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  • Guns
    G&G CM16 Raider (Soon)
  • Loadouts
    MTP 'Custom'
  • Sites
    Skirmish Mansfield
    Urban 6 'The Block'
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Airsoft, Gaming, Sport

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  1. Anyone had experience with GoPro's and paintball? Me and my brother share one so just want to double check I won't get it broken when I go on saturday. Cheers Guys/Gals

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GiantKiwi


      BB's do not impart nearly the same force on an object as a paintball.. And no, a direct hit from a paintball will obliterate the lense of a go pro, even with the waterproof shell on. (Talking from experience)


    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      You don't mention the P word on here :)

    4. Shinobi


      Don't worry anyone, it was simply an end of season trip, and didn't nearly match any of my Airsoft encounters. Funnily enough, next season we're off airsofting I think aha. I took it, and only used it for one game as my battery hadn't charged properly. It wasn't hit, so I guess that's lucky as I hadn't seen any of you guys messages. Cheers again!

  2. I'd get running from Ed now with that reply
  3. Nah Bled, it shouldn't have a disase in the first place Bled.
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I understood a 'license' isn't required to manufacture a RIF, purely a valid defence such as a site membership? Is that what you meant by license?
  5. Bought a pair of Mechanix Original gloves to replace my destroyed paintball gloves, and hoping to order gun soon
  6. Opinions on ACM optics? I'm going ACM for my Magpul furniture, as on a budget and PTS and Real Steel is hard to get a hold of. But optics, worth getting a brand?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Josh95


      I honestly can see the point of buying an £150 optic for airsoft, i just wanted it to look cool and enable me to aim with both eyes open

    3. Josh95
    4. Shinobi


      Yeah, appreciate that guys. Ordering a few things from Taiwan Gun, they seem like they're a reliable company. Knock off Magpul parts, and maybe now an optic!

  7. Do helmets look overkill on 'children'? I'm almost 14 and tall ish, and was considering a helmet to mount my GoPro but quite frankly don't want to look like a... Muppet? I get it's opinion etc but what's the general consensus?

  8. May I ask, is the choice of weapon the Dytac as you previously owned it and decided to ask everyone to purchase it also, or because you all decided to buy it mutually?
  9. Wasn't quite what I was getting at, but okay
  10. And so is the idea that he teaches 'Special Forces Techniques'?
  11. Can I just ask how your level of training makes you elite?
  12. And no worries, just wanted to point it out
  13. Good shout on editing the website, slightly clearer
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