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Everything posted by Mike636

  1. Also that seems to point towards that they were not airsoft players as it says "The most important factors in preventing such injuries are restricting access to airsoft guns, especially to minors, as well as mandatory use of protective equipment such as protective eyeglasses." So sounds like young uns getting shot in the eyes rather than airsofters
  2. Jesus I almost forgot about those never seen them since
  3. If you want a true military day at the range pick the wettest day of the year, get up at 6 stand in the rain for an hour waiting for someone with a key, pick up your rifle then cram yourself and 16 other blokes into a minibus and spend an hour driving to the middle of nowhere. Now for the real fun, make sure the range has a shelter that can either fit 4 blokes in or was constructed during the reign of Henry VIII so it leaks like a fucked fridge so either way your getting wet! Spend 45 minutes zeroing your rifle, make sure you put it on top of your daysack so you know it's yours and treat yourself to a nap. Wake up to the unit mong asking "Is this your rifle mate?" Don't worry it is and you get to spend another hour re zeroing it! Dinner time , get your self a soggy sandwich with one slice of ham/horse/donkey and a sausage roll 1% meat and the rest sawdust disguised as pastry Do one shoot before the range staff get bored and woooo you've all passed! Spend 30 minutes picking up brass and get back on the minibus. You think your days over ? Nope spend an hour cleaning your rifle with half of your cleaning kit missing/borrowed/not getting it back. I'm not bitter , honest
  4. I've seen people wear them on their own , though I doubt they paid £40 for them. Easiest way to stop glasses from steaming up is to use something to clean them and keep them clean. I found that baby shampoo works pretty well. Another thing is not to wear a hat or helmet to keep the airflowing and one that doesn't get mentioned really but does work is keep fit, you'll find you'll start to sweat less and plus it's good for you...apparently
  5. Building the press was half the fun!
  6. Booked, any news on where team AF UK is camping?
  7. It depends are you intending to order this from abroad or physically bring it with you through customs ? If your ordering then no problem. If you want to bring it with you then there is no law against owning a RIF though there is always the risk it will be picked up on xray and questions might be asked though you won't of broken any laws.
  8. Have you tried asking for a refund for your fake account as surely they haven't printed and sent the card ?
  9. Surely it should be 100% of players should be verified or it's pointless
  10. Man, I miss dungeon keeper
  11. 2 sheets of moulding foam, some chicago screws and 5 sheets of kydex. Just need to build a press!
  12. Most AEGs will average 40-50m in range with some degree of accuracy.
  13. Yeah they do, it's all Halal though and will turn your children into satanists
  14. Right you bunch of fuck nuggets An Imitation firearm is something that - oh I'm not even going to bother with big words so we'll introduce an "acid" test? If you were to take the Morrison's water pistol or replica of choiceand lay it on a table if front of a jury. Ask them if it's a real gun if they answer 1) yes, it might be or I'm not sure - Congratulations it's an imitation firearm 2) no, that's a water pistol from Morrisons', don't waste our time again like this or we'll kneecap you with a spade - unlucky, it's not an IF
  15. Really? Your telling me that those pictured toys closely resemble a real gun to a normal person? That's the working definition of a Imitation Firearm. Did you know there are companies that sell "wild fruit" products but they are technically breaking the law because you cannot sell wild fruit, berries or nuts for commercial gain as it's technically theft. If they are commercially grown then it's false advertising. Nothing gets done because 1) The Police/trading standards have better things to do 2) nobody cares
  16. Better a sprog than a dabber
  17. It's 10 weeks now! Sprogs making wets is for dabbers! We have had much more civilised "wheel of tea" SMR wets are always the best !
  18. It depends, usually it's beret colour that represents a certain qualification such as parachute course or the royal marine course, ect and the cap badge represents your branch or trade or home unit. So you could have a green beret with a logistics cap badge.
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