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Baz JJ

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Everything posted by Baz JJ

  1. I get a bit confused with PMAGs because there seem to be so many. Im referring to the ones with a vertical window and dummy brass rounds visible. It has an 80 figure stamped on the top.
  2. Do PTS PMAG 75bb mid caps work with the combat machines like the Raider ?
  3. The G&G Raider seems to have a fixed front sight. What optics are you Raider owners using to see over the sight ?
  4. The only thing that irritates me about the SCAR from G&G is how difficult it is to access the battery chamber in the stock. Having to slide the stock off each time and mess around with little pins is a PITA. However, its a lovely compact rifle, not too heavy and sits just nicely when you aim it. Its probably one of my favourites if not the favourite.
  5. The bad news is you spend a fortune getting in and then you carry on spending a fortune once youre hooked. Im 53 and also play with my son who's 26.
  6. Saw something about a new site being set up in Whitechapel.
  7. That is a valid point. A lot of men build a shed or go fishing for the same reason. Also, it makes it harder to conceal what guns you might have.
  8. One way is to try to introduce your better half to milsim/filmsim games as civilian population. There is a big game in Europe every year which has thousands of players and they always have lots of CIV-POP players of both sexes.
  9. We get reports from Facebook about the audience viewing our milsim page. Nothing detailed or personal, just how many views etc, but it does state the mix between male and female. Not surprisingly, its nearly all male viewers. I suspect this is a common theme for airsoft generally, not just milsim games. My view is that some females will be into airsoft but a lot wont for a variety of reasons. Whats the old saying about you can lead a horse to water ! In my experience being married for a lot of years, its important for both partners to have hobbies and to let each other indulge as long as its not damaging to the relationship and you still get some time together, so its all good providing it doesnt become all absorbing.
  10. Most hobbies are kind of sad or pointless depending on your viewpoint. I dont think the majority of wives and girlfriends really understand the attraction or point of airsoft, let alone players obsessions with dressing up. My wife thinks that girls are forced to grow up by having babies and life in general where as most boys never grow up and dont really have to. For this reason, she accepts that I like to play war, collect toy guns and dress like a soldier. She is pragmatic in that it helps to keep me fit, outdoors and keeps me out of more serious trouble like drinking, gambling and chasing other women. I dont play every week so it doesnt consume huge amounts of family time which is often the killer as younger players start families.
  11. Just tell her shes right. You should be down the pub with your mates getting drunk and chasing skirt.
  12. Agree again. I have bought more from them since my last post and would recommend them to anybody.
  13. Welcome to the forum. Have a read of the three pinned posts shown here. Hopefully they will answer many of your first questions. This is a UK forum so we only tend to discuss airsoft from a UK viewpoint. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/forum/11-new-players-arrivals/
  14. Have a look at how they open up and are worn. I bought a cheap plate carrier and it drove me mad. It was uncomfortable and hard to get on and off. Ended up buying a better one in the end which wasted the money I had intended to save by buying a cheap one in the first place.
  15. A secondary would probably set you back £100-£130 ish with a holster etc. I would rather use the money to buy a back up or alternative primary which will be of more practical use. However sidearms are cool. Practicality over appearance ?
  16. At that price, you are probably looking for a cheapish plate carrier. Try looking to see what you fancy on ebay. Sometimes you get some decent quality little used secondhand stuff. Dont forget to allow some money for extra pouches etc you may want to add.
  17. What do you call cool/futuristic and whats your budget ?
  18. 0.25s are a little less flighty in crosswinds. Would normally use 0.2 or 0.25 for an assault rifle. Using heavier BBs wont influence the chrono result as they will either chrono with 0.2 or use a conversion table.
  19. Dont get me wrong. The MP5 was the first airsoft RIF I bought and I love them - Im a real H&K fan. I just wouldnt be content with it as my only weapon. I have an MP7 and the UMP and they are different again. Have you looked at the G36 series - thats a good compromise between short assault weapon and SMG style. The police now use the 36 as a successor to the MP5.
  20. The MP5 is a very different style to a short barrelled M4. The MP5 is a classic but its more of a CQB weapon than woodland. Its longish magazines make it hard to lay prone and fire it and many variants dont have rails so you have to fit one or get a specific variant. M4's are very common now and there are so many variants. Don't know much about this particular Cyma, but we use their AK's in our rental fleet. They tend to be hot when they come in so make sure you check it out and get the spring sorted if necessary. TBH there are a lot of short M4s in the G&G range from the cheaper combat models up to the full metal models depending on how deep your pockets are, so I would look there too. Easy for spares, upgrades and getting them fixed. Suggest you assess what length of rifle you could live with at your CQB site and then shop accordingly. Remember that suppressors if you want to add them, will increase that length.
  21. I have the G&G UMP and its a nice SMG in all respects except the length of the mag when prone, but which model of gun to go for is a personal choice and only you can decide whether you want M4/P90/UMP. I dont hear good things about the Russian Bison but you would need to search further to corroborate this if you're seriously interested in this weapon.
  22. As G and G supply them with their guns, I wonder if they sell them separately?
  23. Thanks. Clear is better as it makes things easier especially if you want to put coloured bbs in to ac. as tracer or end of mag.
  24. Does anybody know if you can buy these in the UK. Evike seem to sell them but it seems wasteful importing such a cheap item and Evike dont have the best reputation.
  25. i dont think you can as there is no mark of quality on them. I bought mine from an established RC model shop in the hope that they would stock the genuine thing and not knock off copies.
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