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Everything posted by bornleverpuller

  1. Let me say that the reason I'm posting this here instead of in parts wanted is I don't know the actual name of the bit. I have a gen 3 g&g m4 (not sure of the exact type) on Sunday I lost the bit that holds the battery in the stock, there three parts to it, at the minute the battery is taped in. Can I order these replacements from shops or do I need to look for a second hand and most importantly whats it actually called
  2. I prefer my swat to my oshiboom just because I play more woodland and my oshiboom is hit and miss on going off in woodland. Saying that last week I was playing can and having the oshiboom was great.
  3. Just got what I thought was going to be a training kukri unfortunately it's fucking huge no way I can skirmish with it
  4. My uncle had his done he was in late seventies early to mid eighties. He had it covered up mid nineties with a panther. He wasn't made to do it but thought it was a good idea.
  5. There's quite a lot of people who regularly go to skirmish on here
  6. Looking for some advice here, yesterday while playing cqb I had a couple of issues when firing. A couple of times late in the day my g&g gen 3 m4 refused to fire on single shot, when I switched it back to fully auto and fired it would then fire on single shot again. I'm not technically gifted and I doubt I can repair this myself but any sort of advice on what caused this and whether it's a big job or not would be great
  7. If someone picked up my bfg in game and used it I'd be having words with them after the game, if a pistol fell out of a holster would that be ok to use, if you through a big would it be ok for someone else to load it? Of course not.
  8. At a site today a lad had some great grenade holsters, I'm sure he said he got them from UK Holsters but looking on their website I can't see them (I now know is he holsters)
  9. I'd love for my 'team' and I use that term loosely to have some sort of training so we can try more intricate tactics. As for weapons a Lee Enfield would be cool.
  10. I think a lot gets made of how you're meant to play this game, the answer is there is no right way as long as you are following the rules.
  11. I'm a teacher over the years I've seen too many people get in serious trouble over Facebook no matter what privacy settings you have, kids find you.
  12. Very difficult when everything is run through Facebook for those of us that don't have it
  13. The forum gets commission for combat machines
  14. Having real issues finding Timed bfgs from suppliers they all seem to be impact which I already have any
  15. You get cool bruises and its more accessible just to go with a group of friends who don't have much of an interest week in week out
  16. Bit of spit is all you need for the majority of wounds
  17. Don't think it hurts anywhere near as much
  18. I think if I said I was buying guns people would find is strange, when I tell people what I actually do they seem interested
  19. My friend where's glasses and he has mesh goggles which are closer to skiing goggles style than the biggles style I wear.
  20. I don't think you need to spend 50 quid on one, I had the one that Ian is talking about on advise from him and its brilliant, with batteries and postage it cost less than 20 pound, its really bright and the strobe effect allows you to knock down epileptics if you run out of ammo.
  21. Wanted to share this one Entererd a building and saw two members of the other team shot both in the back and one who is probably in his fourties (I'm 29) turns around and starts going mental at me 'What the **** did you shoot me for I'm a Green' 'I'm a red' I reply. He just seemed to lose all interest in me at the point and started to bollock his mate for letting me creep up on them, I had to hold off laughter,
  22. https://jdairsoft.net/deals/bt5-pdw-mags anyone any experience with these?
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