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    -SA E20 EDGE-
    -Nuprol Alpha (Upgraded)-
    -P226 GBB pistol-
    -Striker AS-01 Sniper-
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    Primary: SA E20 EDGE - Red dot/4x - Angled foregrip.
    Secondary: P226 .
    Gear: Woodland Digi Cam.
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    S.W.A.T Woodland
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    Looking for some leak free, good condition and fully working ASG MK 23 Mags.


  2. Sounds like an air seal issue somewhere. Have you tested the compression in the cylinder and piston? If you have, and you've got a good compression. Next check that the nozzle sits in the hop correctly. It should make contact with bucking so make sure it's not too short (or long) you should also shine a light into the hop unit and then look down the barrel and make sure it's centered nicely. If all these come up as good and there's good compression. Check the bucking and make sure there's a nice seal there and it's sitting on the barrel correctly and isn't loose or lopsided.
  3. Hello, Needing the help of some of our experienced HPA advocates! So I'm brand new to HPA and I've just had my first game day today with my newly HPA'd Mancraft SDIK for my Amoeba Striker As 01, works a treat! I'm just unsure how to store it in-between game days, Do I leave the regulator on the bottle? I use a Mancraft MMR Regulator and there is no knob to 'Turn it off', it seems that when it's connected to the bottle it's on and pressurized up to the PSI i set it to, surely leaving this on and pressurized won't do the reg any good? Also, how would I drain the reg of any excess air without a turn off knob? Secondly, does it matter what pressure is left in the bottle after a game day? For instance, would a bottle filled to 3k (max what its rated for) be ok to leave for a period of time.
  4. Ahh yeah, very true mate in regards to what works for different people. Deep heat will definitely be easier to apply and work into the muscles with a massage as you say as it's more of a cream consistency. With me, I'd usually go home after training and apply some to my niggles, usually knees, shins, ankles and top of my feet but it just didn't do enough for me, perhaps I wasn't working it in properly as you say, or maybe it's better for bigger softer areas rather than boney ones. Tiger balm when I first tried it blew me away and did everything I needed it to with the way I was using it, so I've sworn by it ever since. Have you ever tried Namman Thai oil? It's incredible stuff, You could probably skip the warm up and just use that 🥵 you'll be flying out of the safe zone 🤣🦸. I do love a bit of sneaky gameplay myself, Nothing more satisfying than doing a sneaky little flank around and objective and just picking the enemies off one by one with a sniper, completely undetected. Or better yet, hiding and waiting on a popular route like an ambush predator for the enemies to walk past you before picking them off haha.
  5. I'm by no means old (27) but spending the majority of my teens to early adult hood 14-24 training and fighting (Muay Thai) paired with a labour intensive job, my body is pretty knackered already, constant aches and pains, I can't shrug my shoulders without my collar bones clicking, so I'm screwed as I get older 🤦‍♂️🤣. Top tip for you guys.. deep heat is a no go, it heats the surface of the skin giving you a nice placebo of warmth and heat but doesn't really penetrate deep into your muscles. Do yourselves a favour Get some tiger balm instead, they come in red and white, I recommend to get the red stuff, but try both and see which your prefer if the red is too intense for you, They're only small, but a little goes a long way. I used to swear by this when I was fighting. Also invest in some Thai oil (Namman) and rub this onto your 'injuries' or 'weak' points (for me it's usually legs, knees, ankles, lower back) before a skirmish or exercise, it does wonders in preventing injuries like pulled muscles etc, I used to put this on every day before I trained, be warned it does have a strong smell but it's not a bad one at all, I love it! (smells very similar to deep heat) if you've ever been in a fight gym, you will know exactly what I'm talking about. All very good stuff and a worthy investment for messed up bodies and/or preventive measures! Lastly, stretch, stretch and stretch! Both before and after skirmishes. The amount of injuries and niggly pains that can be prevented by getting the muscles warm and stretched out before a game day is immeasurable. Everyone (including myself) often neglects this, but we shouldn't.. We might not realise it when we're out there blasting people with our new little pew pews, but Airsoft is intense on the body! You've got heavy gear, you're running, jogging, crouching, crawling, jumping, Airsoft is a workout in itself, we just don't realize it because we're too busy having fun 🤣.
