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Everything posted by clumpyedge

  1. Might need a couple of shims on the barrel nut
  2. Looking for a large set of FFI Tiger Stripe if anyone has anything knocking around 

  3. Mate that's tame for me... Plus shows the gravity of the rare specimen he managed to acquire.
  4. I'd drag my balls over sandpaper covered in broken glass smothered in salt and vinegar just to drink the rain water that touched that thing of beauty, congrats on the unicorn
  5. Still stuck on finding a mounting plate and RMR for my TM glock 19... links appreciated.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. clumpyedge


      Think ill stick with looking for the right mounting plate RMR set up

    3. Sawyer


      I'd kill for an MOS slide for my 19, so I can retain proper iron sights, whilst mounting an RMR direct to the slide. I'm really not a fan of these mounts that overhang the slide, push the ironsights back right to the rear of the slide, or have a foresight mounted on them.

  6. Funny that, when I ordered mine I got excuse after excuse then told he posted it and hadn't. Finally posted it saying he would add in a gift for me being patient. Like fuck did he. I'll be sending Delta Mike my customs going forward. ^ this
  7. The UR OPS Triple M4 pouch I got from hueys works a treat until I can get myself the spiritus placard! Pic from this weekend at RawWar in Colchester
  8. It has been happening, he just doesn't make it known every time he is banned.
  9. Wasnt long ago it was Nov doing the same thing. Yet you look at the old vids from people like caferacing and you see what youtube sniper videos should be like.
  10. Oh I don't deny that there are some shots that he could quite easily have got a body hit. I don't think I was defending him in that respect and I don't agree with taking headshots when a full body is on display but I will say and coming from a person that generally only wears shooting glasses and has had a tooth knocked out by a face shot, if you don't want that to happen regardless of who is shooting you...wear full face. If you choose to play without it, I'm not sure what you expect to happen. Myself included. Online persona's are a funny thing. I think when you have a huge online following you either ignore the criticism, take it on board and have a decent conversation with healthy debate or go whole hog and berate people to within an inch of their life, this seems to be the latter. this is my biggest issue with youtubers....monkey see monkey do... Don't get me wrong here folks I'm not defending the guy outright, just saying my personal opinion which was much the same as the vast majority at one point but I do think there is a bit more to it than meets the eye, drama is content after all! sometimes I see stuff happen within the community and wonder if we'd all be better off watching some brain melting reality tv program
  11. One thing I have learnt from playing along side come youtubers is how much their footage is cut and edited to gain the likes and shares. I could name a few scenarios where things didn't pan out exactly how they are perceived on videos. I don't agree with taking headshots when full body is on display but I will play devils advocate and mention that what the camera see's and what the scope sees can vary slightly so could account for SOME shots but in the case of his videos (and I'm not expert) but having such a low profile camera directly on top of the objective lens it would be very hard to use that as a defense. Having had conversations with him more recently he is a fairly nice and approachable chap (which I wouldn't have said a year or two ago). Its difficult because in one respect I agree with some of the stuff he's said but on the other hand I don't agree with majority of his play style, but then as people have mentioned before there are plenty of people like that in varying different hobbies.
  12. are you using bungees? if so swap out for kydex inserts and you shouldn't have an issue regardless of being designed for 7.62 mags. The Haley ones hook on on the molle so stop them coming back out that way or the esstac ones can be velcro'd in (from memory the inserts come with hook/loop velcro on them as standard).
  13. I did have it in front but I found it interfered with the front plate to much when bending in certain directions. I don't often have mags in the cummerbund so it doesn't interfere where that pouch is currently.
  14. My own personal reason is I find it easier to put mags in a downwards motion once empty rather than reaching to the back, it also flaps about less as how the belt sits it's actually directly over my hip so won't flap as much back and forth compared to being more behind me. I don't just use it for empty mags, if I'm doing target stuff I can put my speed loader etc in there or other bits and pieces and it's easier to access. The GP pouch goes further to the back as during game it holds stuff that I use less often so makes sense to have the dump closer to the action of drawing out an empty mag. Again though this is just my personal opinion and how I find it easier to do things. I'd happily take suggestion that it's easier to do other ways but this just suits me at the moment.
  15. Thought I'd do a gear dump for some people that have been asking about various bits of kit I've shown in pictures recently and also when ive been out at games in particular the tacvents I got from tacvent which help to keep the body cool whilst wearing a plate carrier which ultimately helps with regulating your body temperature. 1st line OPS D-Ring Cobra Warrior Belt PIG FDT Delta Utility Glove Tactical Tailor Roll-Up Dump Bag ESSTAC 5.56 single KYWI Shorty Mag Pouch Spiritus Systems Medium GP Pouch Safariland 6354DO Glock 17 ALS Optic Light Bearing Holster With QLS 19 Fork Safariland UBL Mid Ride with QLS Receiver 2nd line Spiritus Systems OVERT w/4" cummerbund Ferro Concepts Turnover Magazine Pouch - Triple 5.56 (until I get the Spiritus 5.56 Placard) Baofeng UV5R Thales labelled fist mic Tacvent plate carrier vent system All the equipment above was sourced through both tacticalkit and hueys and as always I'm running the travail fitness group 3.2kg multicurve m81 granite2 plates.
  16. Dare I try out dragons lair this weekend...?

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. clumpyedge


      @Albiscuit all mainly alternative stuff, metal, ska, pop punk etc, I used to use vinyl but for ease these days everything is done on computer as its a little less involved what I do now. Was only doing it for a favor so I'm well and truly out of practice.


      @Sawyer this is exactly why I got in at 3:30/4am and couldn't feel my face. I prefer whiskey although I can't even begin to say that I am a knowledgeable man on the subject but I know what I like. I am partial to a decent Rum as well!


    3. Albiscuit


      Fair enough, totally understand the shift. Just jesting, I know too many "DJs" who have never seen a 12" before :o Although I after CDJs I stopped mixing myself so im a dinosaur nowadays!

    4. clumpyedge


      @Albiscuit luckily using a mac with DJ pro and a newmark desk you can still mix to an extent but nothing will ever beat vinyl. The clientele probably wouldn't notice if i preloaded a play list clicked play and walked off so any proper mixing would be lost anyway. I just enjoy the fact people are loving the music regardless of being a purest :)

  17. That would be handy mate, maybe drop me a PM so as not to clog up the thread I can ask your advice on mount plates as well then!
  18. Not bad, I'm currently looking at RMR options for the G19 for various different scenarios so that's peaked my interest!
  19. Ill take you out for dinner in exchange Try weapon762 or shootercombat gear as I know they sell the repro's at a fairly decent price but last time I checked they didn't have them in stock
  20. Not at all mate, just over £200 as I've bought it new.
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