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Posts posted by MrTea

  1. 2 hours ago, Impulse said:

    I really liked them. Didn't work amazingly over a bowman headset, but the bowman headset didn't work well with my boonie and would've given me a headache as it made it too tight. For £30 I was very happy with the noise cancellation and the very strong ambient sound amplification. The sound amplification was actually too good and all I could hear when I was moving through foliage was the foliage itself brushing past me and any and all creaking in my gear setup. Once I was deployed in a hide though, they were amazing and I heard absolutely everything. £30 well spent for sure.

    My experience was very much the same. I could hear pretty much everything happening around me which is much more beneficial when you're static. I could hear peoples guns firing clear as day making me think they were closer than they really were. I even took them out for a comparison and the difference is crazy. Without them, the 'clarity' of the sound is way better but I could hear way less if that makes sense.

    Definitely going to be using them pretty much all the time after this.

  2. 43 minutes ago, Impulse said:

    Just arrived in time for tomorrow's game day; pair of Earmor m20 in ear protection. Testing them in my room they seem to work well, but I need a game day to see how they really fare. Can't wear a full headset with my ghillie setup as it's a boonie + cape, so hoping these are at least decent. Will wear them also under my bowman headset that I use for comms (as that goes under my boonie nicely)

    Would like to see how your experience compares to mine. I have the M20-T and i'll be running them tomorrow... if I remember to put them in.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Lozart said:

    Because they're stupid?


    Don't assume that anyone that worked on your gun before you knew what they were doing!

    If memory serves, there was nothing done to the RIF unless it had been reversed prior to being sold. I don't think i've got the guys discord anymore either annoyingly so I can't ask.

    Edit: I do have it and have shot them a message.

  4. 7 minutes ago, ak2m4 said:

    Yeah give it a try, I'm fairly confident it's your cylinder type.  What cylinder type did the AEG come with?

    Funnily enough, it's a full/non-ported cylinder. I 100% sure of this as I kept all the parts/spares from this build in it's own box so I didn't get them crossed with anything else.

  5. 54 minutes ago, Lozart said:

    I was wondering the same, my MK12 is doing 420 FPS on a M120 spring!

    @MrTea just to go back to basics, I assume you've checked that you're actually getting good compression with all the new cylinder/piston parts?

    That's annoying. The air seal was perfect when I originally changed out the stock compression parts but I can definitely go back and check again when I get the time.

  6. 1 hour ago, Lozart said:

    SHS springs can be quite wide tolerance. Pick a spring brand you like and trust (*coughs* XT @ak2m4 *cough*) and stick with it.

    That was what I was going to do initially however it appears his XT springs don't go past M150. Up until this point, it's exactly what I was using.

    1 hour ago, Lozart said:

    For the love of GOD don't start chasing FPS limits.

    Not yet. Now i'm closer to the limit, and have it chrono-ing consistently, i'm going to give it a test on 0.36g BBs to see how it's performing.

  7. Actual progress this time around but additional confusion.

    I tried sanding down the Maple Leaf MR hop rubber feed lips. No matter how little I took each time, I could never get a rubber that resulted in consistent FPS readings - at one point I got an FPS reading of ~800 so IDK 😅

    I've been messing with different hop rubbers trying to find one that consistently works especially when the stock hop rubber ended up splitting when changing it over. I was going to try the a ML Macaron 60 degree as i've never had an issue with them before and they just worked. During the process of installing it I noticed that the hop unit wasn't applying hop evenly, it was applying too much pressure on the right side resulting in uneven hop. I think this is simply due to the way the hop unit is designed that makes the hop arm slightly off center. Happily I managed to remedy this quite quickly by using a small o-ring that I had lying around which I think is for a MOSCART fill valve? All I did was just put this between the body of the hop unit and the hop arm. Before anyone mentions it, yes the screw is in the wrong side of the hop unit and no, this isn't what was causing the issue with the misaligned hop arm :)


    Now that I had sorted that I moved onto changing the hop rubber. I have a prommy purple I was going to try out but for some reason I just wanted to try a Maple Leaf Macaron yellow/60 degree just because they've worked flawlessly on everything I've put them on. I also installed the bucking with the Gearparts Omega 70 nub from AK2M4 and it worked. I am so mad. I am confused as to why this works. Before I tested this, i'd bought and installed a SHS M160 spring to creep up the FPS. The spring is very twangy (if that makes sense) and it's pretty annoying.


    Since starting this build, i've changed which outdoors site I go to and they allow 450fps for DMRs so i've still got a bit of headroom that i'd have to buy an M170 equivalent to get to. Is a SP160 the same as a M170?

