as some of you saw in the "what have you just bought" thread, I recently purchased a brand new CM.040 (taiwangun had it on offer for a short period of time so I cannot replace it).
I wanted to leave it as stock as possible so the only thing I have done is change the connector to deans.
for the first 6 hours (2-3000rds) it was working brilliantly, good range, mediocre ROF (using a 7.4v lipo), and very solid, but after about 3000rds, it started not hopping seemingly random rounds (getting worse as it was going), and then rounds seemed to be getting jammed in the barrel with it not firing for a period then blurting them all out, I was disabling and enabling the hop, and cleaning the barrel continuously, but still having the issue.
I am asking this as there are relatively large amount of AK users with similar rifles who may have found easy fixes before I start stripping it down, I'm assuming it's something to do with the bucking but a visual inspection shows no issues.
please help.