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Zak Da Mack

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Posts posted by Zak Da Mack

  1. Personally, I like the concept of using Arma. Not specifically the tactics side as they don't particularly transfer into airsoft that well, but more for the fact it helps to get to know each other as well as learn to help coordinate with your team better and learn correct comm discipline. On the day, there is not much time to prepare and plan drills etc. ANd it has got me caught out with my pants down a few times before. The two people who came down to Okto and had played arma together before were much better at communicating and coordinating with each other than the others who had just met each other for the first time.

  2. They put too much focus into online this time as they have realised how much money can be made from 'eSports'.


    There are still elements of planning and executing in the campaign. And as I should be playing with a full team of friends, it should still be possible than it would be with a bunch of total strangers

  3. Buy less and use the stuff I got


    Get off my ar$e more and get out there more often than 2015


    We all know that the new years resolution of "spend less" will last less than 24 hours :P


    I'm hoping to do a few things this year: Mostly finish off my 45th Recon impression and fix any wobble on my AK and make it look new-er again. If I still have any funds left over, I'll also try to finish off my A&K SR25k, putting in a tightbore, maybe R-hopping etc.


    Apparently I am :P!!!!


    So far it seems to be good. Just like any game really, A few noobs along the way but mostly good team players,


    That's reassuring. Hopefully, i'll be getting it in a weeks time. I hope I won't be a total noob compared to everyone else by then

  5. I have this game and I am very nicely surprised with it. A few niggles like the in game purchases, currency etc.. but the games I have played have been enjoyable especially the terrorist hunt on the plane.


    Also you can buy it on G2A.com for about £25. Well worth a look.


    Love G2A. Beats steam almost any day. What's the community like on siege? Any good, or just a bunch of 5 year olds?


    On a totally different note... YOU'RE BACK!!! :D

  6. I hope it's not a total flop like other recent ubisoft games have been. If this comes out with the intention it was made for, it should make a very good team game. I think I've heard that ubi are trying to make it into an eSport as well

  7. Hoping to get a hold of Siege when I get back from uni. Not going to bother if I hear loads of problems about it though.


    Would be cool if we could get a bunch of AF-UK games going if enough people get it.


    I'm just hoping they don't stick a billion micro transactions in, although inside, I know it's inevitable

  8. I am no longer under the mistaken illusion that petitions or peacefull protesting will in any way change the direction the European or UK government will take. It doesn't matter how many people march on the streets in protest its not going to stop them empowering themselves and disarming us. The system doesn't work and it probably never has.


    You're right in the sense that the system doesn't work. It only really works if you have someone who really cares about what the people think in power.

    However, I don't believe in the conspiracy that the government is trying to completely control us. That's in my eyes really stupid. Besides, people worrying about their guns getting taken away should be more worried about organisations such as GCHQ and the NSA who can see almost everything they are doing. The belief that some guns would save us all is a lie.


    Back on topic, I don't believe airsoft so too big a deal on a politicians radar. A lot of us are a tight knit community as well who would look out for the sport and I'm sure would report anyone who could damage the name of airsoft.


    Didn't someone on AF-UK send a letter to the ACPO asking about airsoft guns? IIRC, they didn't have any intention or even a slight thought as to banning or restricting the sale of airsoft guns.

  9. Knee jerk legislation, as Ian said, is pretty much almost always bad. But I can understand why they'd want to do it, although I would like to see some thought and research behind a law before it is bought in.

    I didn't sign this particular petition though because they won't listen to it regardless. A bit like all the official petitions online. They'll just get blocked and ignored, not to mention that change doesn't even have any reason to be listened to.

    To change the way we are used to living is allowing the terrorists win.


    I also wouldn't say that being more like America is a good thing. They've had the worst gun crime in the developed world and I'd rather not be more like America if it meant that I feared going to school everyday and getting shot by a maniac because his background wasn't checked and could buy a gun at his local supermarket. Not only that, there is quite clearly a race problem in America and gays were only allowed to get married earlier this year.

  10. That conversion kit just adds a trigger linkage from the position of the normal trigger up to the 6 o/clock rail. Not very ergonomic for chaging fire mode and releasing the mag by modern standards, but then the L85 is just the same (apart from the safety).


    I think that's brilliant to be honest, just take off the stock, clamp on that weird shaped adapter kit (seems to be all one piece).. you're done. I can't really read anything on the kit apart from 'MAG' so googling isn't much use, but that looks like it could almost be a commercial product, be interested to see if it's for sale. If anyone with a WE SCAR-L GBBr could get one of those kits, it'd quite possibly work.


    Funny you mention that. I believe Ed has a WE SCAR. I'm sure he'd be happy to try it.

    Didn't realise that it was a conversion kit, but an innovative, if not brilliant idea

  11. Ouch. Good to see he's ok.

    I've seen something similar on YouTube of a BB grazing the surface of the eye and he went temporarily blind because of the shock. Scary thing

    I always think about the risk involved. For example, I only wear my face mask in cqb when I'm at most risk of losing my teeth walking round a corner. But I always wear full seal, unless I'm DMR/sniping because once again, I feel that the risk is low enough for me to get away not wearing full seal. I'd never choose looking "operator" over being safe any day of the week, but I do prefer wearing glasses and not full seal as it feels more comfy to me.

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