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Everything posted by Misery

  1. for same features as the perun v2 hybrid u need to get the advance titan my basis is against the titan not the aster as have no experience with them ones soz
  2. @Lozart snap although mines the 1st gen non glow in dark one XD think he needs to do a new one without the hawk XD
  3. haha yeah some do some dont,yeah but near £65- 75 extra just to have usb conectivity but same features is a tad much for me
  4. been using this one works extremely well https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/amomax-per-fit-universal-holster-for-80-pistols
  5. same reason recomended the perun bud as its like £65 so half price of a titan pretty much
  6. never said condition of said sopmod XD hah nah just waiting on being given the outer barrel so can rebuild the top half and had to resolder on the fuse holder as wire had snapped causd a short and puffed a titan battery on my team mate yesterday right after his 416 had went down aswell felt for him really did
  7. Misery


    nah no hit markers for me.....yet XD but nah if was taken it seriousley then maybe but the vids are just for fun for me XD last video i did a couple weeks ago was stepsons first game running my m4 was gonna run my sr25 but it decided its piston rack didnt want to live anymore XD so was stuck with a rental omg never relised how well my m4 did till using one XD
  8. pistol collection starting to grow
  9. looking to upgrade my g17 so far have put in an autobot rubber and thats it whats some decent littl;e upgrades?
  10. id recomend perun v2 hybrid mosfet over the titan for the dmr build same functions half the price just not got the connectivity of the titan
  11. hmmm at a site yesterday asked to be a vip for a couple games so set aside my sr25 as only allowed to use my pistol,anyway 2 games later go grab my sr25 to find a marshall had decided to have a shot of my rif and go through the full mag not bothered bout bb's what grinds me is when i asked about it got the shouldnt have left it there then like wtf i was doing yous a favour as noone wanted to be the vip


    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Misery


      exactly for all they knew it could of been on its way out as it bent a piston rack last outing and would still fire so imagine iot done that again and they fired the whole mag the damage would of been more than just a rack and gaurentee they wouldnt of paid for the repair. would of been the shouldnt of left it there then


    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      or (as has happened to me, with a gun i'd willingly lent a mate) the motor height backing out, fortunately there was no damage but didn't stop him bricking it when it went far enough to stop firing.


      something you'd pick up on if you knew your own gun and how it sounded, but not something some rando will get (experienced or no) if they've just picked it up.


      also for all he knew the mag might have been stuffed with .48's and he'd just send £10 worth of ammo downrange......

    4. Misery


      haha yeah i willingly lent my stepson my m4 and he well nearly snapped it in half thought hed bent the outer barrel or ripped the nut off the threads but luckily had just come loose  XD


      agreed as no gun sounds same


      exactly bud! was .32's but like said i aint bothered bout the cost of the ammo just in my opinion and like assholes we all got em that its a dickish move to just pick someones gun up that u dont know and think its alright to use it

  12. i must be colourblind aswell as thats deffo green lol XD
  13. i havent been brave enough to swith my titan to safe-semi-auto its been sat on semi-semi since getting it what sort of rof where u getting with the standard set up? is that with the stock moved out abit? as i can get a 2600 mah nunchuck style batt in mine no probs
  14. Misery


    completley forgot about this ended up doing another skirmish last week and eventualy got round to this today i dont think its pme as such i think its more the timing for the tappet plate as i get about 10-15 rounds then it happens clear the rif and off we go again.so i reckon i need to get a delay chip if i want to run the 13-1 gears in that set up i have reverted back to stock gears for now and seems to be spot on mag dumped full mag no issues no weird sounds etc these are the 13-1 gears no excessive wear i can see forgot to get pic of piston
  15. to be fair the standard hop unit isnt actualy that bad as mine still has the stock hop unit but upgraded rubber and nub and a uprated barrel and it was performing amazingly last weekend,i do want to upgrade at somepoiint but for now i dont feel the need to
  16. i bought a dave custom modded cm.098a e off here and im loving it had it to 2 skirmishs so far and its like a lazer this is the list of parts fitted
  17. i hadnt gotten into airsoft when i built that that was a week later XD i managed to snag a 2070 super on day realease of the 3070 as they didnt have any instock wasnt leaving without a gpu at time llf
  18. sometimes its the lesser of 2 evils haha in my case i had to then disguised most of my purchases by paying for her pup XD
  19. the upgrades is really just a mosfet and upgraded nozzle and piston if memory serves me right,the mosfet is the same as what was in my old 621 so can handle 11-1 but doesnt ahve any features other than lipo protection so reckon it would still double fire on 11.1,
  20. ahhh that time again bag packed guns packed batterys charging roll on tomoz XD

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Misery


      haha nice yeah ill be running my sr25 and a bk up m4 XD

    3. GAMBLE


      Taking my SVD, AKMS and a Glock! 🔫😎👍

    4. Misery


      Niiiiice!!! will have the combat master aswell


  21. very nice clean build bud!! im same 1080p aswell dont feeel the need to go any higher
  22. ahhh nice like i said id personally get it powder coated bro that would look amazing lol
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