  6. Welcome to the wonderful world of airsoft mate! Just had a look at them both for you. As others have said above, Internally they're pretty much the same, with the same features (Rotary hop, 6.03 tight bore inner barrel etc). The main difference between the 2 is that the F-02 FLEX is longer with a longer inner barrel whereas the CORE is shorter and more compact with a shorter inner barrel. Which ever you decide to go for will depend on your play style and which you prefer the look of, they should both perform pretty much the same. Ask yourself, is your site more CQB based or longer range outdoor? do you prefer getting balls deep in the action cutting tight corners whilst clearing small buildings, doorways and corridors? Do you prefer and feel more comfortable handling a longer or a shorter RIF? This will help you decide which one to get as the main and only difference i can spot is the length. Hope this helps!
  7. Mancraft SDIK HPA system for my Amoeba Striker AS 01 Sniper rifle Arrived and installed yesterday. Just need to wait until Sunday before I can get my tank filled and test it out. Fingers crossed I haven't somehow ballsed it up 🤞😂
  8. Is it the DTD retention holster by chance? Do you have a link or pic
  9. Spot on thanks mate. Yeah I'll have a little look on YouTube now, I wouldn't mind it being a bit shorter tho, the Mk-23 is huge! Especially with long ass suppressor haha 😂. Couldn't imagine putting that in a drop leg holster, it'll touch your ankles 😂
  10. What adapter is that you need for this mate? Is it 18mm to 14mm? This is probably the route I'll go down as I have a spare shorter suppressor kicking about on one of my other rifs I can rob Yeah this is what I'm probably going to do. Worst case scenario I'll take the upgrades out and revert it back to stock, sell it on and then buy a TM to chuck all the parts in.
  11. Some really good write ups and information here lads, I appreciate you all taking the time out of your day to share your thoughts and experiences. I just needed to know the clones weren't a bag of absolute garbage. It seems the main gripe with the clones is the trigger not being as smooth as the one on the TM but other than that, with a few upgrades it will still be a solid sidearm for when they're too close to use the sniper with arguably better mags being easier to fix when they inevitably start to leak, Joys of Gas mags eh! Sick to death of it 🤬😂 haha. Here's my assumption on the topic. An upgraded ASG Mk-23 or other clone should theoretically shoot better than a completely stock TM. Whipping out the calculator real quick.. Stock TM Mk-23 = £149.95 Upgraded ASG Mk-23 = £116.84 Stock ASG Mk-23 = £54.99 Hadron H-Arm V2 = £11.95 Hadron TDC = £16.00 Flamingo 50 bucking = £8.95 Crazy jet inner barrel = £24.95 TOTAL = £116.84 So for £33.11 less I could have a nicely upgraded ASG Mk-23 that should theoretically shoot a lot better than a stock TM Mk-23 and have arguably better mags with them being easy to fix. If the feed lips on the asg mags aren't the best, I could then use that surplus £33.11 on new hadron hot lips for the mags and still have money to spare. If the trigger is a real big issue for the clone models, I believe there is some mods you can do to improve that, but I'd have to look into them properly. Failing that, I see there is a nine ball trigger upgrade kit available. I wonder, does anyone have any experience with them?
  12. Here's a little interesting topic. What's everyone thought on the ASG MK-23 compared to the TM MK-23 and SSX23. The ASG sitting at £55 is very tempting and is compatible with the TM upgrades but is it worth paying the extra to get the TM or SSX23? Has anyone got any experience with the ASG MK-23 and would you recommend it as a half decent reliable pistol out of the box? I don't need anything too crazy just looking for a half decent sneaky and quiet pistol as a side arm for my soon to be HPA Striker sniper rifle. Let the reviews/debates begin!!!
  13. What tank, line and reg did you run with this? Thanks mate.
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