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Everything posted by GiantKiwi

  1. And I'm telling you from owning the WA and WE spec versions, that neither will work on an AEG spec receiver, I have tried. The pitch on the threads are considerably different.
  2. Yes it was, it is Combat Machine with GHK box in it. AEG Conversion. /EOD
  3. Its an AEG conversion. You can cancel the rail also, it only comes in 3 versions (WA, WE, PTW), none of which will work on an AEG upper.
  4. Key bit of reading on that site. "We have been making these since 1999" Not proper anzac biscuits, case closed.
  5. Nope. Tightbores are for grouping, not range. look to a 6.08+. And changing the hop rubber in it will make little to no difference, as it already has a G&G Green in it.
  6. Sounds like the hop unit design employed on the Ares XM110 and Scar H. Horrid things.
  7. Pfft. That crap from Sainsbury's aren't proper Anzac biscuits. They are supposed to be melt in the mouth, not concrete.
  8. By a complete stroke of luck with some cancelling, take 2 of my driving test is now on Friday, don't have to wait until the middle of February...WOOO!

    1. AirsoftTed


      Good luck mate, got my first go on the 3rd of Dec!

  9. Why does everyone make iPhone apps first? For cost effectiveness, first port of call should always be Android. Devices can be got for £30 (Not Kidding either - http://www.techradar.com/news/mobile-computing/tablets/seriously-cheap-android-tablet-hits-the-uk-for-30-1208145), and you don't have to pay to publish. "But more people use iDevices.." No, they don't - http://www.idc.com/prodserv/smartphone-os-market-share.jsp This I'm afraid just shows another company not doing sufficient market research...
  10. They should always be treated as real firearms around children, so kept out of reach at all times.
  11. Yeah, but apart from the first few seasons of Ray Mears, he was camped out in 5 star hotels overnight
  12. Or you can make your own for less than £10 if you are any good with a soldering iron
  13. Apart from lack of parts, mags etc >.>
  14. Ok, watched the video, that sounds like a standard CM16 Gearbox and Motor, first batch had Toptech internals, which will be the difference in ROF and the sound.
  15. Could you link the video you are referring to? The ROF stock is less than a PTS Masada, as it has a different gear ratio, Masada is a high speed setup whereas G&G gearboxes are all HT arrangements as standard.
  16. Went to the hospital today for follow up xrays on my hip and knee after the injury at AI, my knee is getting worse :( which means no more airsoft indefinitely until the voodoo doctors can work out why..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      soz - hope they can get it sussed & sorted soon. Keep up some target practice & play online in the warm & dry

    3. DX115FALCON


      Sorry to hear that Kiwi. Hope it gets better soon

    4. team flex

      team flex

      damn mate, sorry to hear it, hope it heals quicker and the doctors can find whats wrong :)

  17. Propane works fine all year round, changing the viscosity of the lubricant is all thats needed during the winter. I use a much heavier lubricant in winter than I do in summer, and keep my mags in the warm until i want to use them. The only point I'll swap to Propylene Gas is sub -5 degrees celsius, which is incredibly rare.
  18. I suspect Josh95 will be coming back to us posted in pieces by the regulars at Zeroin after his first ever post on there :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Josh95


      lol, thought id try it out

    3. Mack


      was waiting for someone to say something lol


    4. GiantKiwi


      Not even by RM, probably MyHermes as well..


  19. Have just bought - WAS Nemesis Chest Rig in Coyote Tan 5.11 Tac Lite Pro Pants in Tundra (poo brown to everyone else) 5.11 Tac Lite Pro Shirt in Green And finally sourced another pair of Magnum Sidewinders in a 13, but without the multicam on it...Wooohooo
  20. Thank you, ordering one now to complete my set of everything WAS that UKT sells
  21. Continuation of the work on the WE - Stock WE bolt works better than the RAT PoS in the UK, however I decided, it 1) is Ugly as sin, 2) could be a whole load better. So, tonight I started the process of polishing it - 1st Stage - And in situ - Already cycles considerably better, and SHINY.
  22. Traded a G5 built from entirely G5 spare parts (I have enough to build 3 more amusingly ) to get this back
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