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Everything posted by Skullchewer

  1. Silence heretic! You're harshing my vibe, maaaan. Seriosuly though, I know, but I've been wanting an SDV for years, but didn't want to pay much for exactly that reason.
  2. I'm on the "Eastern European" side of a Battlesim again, so... Second hand CM.057A, bought on these forums. Not chronoed it yet. Popped a couple of cheeky shots into a pillow and it sounds snappy and healthy.
  3. I took the original stock off and made it uglier, please pay more.
  4. https://airsoft-forums.uk/discord/invite/5Rnh4fb/
  5. Dear Zod, man, those are absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Good work!
  6. Wherabouts are you? I see you're considering Reforger, I have playted there a couple of times, it's not bad. If it's not much further from you I can highly recommend Red Alert Airsoft Newbury. Speaking of..... Back to Red Alert yesterday, for a day of silly easter games. Escort the bunny, build a bomb out of easter eggs, Buggernaught, etc... Loads of fun. The weather was excellent, lunch was good as always, and I don't think I heard a single grumble about hit taking all day. My back gave up again, so didn't play much in the afternoon, and my QRF seems to have developed a piston leak I'll need to take a look at. But overall a bloody ace day of stupidity. Added to this, we finally got the custom patches for our... well, it's not a team, just a collective of idiots who play together sometimes, The Outcasts. The Scottish division of Outcasts came down from Glasgow for the weekend and had a blast at Red Alert. James particularly enjoyed handling my Pulse Rifle (Ooer). As you can see by my headgear, the Outcasts take Airsoft super seriously. @GAMBLE @Gloombones
  7. Last Sunday was my first day back, after a hiatus of several months, partly due to lack of funds but also issues with an old back injury. Eased mysely back in with a DMR day, so a nice gentle pace, no running around. A mild jog at most. 4 knife kills in the first game of the morning! Ohh, it's good to be back! A few tag round kills, and some lucky long range DMR shots, resulted in a massive grin plastered across my face. Played one game after lunch and tyhen my back said "I'm gonna ruin your day if you don';t stop now", so I called it and took photos the rest of the day. It was FANFUCKINGTASTIC to be back, and I'm playing again tomorrow, a squad of 8 of us in fact, all with comms. Should be a giggle. Hopefully my back will hold up better now I'm exercising again.
  8. Bolster armouries. Airsoft for rich idiots. Kid had one last sunday, his first RIF. Looked okay but really not worth that much money.
  9. Oh I missed that. You could try acetone, like a cheap bottle of nail polish remover. If that doesn't work rubbing alcohol. Do it with warm water and a scaper or a rough sponge if you're concerned about scratching.
  10. Came in to give advice as someone whgo works with paint a lot, but good advice had been given, and then... ANARCHY I TELL YOU!
  11. *wanders into thread* *Scans a few posts* O_o *Leaves*
  12. Stop ruining my ridiculous fear mongering!
  13. Most likely coincidence but used Airsoft has been offline for days.
  14. From your last couple of game day reports either you really need to go to different sites, or you're exaggerating.
  15. First five gangers, and a bunch of scenery, painted.
  16. http://earthboundcentral.com/misc/f4bmn5t.jpg?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss
  17. Most skirmish games tend to be pretty rule heavy, especially when it comes to individual units. You could try him with Star Saga. Boardagem Geek users rate it as a 2.78 out of 5 for complexity. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/209696/star-saga It's a cross between a board game and a skirmish game, with the added bonus that you can even play it solo, or with up to 5 people. I have it and enjoy it as a simple, quick game, but then I am very nerdy about tabletop games, so what is simple to me may not be for him? The rules are pretty straightforward, for a skirmish game, and it comes with an array of good miniatures and terrain, if he also fancies getting into the painting side of the hobby. There are a bunch of missions you can play, and the tiles that come with it are arranged differently for each mission. And there's nothing to stop you designing your own mission Alternatively browse boardgamegeek, OR, I would suggest seeing if there's a tabletop gaming store near you, and pop in for a chat with the and see if they have any recommendations. Edit: Weekend warriors sounds fun!
  18. Crime series.... I'm an interview with Cavill the interviewer was asking about potential characters he could play, and threw out Eisenhorn. I would fucking watch the shit out of Cavill as Eisenhorn.
  19. The D&D movie is entertaining me already. Many nerds are complaining about it being too silly and humorous. This nerd, however, recognises that that's pretty much every D&D session. Sure, you may want to be grim and moody and brooding heroes, but it rarely turns out like that. D&D sessions lean more towards Pratchett than Tolkien, so I'm all for silly movie. And yes, LOVING the monsters so far. I can only wish that the end of the movie smash cuts to the actors sat around a table trying to arrange a date for the next session but having scheduling conflicts. Yeah, nice to see that he's also producing, so maybe he'll convince the studio to treat the lore with respect and not shaft it utterly (Rings of Power, and especially Halo). I really can't see the series being as horrific and grim as 40K really is. I can but hope. It's the lore that keeps dragging me back to 40k after all these years.
  20. Finished crafting a ghilie cape. Taken ages but I'm happy with it. The hood I already had and have used a few times I bought a cape that clips to the hood and have foliaged the shiz out of that mofo. Could possibly use a little more but it'll do for now. Testing it this Sunday.
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