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Everything posted by two_zero

  1. not gonna be a popular opinion: but lock/limit the selector ^^ I have a burst wizard but never really been a fan of it. also if there is a way to pop it back to auto easily using a tool you will save a lot of hassle it if the gearbox would lock up.
  2. cookers thou.. induction is the way forward!!
  3. ^this one I think running airsoft gas rather than propane seems quite pricey :/ But I didn't have propane and this is what the site was selling^^
  4. ^Can only agree to what has already been said and add that you likely have to have to spend atleast ten times that budget.
  5. In all fairness I run Cyma v3 mainly because I think playing without a lot of hassle is the funnest. My general advise would be to get a GBB®, as they are great fun - but first make sure you have an AEG, as well as a backup AEG.
  6. tl;dr: Electric - better. Gas - funner..
  7. WE gas seemed pretty epic to me compared to the standard ASG gas. for holsters, I think TM glock is not the same dimensions as the real ones, meaning some kydex/plastic/hard holsters wont fit it - just something to keep in mind!
  8. I would. Dont aim for the head if the body is exposed - thou sometimes you miss or dont have enough time to aim. if only the head is exposed, then aim for the head. If you dont want painful faceshots - wear a damn mask!! funny cas guy at our site had a rant about people shooting at the face today, saying he'd only taken faceshots the whole day.. when he calmed down a bit he admitted that he was actually just annoyed that he had gotten shot in the face, not that people do it (makes sense?) I didnt on my first game. had his head exposed and in my aim for minutes before I was spotted and shot. Bad call.
  9. need to be playing airsoft to buy/make a RIF. UKARA is easiest way to prove that you do. Snipers doesnt add a lot of advantage because of UK laws and you should expect to spend around two grand on one. Sidearms are pretty limited two. Engagement distance is only common in the UK with Snipers and DMR, but if you sneak up to shot someone point blank its better to say bang, then shoot if they dont say hit/raise their arm. would recommend atleast owning an AEG before getting the sniper/sidearm as they are a lot more versatile. Ask permission to shoot with the airsoft and it should be ok (can even shoot with bio BBs) and 1J is legal max for anything fully automatic. think most sites that allow DMR/Snipers they can go slightly higher but not much (thou legally outside of a site they can go up to 7j - I dont think airsofts can get up that high)
  10. I'd leave a tad bit like in the mags.
  11. Been considering contact lenses.. but NAAAH!! thou a beater pair glasses may be to recommend
  12. ^that. and this. make sure you chrono with 0.20g
  13. ^very reason I switched to hi-cap. plus the kit kept getting stuck when trying to climb thru small windows and in confined spaced. Ended up dumping my vest outside in most cases. I sneak and run as quietly as anyone, so for people complaining about the rattle... stop shaking the gun, it's not a damn maraca!!
  14. I mostly use DIY store type goggles. the main issue generally will be the width of your glasses. on some of those military type ones that look like ski goggles I cut out some of the rubberlining so that they would fit
  15. would have to be a right idiot to play at Epsom without face protection!!
  16. that was pretty too the point - are you feeling quite well? XD heard it's a very dynamic thing to do thou?
  17. >looks out the window >WUT ITS DRY?? >struts of the garage with a big grin >starts snowing *sigh* oh well, it is early February after all.
  18. No. As you can see in the picture there's a cogwheel that is only half cogged. This pulls the piston back, and then when there's no more cogs, it lets go, and the spring pushes the piston forwards. So no matter how fast or slow it takes for the cogwheel to reach that point, the spring takes over there and piston travels with the same speed forward - so battery should not affect FPS. Thou hypothetically.. if the motor was damn fast and you was firing it on auto the cogwheel could grip onto the piston before it travelled the whole way and it would get lower fps.. not sure if this is possible thou, or if theres a function to prevent this from happening (I'm no gerabox expert - I fiddle with them as little as I can!!)
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