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AirsoftTed last won the day on March 3 2022

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    G&P M4
    TM MWS M4
    G&G M14
    TM G17 with guarder kit
    CA 249 Para with RIS
  • Loadouts
    USMC Force Recon 'inspired'
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  1. I'm having this issue with the entire site pretty much. I've only managed to get to this thread via the activity feed in Discord. Started for me last night with just the classifieds but now I get it everywhere.
  2. I think perhaps this is being misinterpeted. I didn't read it as they're looking to recruit airsofters at all. What I took from it is that the MOD are looking to procure RIFs for use at recruiting events. I'm sure we've all seen the recruiting tables where real weapons are chained to the table and you're allowed to pick them up and handle them. I imagine the RIFs are for a similar purpose, and can also perhaps be used for small shooting ranges alongside the stalls, as well as allowing more stalls to be set up, without having to tie up real weapons. There comes your engagement part - young guys with an interest in firearms, probably not even knowing what airsoft is, walk past the stall and get invited to come and try shooting one for free. Wow- this is fun - how'd you like to get paid to shoot real ones?
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    • For sale
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    Coyote Brown Kydex Customs 2” shooter belt size 34”. With internal Velcro belt Kydex Customs Coyote Brown Molle Hanger Kydex Customs Mid Ride Mount Combo with Coyote Brown Leg Strap Kydex Customs Right Handed Pro Series Glock Holster with Coyote Brown Cordura Wrap. All unused and as new. £80 Posted including PayPal fees.


  4. DNA M16A2 A Frame Front sight without the bayonet Lug DNA M16a1 Profile Front Sight Post DNA M723 Round Hanguard Cap - I tried ordering some genuine ones from Brownells but was twice sent versions with m203 cutouts before being told they no longer have ANY fully round handguard caps. 😅 Guns Modify CQD Endplate Also scooped up a Warlord Tactical DIS Carry handle on Ebay so will be selling the 3d printed one I got from Lore Tapparella. Just waiting on hearing back from Jim at LC's engineering outposts about the receiver mods and a few other bits, but all the parts for the L119a1 MWS build are at least obtained now.
  5. Been following this for a while. I yearn for a shell ejecting m249 or m240. I don't even care if the bb's are in the shells, they can be in a top magazine like the VFC M249, or there was another one I saw on youtube one which had an internal magazine/hopper in the receiver. The shells and links would need to be biodegradable & disposable to make it or any shell ejecting RIF viable though... I'm not picking them up! That said, if one was going to all that effort you'd be aswell inventing a new hobby with caps or something in the shells for feedback and just having lasers on the end of the RIF to do something like the MILES or TES systems.😅
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    • For sale
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    Artkis T112 80L Loadout Bag - Black. Great big bag, just too big for my needs! Have used this one to take some kit to site but it stayed in the boot of the car so is very clean. Has otherwise just been used to store (clean) kit in in the house but I'm downsizing and need storage that can be stacked now! £50 Posted.


  7. I was actually going to volunteer myself for exactly this the other week... I have a manufacturer I use for Woven Hook & Look Patches that I sell for a client but would be able to find a PVC patch supplier relatively quickly if that was the preferred type. If there's no objection from the Mods and everyone could reach a consensus on patch type and size I'll look into it. The ones I currently do are roughly 50mm x 60mm Woven Hook and Loop Die cut (unique shape) and sell for £5 each or 3 for £10 + £2.80 Royal mail 48 Tracked postage.
  8. Asking for both AEGs and GBBRs: Is there any inherent problem that would arise from storing RIFs with the upper and lower receiver split so they take up less space? For context, I am looking at the possibility of splitting the upper and lower on both my M4's and storing them strapped to a rigid molle panel in the lid of a Pelican 1650, rather than laying them on top of all my other gear. Other than the obvious issues of dust, debris, internal parts potentially getting damaged etc which should be minimised by them being in the case - is there anything else I need to look out for? I may well just be overthinking this.
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    • For sale
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    G&G GR14 Veteran (Wood Stock) with 2 G&G Highcaps (Worn), 1600mah 9.6v NIMH battery, Nuprol XL Case, Replica leather sling, Nuprol Bipod and unknown brand red dot + Scope rail. Some dings on Stock as pictured. Will throw in the Bisley targets Looking for £180 Posted. Have estimated FPS at 330, but know it is not above 350. Also have a full set of Brand new Black Shadow Foam Inserts (Body and Lid) for the case which I can include for an extra £40. (My notebook flipped to an old date and I didn't notice till I'd packed everything away - please see screenshot and photos of my other listings from the same day to verify this was indeed taken on the 15/10/24 lol!) EDIT 16/01/2025 - HAVE SOLD THE 3 MIDCAPS PICTURED SEPARATELY, THEY ARE NO LONGER INCLUDED. PLEASE CHECK THE REVIEWED LISTING ABOVE, PRICE HAS BEEN DROPPED TO REFLECT.


  10. I have a tan one new in the packaging... I'll start the bidding at £500 due to rarity and difficulty obtaining. Don't lowball me I know what I've got😤😜
  11. I'm not in the loop so probably cheaper than this second hand, and I'm not sure this is the best price, but £420 as far as I can see from a quick google. Saw some secondhand for £260 in kitpest that had sold. (https://www.uktactical.com/product/crye-precision-combat-pants-gen-3-multicam-11169)
  12. I'll preface this by saying I've never owned a set of Cryes, I had a set of Emerson knock offs once that I sold on, and I have no idea about the various generations or their costs. But saw these pop up on Dragon Supplies and thought they might of interest to some as a cheaper alternative to the real deal. https://dragonsupplies.co.uk/dragon-field-trousers
  13. Sad to see another site go. Not sure if it's still there as I'm up in Scotland now - but there is (or was) also Tactical Warfare Airsoft in Croydon/New Addington. That's where I started out 12 years ago!
  14. 5KU 10 inch MWS outer barrel Guarder Rubber Stock Pad The project continues - HAO buffer tube and castle nut will be the next purchases I'll get some when I have better lighting - everything just arrived today but happy with everything. The stocks need the spring and ping from a donor stock. Little bit of filing requiried to get the pin from a TM MWS M4A1 stock to fit properly in the holes. Worth noting also that the Front sight requires a Front sight post so I'm going to have to salvage one from somewhere - but I might just sell it and the barrel extension on and stick to a 10 inch version.
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    AngryGun SOCOM 556 Silencer Tracer Unit and flash hider . (Flat Dark Earth) Bought from firesupport for a URGI build. fitted the flash hider to the rifle but never skirmished. Silencer/tracer unit has been on the rifle one then lived in the box. Never used. £100 Posted including PayPal fees.


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