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Status Replies posted by proffrink

  1. Which Chronograph should I buy?

  2. Which Chronograph should I buy?

  3. Which Chronograph should I buy?

  4. Do wolf armories accept paypal? At the check out and it says credit card only :S

  5. Had a great day airsofting even though i broke two guns and a mag.

  6. Took the grips off my WE p226 to give them a spray paint. Resembled it and now it only shoots upside down...

  7. Only 28 more likes till my teams facebook page is 500, hint hint nudge nudge wink wink lol

  8. never let your 3 yr old daughter pick your next RIF.....Its pink....

  9. What's evike for shipping mags into the uk? Last time I ordered they refunded my money as they found the item was out of stock

  10. What's evike for shipping mags into the uk? Last time I ordered they refunded my money as they found the item was out of stock

  11. What's evike for shipping mags into the uk? Last time I ordered they refunded my money as they found the item was out of stock

  12. Thanks mum so much! She is a follower herself and wants me to embrace my love for thy lord! http://imgur.com/j4fOIf4

  13. Alternative place to ASPUK to get VSR upgrades?

  14. Stepping up to .4s in my sniper from .3s , any suggestions? Best places buy ?

  15. Bloody avast. So, I feel my laptop is running unusually slow these days so I pop onto Avast. It says 'Detected 39 useless programs' etc so (all excited) I click on the bit I need to annnddd after waiting for it to 'analyse' it turns out you have to pay to get theme removed. Great. So I'm just doing a full system scan instead.

  16. lol, Zero Ones totally professional advent calendar

  17. Accidently just purchased G and P M870 shotgun.... Now how to hide it from the wife!

  18. Is there any Warrior L96 metal trigger boxes still going around? Either I'm not looking hard enough or they're all out of stock. Don't really want to get a new plastic one.

  19. Accidently just purchased G and P M870 shotgun.... Now how to hide it from the wife!

  20. Looks like the UK Airsoft Community has gone full NRA with this amnesty stuff

  21. Very tempted to pre-order the new Krytac LMG. Only place that seems to be able to have it is Action Hobbies though, can anyone vouch for them ? As I never bought from there before .

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