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Misery last won the day on May 8 2021

Misery had the most liked content!

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  • Guns
    tm sopmod.cyma cm.098a e platinum,cyma cm.621,cyma cm.516,,jw3 combat master,1911,gen 4 g17
  • Loadouts
  • Sites
    viper strike airsoft.evoloution airsoft.fort.area 66
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  1. the saga of the tm sop mod is now almost over XD,outer barrel and spacer arrived now fitted just need to plug in the front wiring and put in front body pin who knew fitting diffrent front end would be a pain XD

  2. this is a written rule not an unwritten one thats why we have em XD tbf not everyone does that ill upload my fuck ups or pretty much non edited full game play footage other than walks bk to respawns XD no hit markers etc
  3. im mid 30's and run bout with cam on my head and my rif bud nobody pays one blind bit to it,and if they do tell em to jog on
  4. bloody bhell that is some proper gta shit!!
  5. Misery


    Haha yeah i know the feeling why theres been a break in videos XD cheers bud appreciated
  6. Misery


    hi thank you for watching bud its appreciated yeah area has some small game areas but boy are they fun still one of my top sites visited so far,viper strike is same just with some long cqb buildings etc again great site definatly recomended ahhh enemy down i have already attended there around a mth ago bud i will not be returning dont get me wrong the site itself is decent right where to start no guns where chrono'd at al,came to vip game noone wanted to be vip so i offered did 2 rounds so had put my dmr down as wasnt allowed to use it only my pistol,come back after the 2 games to find a marshall had picked up my gun rattled through the mag when asked about it all i got was shouldnt of left it there then now sorry but my gun had just been fixed after shitting a piston rack and isnt a cheap gun also would u just go jump in someone you dont knows car if thewy had left the keys i doubt im an easy going person b ut that just takes the piss in my opinion espicialy if its someone u dont know,also team mate was full auto'd from 5ft away resulting in severe internal bleeding that collected at his ankle,the guy incidently when asked do u know what 15m is couldnt tell
  7. knew i was blind but didnt relise how blind till watching my gameplay footage back XD


  8. it seems to only be with higher than £80 transactions had it a few times when i sold on graphics cards
  9. yeah the cyma has the quick change system and the titan goes inside the gearbox bud
  10. as others have said hpa would be your best bet but currently running a sr25 myself with following upgrades high torque motor gate titan advance for all the funky electronic wizardry pre cocking,dmr delay etc 19-1 shs gears shs piston promethious innerbarrel s-hop pewing around 410fps the range abd accuracy is quite surprising but tbh a decent tightbore barrel high torque motor spring and a mosfet would be my port of call if i was to do another one,as for mosfets id recomend the perun v2hybrid over the titan as its half the price near enough same features just has to be set up by trigger and selector
  11. the usb link doesnt stay connected bud you disconect it after you haved it its only the blue link that stays connected to your riff as beenb said its definatly worth it as it gives u the option to be able to check the selector properly you can program through the selector have found this for you
  12. was meant to be not that bad XD yeah its frist press for strong 2nd for weak then off i only found that out couple weeks ago XD yeah bud its just hot glued on came right off
  13. im using those fma goggles myself there not to bad remove the foam and give the lense a coat of nuprol anti fog and there fine dont fog up unless its raining,nightmare the strongest setting is the first press on the button originaly thought was the 2nd XD
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