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  • Guns
    SA-E01 EDGE 2.0 & Type 89 AEG
  • Loadouts
    Multicam Black
  • Sites
    DogTag Airsoft, TWA & Driver Wood
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  1. Thanks for the ideas, guys. I'll be sure to give them all a go and report back. 👍
  2. I did actually buy some on my last game day and that was when the issue occurred. I'll give it a shot with different BBs.. thanks for the idea bud!
  3. Hello Airsoft Hive Mind. 👋 I have a Specna Arms EDGE 2.0 RRA SA-E01 with a rather odd feeding issue that I was hoping someone might have experienced before. Long story short: I load a mag with BBs (one of the Specna Arms branded S-Mags) Pop the mag in. There's quite a bit of play in the magwell once seated. Fire off 2-3 shots before it stops feeding. I have 5 different S-Mags and the issue occurs with all of them. I've tried refitting the hop chamber/rubber, rocking the mag back and forth to find the best feeding angle. I've also noticed there is horizontal play in the hop chamber when it is fitted. Proper useless at this stuff and there is a reason my team mates call me "Skittles"... Any thoughts on this? Couple of .gifs to illustrate the play.

    • Wanted
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    Hi all, After 18 months of staring at a Type 89 in my collection that I'm unable to repair due to lack of spare parts, I've decided it is about time I stop mourning and invest in a replacement. Anyone got a working one that they are willing to let go of? TM or JG/Tercel, not too bothered. Let me know!



  5. Oof, not sure I can get behind a price point like that, especially on something that is "hand built". £1K+ is the realm of GBLS and I know which one I'd opt for.
  6. I knew I missed a trick! All the pixie dust escaped from mine the moment I opened it..
  7. I believe the outer barrel was steel actually, I remember watching a few reviews on YT before I bought it and I think that was something that they tried to push hard. They wanted it to sound as though it was made to mil-spec. I agree with you on the final product being the most important thing. I've seen cheap CYMAs have amazing QC and outperform guns that are 5 times as expensive. I'll always opt for solid rather than be a brand snob, got bitten once too many by that... *cough* TM HK417 *cough* My understanding about rebranding is that it usually occurs when a company owns the rights to a trademark but doesn't manufacture themselves. Like Umarex owns the HK licencing rights but VFC make the guns.. if that makes sense. And you're right about the OEM being important. I might have been unlucky with mine but I've had a few VFC weapons and the internals always caused issues in one way or another.
  8. Externals were pretty solid - no gaps between upper and lower receiver, no barrel wobble and the stock clicked in nicely. It had the bolt lock feature to adjust the hop which released with a nice snap. It lacked trades which took a little away from it if I'm honest but a laser engraver would have that looking boss in no time. You're right though, their AR series rifles don't get spoken about too often but I think that's because the market is oversaturated with ARs.
  9. I found that TM are a safe bet providing you leave it alone. The old adage about "letting the magic out" really does apply to the AEGS but the pistols were always solid, albeit a bit light in the hands. That being said, QC for airsoft has gotten better across the board and now you have companies like CYMA and E&C who are starting to rub shoulders with the more established brands so unless you are looking for something specific that only TM do, it is worth looking at other brands as well IMO.
  10. What a wally, I meant E&L Platinum. That was one of those OG M4s as well, picked it up from Gunfire a ways back. E&C are the OEM for Specna Arms, aren't they?
  11. I had the E&C Platinum and I have the Specna Arms EDGE 2.0 and I can confidently say that the EDGE 2.0 is one of the best performing OG M4's out the box. Usual hop and barrel upgrades and you're pretty much there already. TM NGRS are good but as already suggested, only when you leave it the FK alone. Been burned by that mistake..
  12. Spartan873

    Glock parts bundle

    Wouldn't happen to have a nozzle return spring in that lot, would you?
  13. HK XM8 GBBR. MGS4 corrupted me.
  14. That makes for scary reading, especially if the younger players who are required to have complete face protection decide that is their lid of choice. If he proved the safety then i'm sure this thread wouldn't even exist. I would like to think the majority of sites would shun that before they even left the safe zone but there is always the possibility that a few could slip the net.
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