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Everything posted by Mike636

  1. Technically "End of Watch" is a police film but there is a lot of shooting involved - top quality film!
  2. Calm yo tits, what I was saying is that the Government won't ban airsoft because of breaches of the VCRA, The Police would probably do something about it, most likely pass it to trading standards as they have plenty of work to be getting on with as it is. Nothing written in law will stop a person from committing criminal damage or stealing a car if they want to - unless you have a constable in every back garden in the country but as before they are short handed and busy. What the law can do is charge people if they are caught. Also your last sentence is bollocks - "Nothing we do will stop a bank robber painting his gun black, or stop some kid waving his in public... Nothing. Not a singular action or inaction.." Watch this - ***ATTENTION BANK ROBBERS AND CHILDREN *** DON'T POINT YOUR PRETEND GUNS AT PEOPLE IN THE STREET OR PEOPLE WITH REAL GUNS AND TOO MUCH HAIR PRODUCT WILL COME AND ARREST/SHOOT YOU ******** END OF MESSAGE ********
  3. When the VCRA was brought in I highly doubt that the people who wrote even knew what Airsoft was. It wasn't an attempt to ban or stop the sport at all. As it has been pointed out it doesn't solely refer to RIFs, there are sections a lot of subjects. When it was pointed out to The Home Office about the restrictions it placed on Airsoft they essentially said " What? We didn't even know you guys existed. Look we'll sort it out for you, so go back to playing soldiers I've a moat to clean and you're paying for it"
  4. You are right But nobody gives a shit it's only them that would be in trouble.
  5. UPO ? Useless ? well stick me in a dress and call me Sally, I would have never guessed!
  6. Unbelievable, next you'll be telling us you got your bonus on time and the writers have never messed your pay up!
  7. Your bank manager must think you're single handedly winning the war on terror!
  8. I'm sorry but generally you review something after you have at least skirmished it a while, when I look at reviews I want to know a few things 1 . How long it will last internally and the quality of stock internals 2 . Parts, what will fit with other standard components Btw 400 fps ? Unless your running it as a DMR good luck and to clarify have you used tape to secure the hop?
  9. It depends, the cqb sites I've been to don't really allow DMRs - they don't even brief about them unless someone has brought one and then it's usually a MED of 10m. So I'd keep it and get a cheap and cheerful gun for cqb
  10. For a good quality chest rig try this http://www.flecktarn.co.uk/odtmb6nx.html I've had mine a good 6 months and its a good bit of kit, tough, plenty of mag space and pretty compact
  11. Where did you find that? Like rocking horse poo those!
  12. It entirely depends on what they say if they ring up If they say my neighbor is in his garden shooting a pellet gun or similar , then it won't be high on the Police's prioritys if at all. If they ring screaming about a man with a gun in a garden and little else then they will assume the worse and everyman and his dog will turn up. Not saying it will or it won't but some people are idiots haha
  13. Because we have a specific defence from prosecution that was written into the VCRA 2007. While your not doing anything wrong technically, they still may phone the police regardless - who will then in turn probably send a firearms unit to your house so best thing to do is err on the side of caution and tell your neighbors what your doing.
  14. But the the OP just don't be a dick and you'll be fine
  15. Tis not true Ed , someone has been charged with manufacturing a RIF, soneone made a post about it a few months ago. He wasn't initially arrested for that reason, I think he was arrested for possession of an offensive weapon in a public place ( he had a load of knives with him in a bag because he was moving house but decided it would be a good idea to get them out in a school and show a member of staff ) But he was subsequently charged with manufacturing as he had a good and lawful reason for having the knives with him ( moving house ) he must of admitted it during interviewing .
  16. The VCRA doesn't mention Airsoft it concerns RIFs, you could carve a piece of soap into a gun shape and paint it black thus manufacturing a RIF. There was never a ban, just a restriction on sales.
  17. What's probably happened is that all the seized items from your case were in the same room as amnesty guns, probably a store room and someone took a picture for FB
  18. It's Illigal to sell a RIF to anyone without a defence under the VCRA 2007 It's always been illigal to sell an IF to a person under 18 It's never been illigal to buy.
  19. If they aren't being used as evidence but have been seized then they should be returned - don't know when, probably after a trial. To be honest it's not a difficult leap to think they may be involved somehow so they get seized.
  20. I'm just going to wet wipe it, I saw a solar shower cheap so I might have one before the long drive up t'north
  21. Holy Shit, that makes me look at my Glock with distain!
  22. The problem with using heavier BBs is that most sites chrono with .20s so you will be over at chrono. Surely the garden of Eden would be pretty well tended to by vegans as all they can eat is fruit?
  23. I think you have till midnight tonight to pay the deposit
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