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Everything posted by two_zero

  1. Some how can't see it being a big international hit in the hipster scene..
  2. Hold on a moment!! are you talking about kickup?? kickup is not snus. Not any more than our airsofts are real weapons. It's caffeine and mint packed like portion-snus. So yea, I doubt it had other negative side effects than those of caffeine - and some of them are good for your teeth. This is snus:
  3. Ok, so I've been outside for a while, and this kept bugging me. The first thing I realised is that my responses was a tad bit off, and the second that I obsesses a bit about this to write a few replies and even thinking it over while not here. So I asked myself why? The answer is simply Im baffled that anyone would promote snus or to think it cool or hip. Further more I can't get it out of my head until I written it down. One thing that does annoy me a bit. You've done it for a little over a year, so I assume you known about it for less than two years. Your friend probably know about it for less than ten years and the two of you seems to be of the impression that it was invented or popularised during your lifespan. Maybe my line about you being able to buy it everywhere where you can buy cigarettes wasnt clear enough, but it is very much a thing here. Children knows what snus is, what it looks like, what the package looks like, what a person with it under their lip look like.. and that it's bad for you. - Yet you're acting like there is a possibility that I am not in the right? Anyway going back to the topic - what do I care? It's not me taking it and I wont get negatively affected, neither will anyone sensible. Plus it stimulate the Swedish - so yea, if you think it's a good idea, do as much of it as you possible can!
  4. Yea, rite. Early 18th century in its current form, really found something new and hip there.
  5. are you serious?? nah you trolling. I'm from Sweden, the home of snus - if you can buy cigarettes you can buy snus. No bad side effects? Yea apart from cancer, addiction, destroying your gum, being unattractive, being a tool and looking like the biggest chav ever?? Generally people either start because they are chavs and its the chav thing to do, or to quit smoking - which NEVER works and now they got two addictions. Starting using snus may just be de definition of "dumb". But yea, if your ambition is to have filthy vaxed hair under a cheap gift store Sweden cap, have trousers hanging below your ankles, worship "kingen" (eddie meduza) and drive a sh*tty volvo 240 with bling rims and a big south state motive on the hood then yea, start taking snus - it's great. here's a picture of Ronny and Ragge... because SNUUUUS http://cdn1.cdnme.se/cdn/9-2/982210/images/2011/ronny_146749464.jpg
  6. not a single penny. thanks for the sympathy, mate!
  7. ^this disgusting and depressing, but very much the case. I was a victim of a burglary a few years ago. My means of income was taken away from me. The scum was later caught, proven guilty, and laid off because he was young and unemployed (much like me, thanks to him). And he probably had a real good time spending the money. Moral: crime pays, -especially in the UK. I've been so damn scared at time walking the streets knowing if I'd get jumped I would have to choose between hospital or prison.
  8. Not in the UK mate. If someone run at you with an axe you're suppose to call 999 - knock him cold and you'll probably be share a cell! (yea im bitter)
  9. usually keep em near the open fire so they went get too cold.. nah seriously thou, just chuck em in the kitchen drawer, its what I did (and forgot about it for a year or so!). if damp is the problem, why not just put em in a plastic bag? could always ask the site how they store em!
  10. Same^^ might give it a go, thanks mate!
  11. DPM, cheap, looks good, somewhat effective. IMO marpat is great for England! melts in well in English environment, great for urban, decent for sandpit. honestly, in CQB its generally dark so anything works. but black and multicam sticks out like a sore thumb in any other environment (save for dry grass and sand for multicam) Swedish army switches from m90 (which probably is the very best camo for spruce/pine forest) to plain dark grey actually Theory is that it's a boring colour that your brain tend to ignore more than others
  12. well, is there any decent ak74 flashmags out there that wont fall apart from just looking at them? I know Lonex makes an AK47 flashmag, but I was hoping to get away from using 47 mags in my krinkov.. So yea, any help would be appreciated
  13. carried a rubber knife for a while - never used it once. truth is the only time you're likely to 'kill' someone in melee is if you sneak up on the from behind, and then you can just touch them on the shoulder, or say bang/surrender at point blank. Someone has to mention these *every time* there's a thread on the subject. I'd say to avoid them as they are some plastic/fibre rather than rubber - if you hit/accidentally hit someone with one of those I wouldnt blame the person for hitting you back.
  14. can always go rattlecan ^^ my BFGs was sprayed yellow and had a ducttape tail!
  15. just remembered I had a 'nades picture thread on another forum XD
  16. ..and I'm guessing that is not even including the money you can get back selling them either^^?
  17. The hex one looks epic, because with traditional BFGs you spend a fair amount of times reloading. However the SWAT is basically a Dynatec with slight improvement - and that's a proven design!! As for 9mm blanks, I used to use shotgun primers, they are loud enough and cost something like 4p, so you can throw them all day! Must have thrown my Dynatec timed BFGs about 100 times or so and not a single failure (including horrible weather and landing in puddles)
  18. freak! j/k, thou not sure if you really need a G&G cm16 if you already have an ics?
  19. CYMA CM.048 - damn good and its very unlikely ever to fail you! ..or for half that budget you can get a G&G CM16 - not as robust, but darn good gun aswell!
  20. Touché! (did I use that correctly?) Two things to keep in mind with the TM FAMAS 1. a lot have happened since "bestest gun" so dont get it based on that and 2. its gonna be about the most plastic feeling thing you ever held, it feels so bad and it literately creeks. HOWEVER it is suppose to be a good gun so keeping my first point in mind and if the second does not bother you - go ahead!
  21. ehhh.. whats all this hating on G&P??
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