    Could it be the MR hop bucking didn't work as the hop window on the inner barrel is too small causing inconsistent contact?

    I am at a loss as to why this suddenly works... I want to buy another ML MR hop rubber and try it but I feel like if I disturb the hop rubber in the slightest it's gonna throw a fit and not work anymore.

  8. 12 hours ago, Annoyed Dad said:

    Are the budget spring shotguns any good or should I go electric?

    Shotguns are generally single or tri-shot with tri-shot being the more common from what i've seen. Tri-shot means they have 3 barrels and shoot 3 BBs at once. Some tri-shot shotguns do have the option to fire 6 BBs.

    Spring shotguns are fun but kind of hard work as they have strong springs that you have to pump but tend to be the cheapest, often coming in under £100. The next step up are gas powered shotguns which are incredibly fun. Much easier to rack than a spring shotgun but now you have to buy gas to power them and they can develop leaks over time but it's totally worth it. As for price, you're looking about £150-£200 range new.

    I think i've still got my spring shotgun sat around somewhere. Should really get that put up for sale.

  9. 12 hours ago, Annoyed Dad said:

    If these turns out to be junk I will get the 100 round mag or similar, for the price it's going to be better to buy them than

    make them.  The design of those snaking up and down I assume under spring pressure was what I had in my mind to make

    but was not sure of how tight a spring could turn.

    You're correct. Mid-caps, when loaded, are under constant spring pressure which is what feeds the BBs into the AEG. As these don't have a loading window/port like high-caps, you will need a speedloader if you don't already own one. Personally I run the super cheap plunger style things to fill my P90 mags.

  10. As others have stated: P90 high capacity magazines suck simply because of the way they're designed - you have to remove them from the gun to wind them up. I'd suggest buying what are called 'mid-cap' magazines. These hold less BBs than a high-cap but do not need to be wound-up once loaded with BBs. They will feed BBs until they're (pretty much) empty though the odd few may remain. The only difference with loading these magazines is that you will need a 'speed loader' as mid-caps have no loading window where you pour the BBs in.

    17 hours ago, Annoyed Dad said:

    Looking around mostly out of stock or non UK sellers. I did think about ripping the insides out

    and just spring feeding them in one straight line but thats sub 30 BB's. 

    Take a look below - they're all hyperlinked so you can just click on them:

    I've never had an issue with swapping different brand P90 magazines between different brands of P90 AEGs as they're mostly the same design IIRC but i'm sure someone can correct me on this if i'm wrong. I can vouch for the CYMA and King Arms magazines both working well but the quality of the magazines from King Arms is much better in my personal opinion.

    Hope this helps and i'm happy to answer any questions :)

  11. I have a Cybergun/VFC AEG Scar-H. It's a nice gun with good externals but the mags are expensive to get a hold of (about £15-£20 per mid-cap) from Asian retailers. I haven't worked on it internally yet but i've been told that VFC internals on AEGs are pretty shit. IIRC it has a standard V2 gearbox meaning upgrades are plentiful and cheap. The only parts that aren't standard are the hop unit and nozzle (length is like 35mm or something) but Maxx make a CNC rotary hop unit for Scars that will fit the H apparently.

    You'll struggle to find one new at a reasonable price due to trademarks and availability - The only retailer I know of with them in stock has them priced at 400 euro. I got lucky on the forums here and snagged it for about £100 plus £20 for a replacement part that was missing.

    Double Bell make a Scar-H which has no trademarks making it cheaper than other AEG Scar-H models but the magazines are still pushing the £15-£20 price range area but with the RIF being £200-£250 it's still a significant investment. I can't comment on the quality of the internals having not owned or worked on one.

    Personally, i'd suggest looking for a second hand one as you may be able to get a rifle + mags but from what i've seen they rarely come up for sale. Even when they do come up, unless you get really lucky, they're great examples that have been cared for, upgraded and the owners demand a good price for them.

    If there's anyone super knowledgeable about AEG Scars reading this, i'd love to pick your brains over some stuff. Please PM me.

  12. What hop rubber did you put in it? Try going back to the stock one if you have it.

    I've always used Maple Leaf Macaron (yellow) bucking on just about every AEG I own (with the omega nub) and had zero issues with it. As a super off-chance suggestion, are you running mags with strong springs such as EPMs? Try running a standard mid-cap and see what happens.

  13. 4 hours ago, grumio said:


    Nice thread by the way, found it really helpful just reading through.


    That's also funny that the right side on yours is worse, on mine the left side binds and feels coarse but the right side is really easy to to move. Is there anything you found that helped with getting it working smoothly?

