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Everything posted by Krisz

  1. Only outdoor. Indoor a spring shotgun is as viable as an MTW.
  2. Patrolbase and other retailers are absolute mad regarding boneyard prices. Who is gonna pay hundreds of pounds for a paper weight? They need a reality check. It's not like they pay retail prices anyway...🤣
  3. Ohsiboom BFG could be an alternative instead of Quake 8 to be honest.
  4. Buy a TM because spare parts availability and build quality. Just bear in mind a G26 frame is extremely small so it's not gonna be comfy for bigger hand enjoyers. Rainbow8 sells two version of them and I think they charge you ~30 quid for delivery which is still reasonable in this case as long as you stay below 135 pounds. G26 G26 Advanced
  5. Joule creep. It's more prevalent when you've got a longer inner barrel. That's correct hop's sole purpose to get the most out of your BB regarding distance and to have a "straight" fly path. I think you can decrease your FPS with no hop but no sane marshall is gonna accept that chrono reading.
  6. If I use it then one number priority to get it back ASAP and I don't care if anyone else moans about it. I walk into the biggest fight if I have to but I don't trust any fucker. 🤣 Way too expensive to replace it anyway. Fortunately I've got only good experiences so far but that's partly because I'm well aware some people like to collect bits from others.
  7. My principle is 70% of cheapest retail price and 20 quid for paypal and postage and worked so far. But I mainly sell stuff and haven't bought a gun yet from here.
  8. SF is so demanding mentally and physically that most of us would never make it. There is a reason why they have 90% failure rate.
  9. To be honest you can turn up with the best looking gun out there and still no one gives a fuck or someone may say "nice M4 bruh". 🤣 Same regarding your outfit more or less. For some people drip is important and nothing wrong with that as long as they aren't delusional and they don't become elitist or toxic towards other people. It's more prevalent on a mil-sim event than on a normal skirmish when different people and playstyle mix. But obviously I'm way after my honeymoon phase regarding airsoft I don't see the point to spend thousands more on this hobby.
  10. Plenty of YT videos about this topic. More than likely that an SF guy can choose his primary and secondary firearm within reason and set it up to his preferences. Even in airsoft you can manipulate a longer gun around corners and these guys know this topic in and out but I'd assume a rattler or an smg still would be still more comfy compared to a long ass gun. As other people said it's more about what kind of deployment you face and choose the best tool for it.
  11. I don't think there is any big difference between them. I've got an Inferno with Spartan FCU and it's quite good and air efficient. Polarstar F2 is highly praised by everyone so that can't be bad either. I don't know if N7 is any good. I'm sure there are some minor technical differences between them (rps, air efficiency, the stuff you can program through the fcu like binary, burst etc.) but end of the day it's about personal preference and what you can afford.
  12. If you have a chance just ask someone nicely to play a few rounds with one because that's only way to not spending silly money on it before you dive into it. People always ask me about HPA pistols so I let them to use it because after all that hose isn't for everyone either.
  13. GBBR isn't for everyone. I would personally advise against MWS or any other expensive gun as a first gbbr because it gets really pricey really fast when a low-cap gas mag cost you 50 quid and you need several just to have the same amount of BB as a mid-cap AEG user. Also, gas magazines are heavy. If you find out later on it's not for you then you spent silly money on it and while you can easily sell it probably within days here you'll still lose decent amount of dough on it. It requires a complete different approach from an AEG. You have to be more considerate with your shots. Also, a lot more reloads which can be a disadvantage in certain situations. It's very fun to use it and can't get more realistic than it is but it has its own issues mainly leaky gas magazines or if it's too cold and you may not able to run through a full mag. Personally I would jump into an used mp9/mp7/g5 first because you spend less on it and if you don't like it well you still lose less money on reselling it.
  14. Lovely pistola. If only I had the financial means...🤣
  15. I mean I did. I bought the MP5A5 version of it but I stricly play indoor and I've seen range reviews about it so I knew what I buy into it. Right now it's one of the best (if not the best) EBB MP5 on the market. If you insist on the SD6 variant I think you're gonna end up with less options overall.
  16. Marui NGRS because of the hop-up and build quality. It's not that lever garbage which is also a very old marui design. ICS has that AK style slide hop-up but I don't know if it's stays stable. Performance wise the new NGRS is lackluster according to many sources... so I don't know if I could justify to spend that much money on it.
  17. Spawn camping is cheap and you wind up people very fast for obvious reasons. Friendly fire is always a question of site rules just like gaps. Never played on a site when rico counts but it doesn't make any sense from a gameplay perspective. Melee should be a gentle tap on the closest body part like wrist shoulder etc.
  18. Viper Tactical. I would recommend 8fields as well but those buckles made of chocolate so I'm not gonna do it.
  19. Double Eagle M904 series or cheapo Specna. For 150 you don't have too many options brand wise.
  20. Real steel shooting? I don't know if minors can do clay pigeon or shoot .22 indoor or air guns on the range but it's an experience you never forget.
  21. Which doesn't mean I have to put up with their shit behaviour. They can have each other as long I'm not part of it. Airsoft is a silly game and I play it for fun. Not everything has to be competitive in this world...
  22. I bet you find better prices online. Usually brick and mortar airsoft shops like to sell the same stuff for more money. Just make sure the retailer is reputable. Lof ot them are dodgy and are only interested to sell shit to you and when something goes wrong you end up being told "you pulled the trigger wrong". At this point I'd even consider a used gun from here for example as long as the seller has good feedback.
  23. You couldn't force MED indoor and no need for it when people shoot each other point-blank or sub 10 meters. That's not the point anyway. This cancer american speedsoft has to go to somewhere else though (mainly speedsoft tournament) because they're absolutely insuffarable most of the time. Speedsoft is fine per se problem is when speedsofters act like they're hot shit and rules only apply to them when they like it or suit them. Spamming trigger on SEMI, peppering people for no reason, blatant cheating, playing with the HPA regulator, so basically the total opposite what you see in Japan. I've seen all of it since I play again indoor and always grind my gears why I paid for this shitshow... I met some cool speedsofters but lot of them absolutely detached from reality.
  24. COVID fucked up many venues. You can't base a business model on a "yes, you can open on Tuesday for two weeks for 8 people but you have to be shut for the next three months". The more I play against speedsofters the more I don't enjoy airsoft and I've just started to realise this ting in the last few months prior to previous bad experiences. I just wish I'd have enough money to run my own site and ban all of them from it. 🤣 Japanise airsoft it is. No running indoor. No overshooting. Not bending rules because we've got fragile egos and we're man children. And ofc everything is getting more expensive so people cut back on luxury first.
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