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Everything posted by Lozart

  1. https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/fma-goggle-swivel-clips-36mm-for-helmet-w-rails?fv=9708&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-uK0BhC0ARIsANQtgGOmNyOpE4DH3x_Cl4gqcapvnKEs5h7qMrKcGLXXHf9VYghmAvGDBEsaAl7sEALw_wcB (search for "arc rail goggle mount")
  2. Quick translation: 5.85 grains is 0.38 grams.
  3. This. There are some masks that come with alternative straps but not off the shelf straps to fit the kind of mask you have. Get some of these https://www.amazon.co.uk/Helmtet-Release-Airsoft-Accessories-equipped/dp/B07QXN44GR?th=1 and some of these https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=10mm+tri+glide&adgrpid=127019218228&hvadid=592919941386&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9045741&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=11154678203543127172&hvtargid=kwd-502974139876&hydadcr=22614_2214444&tag=googhydr-21&ref=pd_sl_782nulc56e_e (check the width of your straps for the right size).
  4. I don't think it's actually M-Lok though. IIRC it takes rail sections that screw on with the little holes between the slots. But yes, one of these https://www.amazon.co.uk/OTraki-Swivels-Adapter-Picatinny-Mounting/dp/B07KYFZCCR/ref=sr_1_5?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Jj5t2L4VUAuUsyIfsTpM5dOUKCyXu_OJ99eUR9c6agoNLDHyDwcgsXw47rRqkaL_H7K5dKPbMcno3ecwjH-7R2PIFQIiWY6z_COOeReTv8jzV6bQ928NzJbqyEh-4fnw1uk4v-kMd_BqFBsyB0pF9QIbPQpE6yjj4ALolTsC-IIRgVyoL0H3x1otmUUBYd9oPMC-17GfyD-k_yXdJKLwZZsiD92pv01M4tIkK9pn4dhrc3UbIO2epb_8S5Met-B8MkFv349a9eW9zrIB0Z84fmnhvTFUL9ihxNafid-v0wQ.8J8g11DiJTkJhy9Pzdc2tUqCGxElIr6Q_mvPgyvvRz8&dib_tag=se&keywords=qd+sling+mounts&qid=1721118306&sr=8-5 and you can attach any 2-point sling you like with either plain ends or clips.
  5. It's not even "custom"...that's how they come! 🤮
  6. Neither have I, I'd still go for an LPVO over a copy DR any day of the week. Needed another pistol. Innit.
  7. Looks like the proprietary VFC Avalon ETU.
  8. Presumably, even at airsoft speeds, the further apart the sensors are, the more accurate the readings are likely to be?
  9. All the ones I've tried have had really bad eye relief and piss poor shadowing from the tube on 4x. Personally I don't think that any of them are worth the weight.
  10. If any of the multitude of VFC teching videos are anything to go by, the piston probably fits like a dick in a shirt sleeve. How up for ripping it apart and tinkering are you?
  11. Do you mean how do you change the lens?
  12. https://airsoft-forums.uk/classifieds/category/16-swaps-only/
  13. I was concerned that I might have the same issue until I had my BP checked at the docs and they used the EXACT SAME machine I have at home. So that's nice.
  14. TIL that VFC MP5 handguards don't fit on a Classic Army MP5.


    In other news - is the VFC MP5 any good?

    1. Skara


      Luke made a video on it a while ago, the TL;DR version is.....


      No, it's not good.

    2. Lozart


      Fair enough. Anybody after a KAC rail for an MP5? 🤣

    3. 1st commando

      1st commando

      VFC are real sized so fit on VFC , PTW , G&G stamped , SRC steel version and Cyma Steel version as well as TM NGRS

  15. Probs best off sticking with Gardeners World. I jest of course (although Monty Don is hard to stop watching). Does it get better? Yes, in the sense that the character development works quite well for what it is - light entertainment in an "America, FUCK YEAH" style. If you're expecting anything much beyond that then no, you'll be disappointed. I like it, but then I'm happy to switch my brain off in front of the TV from time to time (apart from when they show someone looking through a red dot and overlaying a sniper reticule, that really gets me going).
  16. Interesting! Does the hat not pull the glasses out of place though? Seeing as it's more flexible than a helmet?
  17. Yep, bought the VFC OPS 3rd model suppressor from them back in April. No problems, happy to use them again.
  18. I also have an old SA-A03, they were OEM'd by E&C so their receivers should fit ok. https://www.firesupport.uk/replacement-parts.html?manufacturer=943&product_types=755
  19. Definitely an Aug, just got the teaser email from them. Mag that's in the silhouette looks to be a clear, waffle style one so maybe not a STANAG magwell.
  20. The SA-46 gearbox is the same as the one in the A&K M249 series. Personally I wouldn't run it on 11.1v without at least some kind of mosfet to protect the microswitch trigger as they are prone to arcing and welding on (cheap part and easy to replace but still). I don't know what other Specnas you have but if any of them are fitted with Mosfets that might go some way to explain why they're all more snappy on a 7.4v, plus the gearbox design in an M4 is totally different to an M249 anyway so it won't be quite the same. Personally, I don't think that high ROF on an LMG is the way to go but you do you.
  21. I started doing that but I was worried the wife might find it and realise they weren't all £30 each after all.
  22. You're assuming he'd actually been in the job while he was accumulating those convictions...
  23. I just renewed my membership at Red Alert because I had an email from UKARA to say my number was due to expire 12 months after it was last registered.
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