    I didn't do anything special honestly. I just re-assembled it and left it how it was. Sorry I can't help more.

  14. 18 hours ago, grumio said:

    Out of interest did you get the ambi selector working well? I'm currently working on one of these and I've got it functioning but it is extremely sloppy and awful to use.

    The left side of the rifle is solid and functions great. The right side functions but I wouldn't use the right side to change which fire mode. It's somewhat loose but it does move the way I'd expect.

  15. 7 hours ago, Leo Greer said:

    I run an M170 (SP150) in my V2 DMR @ 2J exactly on .48gs. I run it on XYT 18:1s and a T238 33K @ 11.1v and it has no trouble cycling.


    You can also pair a good high torque with something like a 20:1 set or even 32:1 if you really wanna be careful.

    Thanks for the insight. I've gotten a M160 spring in prep for modifying and testing the ML MR Hop 70 degree bucking but I seem to have misplaced that hop rubber... somewhere??? Not sure how i've lost it but i'm on a drive to consolidate all of my spare parts + tools into something that I can carry onto an airsoft field (due to a recent crappy experience) and work with so it may turn up in a random box when I break everything down.

    This is why I haven't updated the post since last week plus yet another boneyard rifle made its way to me... which I still haven't started work on.

  16. A bit late. Attended the Armageddon night game after BZFest on Saturday 1st.

    Sadly I only stayed half the event as the only gun I brought decided to throw it's toys out of the pram and do just about everything wrong after 2 games: no feeding, double feeding, firing 6ft, firing normally rinse and repeat. When stripping it down the check the hop out, I lost the screw to my receiver pin. The person I went with borrowed me theirs from their main rifle which had also developed issues and wasn't useable but it was no use, the gun decided it didn't want to play anymore and despite my best efforts, would not work. What's worse, I normally bring a spare gun, tools and parts but I hadn't brought anything!

    The event itself was good and pizza was even provided by the site owners! Turn out was good with about 30-ish people and for the two games I did get to play, the level of play was very good. Lots of pyro and smokes were used. Photographer was even on site and his pictures are quality.

    A particularly memorable moment for me was sitting in a bush with an angle on our flag, hoping to catch an enemy out as they went to raise it. After a while I went to change position as I was slowly being out-flanked, the second I raised my head I got twatted right in the helmet by a single BB. There was a sniper on the enemy team who was particularly good and it wasn't the first time he got me and I had no idea where from.


  17. Nothing too exciting but I wanted to give a shout out to CMAirsoft. They have 20% off site-wide sale and I was due a restock anyway so I spent a bit of cash. A day or two later I get an email saying that they're sorry but one of the owners is away on holiday and they can't process the order until he's back. They couldn't apologise enough and were ready to refund the order. I wasn't that bothered about waiting so I told them to leave it and just dispatch it when they could.

    The package arrives today and I find that they've given me a bottle of 0.32g and 0.25g BBs, a rifle sock and two lollies for free :)

    The sale is still live at the time of writing so go snag yourself some consumables with a decent chunk of change off.



  18. 1 hour ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

    So I've snaffled a couple of good things from the Action Hobbies boneyard... a large hard case for the princely sum of £12 (it's a bit tired and shabby, but it'll still do the job), and something I've wanted for a while.... an SLR!   Well, a FAL.   Well, a FAL carbine.   But it's still a thing of beauty all the same 😍

    So it was YOU who beat me to it!

  19. 3 hours ago, Skara said:

    In any case, yeah I'd go for nods, thermals

    I looked at night vision prices when going down the rabbit hole for night and/or mil-sim games and seeing the prices people were paying for monoculars... *cries in poor*

  20. On 28/05/2024 at 08:22, Impulse said:

    Going to be bold and say that Shift Your RIFTs is the best weekend event in the UK at the moment. The airsoft quality is better than AI500 and definitely better than the NAF, and for £85 you get a really solid weekend of airsoft at a great site with great marshalls. Food and drink isn't extortionately priced and there were lots of different retailers about who were more than happy to chat and cut deals you wouldn't get when you buy online. The whole atmosphere was really great across the entire weekend and I'll definitely be going back next year as I loved it!

    Sounds like a quality weekend event. As someone who looks at NAF and sees negative feedback surrounding it relating to the quality of airsoft, thefts, dick-heads firing blanks in the camp, driving quads at night around the site at early hours, 2nd hand area being shrunk to nearly zero and prices being hiked for almost zero benefit, i'd much rather go to this event by the sounds of it.

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