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Everything posted by Misery

  1. hi bud tried everythig and the perun mosfet has died,the cyma m4 trigger has damaged the trigger sensor so wasnt registering when the trigger pull was properly ending then stopped working completely tried the diagnostic with it outof the box get one beep on trying to enter progrmamming ocassionaly get 2 beeps.so contacted perun about the issue and they are going to replace the mosfet and send out there next gen v2 mosfet aswell for me to try in both cyma gearboxs for them @Sitting Duck perun have also said to sand down the bottom of the trigger where it sits above the optic
  2. few ive had over the years stopped keeping snakes after my big albino burm passed away didnt have the heart after that,our huskies we had to rehome after our female hera*black one* had a phantom pregnancy when my youngest was born and never took to her tried for a year but just wasnt fair on her as she wouldnt come in same room as my daughter etc and because her and zues had been together since he was 4 weeks old wife had sourced a breeder without looking more into him travel down to newcastle when he said he was 8 weeks old and ready long story short was a puppy farmer he was 4 weeks old and on deaths door couldnt leave him so got him raced bk to scotland straight to a vet he was impacted with worms guy got caught and prosecuted anyway we had to rehome them both together as couldnt seperate em but he was such a loving thick lump lol,the cat rebel the big lump thinks hes a dog plays fetch etc typical ragdoll lol but still growing haha then theres the kids all 6 of em hahahaha another one i had sadly there was no part 2 due to him deciding to moult the wrong way round couldnt risk tryikng to help him as his fangs were near an inch long and im allergic to there venom *you can see the white of his fang in the vid
  3. Misery

    A&K MK46

    batterys can be sent out of the gun if the gun is sent through dpd if sent through royal mail all batterys have to be in the device being sent
  4. cheers man,surprised @Adolf Hamster didnt suggest the makarov haha although probs doesnt want others getting the mags
  5. myself amworking on all of this as soon as i get my 500 from the gov thought would of been today but relised was a 5week mth on the wages so my work wont issue it till end of march gah ;p; any boots you recomend as for face/eye pro ill be ordering a warq helmet have temp nuprol mesh goggles for plinking in but wouldnt use em for gaming i do have a set of goggles/face mask i use on the bike that were advertised for airsoft,i have tested em at point blank range with the m4 at 345 fps and non penetrated the goggles still wouldnt trust em on the field though incase unluckily walk infront of a high powered shot https://www.amazon.co.uk/Yuepin-Detachable-Motorcycle-Windproof-Snowboard/dp/B0863G2ZK3/ref=sr_1_10?dchild=1&keywords=airsoft+goggles+and+mask&qid=1614355040&sr=8-10
  6. straight ipa 99.9% great for removing the paint and wont damage the plastic like some brakefluids will if in doubt get some fairy power spray another great one for removing paint put item in a carrier bag spray with the power spray leave for half hr an hr then come back and scrub and rinse under water jobs a gd one,use to use both ipa and power spray on plastic warhammer minis which bk in the ealry 2000's the plastic was like soft cheese and never had an issue even on resin and white metal pic was after 5-10 mins work with a cotton bud and ipa and does remove the original paint
  7. if u want one then its a need imo haha nah deffo not needed but like u i was undecided and then had to chance of a combat master pretty cheap so have went for that for now.but i would eventualy like to run about dual pistol in a cqb match for a laugh so may have to get anopther haha
  8. Misery

    Low FPS

    ahhh got ya nah was when i seen step sons reading so low was when i questioned wtf is going on and looked properly and saw my mistake lol `first thing i did was load the pistol and try bout jumped for joy then sheepishly put the pistol away and let u guys know lol
  9. all unskirmished by me as ive never had a game yet lol
  10. Misery

    Low FPS

    the offending pistol lol not bad for 60 i will admit to removing the paint but i was only in my defense i was only trying to remove the blue over the trades then got carried away and forgot to stop 😕 she was then given a couple of coats of matt black on the slide to cover the last of the blue that i couldnt remove,2 extra mags were ordered from bespoke the same day i bought the pistol so with the pistols and mags and autobot bucking im a grand total of 110 in +15 in parts that were not needed so writing em off haha,but im happy and thats all that matters onto the next *project* haha
  11. Misery

    Low FPS

    it was shooting 315 on ultrair according to patrol bases test before sending out to previous owner what would running a m4 through it cause?
  12. Misery

    Low FPS

    aye man always good having spares whys that bud thought makorovs were quite popular i just cant beleive after all that it was the fecking chrono!! if wasnt for my step son wanting to see what his can do id never of checked!!! although did accidently shoot myself in the toe haha fecking hurt like a **** lol proper tear to the eye moment haha
  13. Misery

    Low FPS

    haha me neither llf totally bud,yup have put alol the original parts back in and keeping the new ones for the spares may pick up another as see these as boneyards quite often lol
  14. Misery

    Low FPS

    erm ive made a complete and utter feck up...the pistol was never low fps my fecking chrono was set to m/s instead of fps only figured it out cause step son wanted to do his lol and his came up at 80 odd was like hold on cant be right,tried my shotty through it 44 the noticed was on ms lol achwell got spare parts for when she does go was in a warm housee bud so mags were upto decent temp but was my own fecking fault lol thank you @Adolf Hamster and @Alimcdfor alll the help!!
  15. bought the wife a pandora charm bracelet 4 days later package arrives empty box checked the weight of the parcel to the weight on the delivery sticker and the bracelet was never in the box,guy tried to say oh one of his workers must of not packed it he was away on holiday and would resend it in 2 weeks needless to say got told to bolt and got my money back
  16. Misery

    Low FPS

    ahhh got ya if u had said rocket valve haha so many diff names for parts lol well def rule that out as was full nozzle kit so that was replaced yeah dont think ill go down the npas route nightmare trying to figure this gun out lol
  17. Misery

    Low FPS

    so far shes had xomplete nozzle assembly bbu and an autobotbucking done float valve which part is that exactly bud still getting to grips with names of the parts
  18. thats close to homr fot me and one i was intrested in visiting
  19. Misery

    Low FPS

    forgot to mention the other day i noticed that part doesnt seem right in my opinion i know the slide pushs it down but dont think it catchs properly which in turn the strikers not going in fully @Adolf Hamster @Alimcd
  20. i sorted the safety bud changed the screw and safety works fine now im contemplating just putting it into a tech now tbh starting to lose paitence with it and will end up throwing it against a wall soon haha
  21. ok steps tried sp far cleaned sensors,changed internals back to standard bar mosfet,changed the stickers on the selector plate yet it still continues to happen gah
  22. possibley will see when i get it back together if that is causing an issue
  23. only calibration u can really do with the perun v2 is trigger response bud,ill strip her down give the sensors a clean see if anything maybe one of the wires is cover a sensor slightly will check all that
  24. haha yeah i upgraded to the perun bud :),did tag him so just waiting on his response see what he susggests aswell before i end up putting the gun to a tech next week lol
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