. As for raising the fps above the limit, if you buy the ASG or HFC branded versions they are set up to work with UK site limits so even at my usual indoor site with 328fps limit my MK23 passes chrono. The inner barrel in the silencer does however increase accuracy. The Mk23 is not an emergency backup weapon. It cannot be drawn quickly. If you want a silent gun with decent accuracy and range then it's awesome. A sniper would make good use of it for close up kills. Where it truly rocks though is when used as a main weapon for CQB. If you ditch your gear and just use a MK23 with spare mags in a pocket you will be very mobile and silent. It would be interesting to try the ASG/HFC/STTI silencer on a TM MK23 if it fits.
  12. All pistols are just for playing about with. You want a good Electric rifle to start with. Once you have all the gear you NEED, then start thinking about pistols. 24 shots is quite good for a pistol, the downside is that reloading a revolver mid game is not a viable option. The only time I have needed more than 24 rounds in a pistol is at a CQB site where I decide to ditch the big guns.
  13. Russe11

    Goat Simulator

    Just saw a trailer for this game:
  14. You could always use a neoprene mask, then you could add a zip?
  15. Just bought a dump pouch Gas mask bag http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Genuine-UK-Army-Canvas-and-Leather-Gas-Mask-Bag-/120673581787?pt=UK_Women_s_Handbags&hash=item1c18b4badb Late WW2 style lightweight gas mask bag. An authentic item to carry where people usually have a dump pouch on modern loadouts and should fit empty sten mags with ease
  16. Only downside is that the mag goes in the (low cap) magazine so you would need a battery for each mag and lots of mags.
  17. Grr. Was all ready to go skirmishing today. Everything packed on my bike ready and got hit by bank charges so I find I cannot afford it this week :( So hard to get a Sunday off too :(

    1. Russe11


      Might go to the courthouse Thursday and test the WW2 loadout on CQB :)


    2. AirsoftTed


      Bad luck mate. I thought it said "got hit by a tank" first time round

  18. My immediate thought is some QM has had a lucrative sideline going for some time and has just been audited and gone 'Well it was all here last time I checked this storeroom!'
  19. Bloody Americans, the theft is in the UK, they are obviously investigating in the UK, why then is the reward in US$??
  20. Looks like a 1980's tankers helmet? Shape is right for airbourne.
  21. Those evil people at Landwarrior are at it again. The £99 Stens seem to be gone only to be replaced by.... http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/airsoft-weapons-c38/electric-rifles-c45/ares-m3-grease-gun-smg-blowback-p2402 £150 for an Ares Grease gun! So who's going to get roped into a WW2 American loadout then?
  22. Well I booked up for the WW2 thing yesterday. It is afterall my 1st opportunity to see what a WW2 game is actually like. I had thought it would be good to do a milsim type thing instead of shining light but the way this thread was going I kinda gave up on getting people to agree and get things organised. The Gunman game does sound like fun but the kit requirement for me seems rather complicated to get organised in the time available. I would suggest that if you can get a group together that you should go for it as they have a good reputation for putting on a fun game. I am actually booked on for their Hockwerk game in July (a WW2 game http://www.ww2airsoft.org.uk/php/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?f=250&t=17623).
  23. The cutout V's allowed me to tape the foam together to form about a 120 degree angle with a curve laterally. I have left 6 inches of tubular bandage above and below the foam. I think from walking around my flat that they will work better than just kneepads.
  24. I think I have solved the knee pads under battledress issue! The issue: WW2 battledress trousers would just look wrong with knee pads on top. Knee pads under trousers are just plain uncomfortable as the elastic digs into the skin and you cannot adjust them easily if they start to slip down. I thought I had a solution which was to get some large tubular bandage to wear underneath. Then I had a better idea which was to take the elastic off and sew the kneepads to the tubular bandage. This would mean the kneepads would be unusable for other loadouts. The other drawback of using existing kneepads is that they are bulky. What I have just done is take a sheet of high density foam which used to be part of one of my Molle Vests (removed it as it mean't I couldn't feel hits) and cut it in half. This gives 2 pieces about 3" by 5". I then cut a V out of each long side about halfway down going about 1" (1/3 of the way) towards the center. Stuck the V cuts together with duct tape so the foam is now Knee shaped. Spread fabric glue over each knee pad and with in on my knee, rolled tubular bandage over the top and leave to dry. Result: cheap low profile knee pads.
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