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  • Guns
    VSR-X, Silverback SRS A1 covert, TM MK23, TM MP5 NGRS, Classic Army M249 Para
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    Pencott Greenzone, Tibet-tarn
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    Combat South, Battle Lakes, Green Ops
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  1. Heard at safety brief today - "Does anyone know how far 30m is? I've never used a sniper rifle before"... 😟

    (I mean, at least he asked, but, you know...)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GiantKiwi


      "All the gear and no idea" epitomised. 😂

    3. Rogerborg


      How many Licking Mustard patches was he wearing?

    4. Hatchet


      He seemed nice enough chap, just inexperienced. My worry was more hearing that statement at a site that is mostly Rhododendron CQB with limited sightlines for sniping, so the possibility for below MED engagements seemed high.

      He was happy enough to listen to words of advice like "If you're not sure, don't shoot", so... benefit of the doubt. 🙂

      (I reserve the right to revise my opinion on this if I come back in 2 weeks having been domed from 5 metres)

  2. I've got one of the Safarilands for this particular light (which doesn't hold the gun well without it) so now thinking about buying one of these just so I can use the holster. Even though I have perfectly fine other holsters and lights and don't in any way need it...
  3. Same as every other bolt gun tbh. The only issue with the SRS is how much more exposed the bolt is to crap and how rapidly it therefore generates crunchy grit paste. At least it's easy to take out and clean.
  4. Yes (source, was the first gun I bought, 23 years ago). There's a couple of ways of doing it, and there used to be a good guide here but it seems to be down at the moment. I have saved some pictures though. Or you can do it the lazy way below
  5. From memory, they can be a bit loose, but it doesn't really matter, as long as they're engaging properly. It's just a question of striking the balance between trigger responsiveness and accidental actuation. I have found the easiest way to adjust it is to build the gearbox in gun, etc and then take the rear lower stock pin out. This usually allows you to pivot the pistol grip/trigger mech from the front pin and adjust until you're happy with it, by bending arm/moving the trigger grubscrew in and out. The advantage to doing it this way is that you can hear/feel the microswitch actuating (make sure the battery is out before you start all this!) if you've done it too tight. I also find it worth backing off just a little anyway, because there can be a bit of flex in the fittings and if you've got it adjusted too finely you can end up firing when you lift the gun using just the pistol grip, because the weight pushes the pistol grip/trigger assembly up into the main body just a hair.
  6. Probably just a case of backing off the grub screw on the trigger a bit, or cutting down/bending the microswitch arm, if you haven't already done that (because the unadjusted ones seem to inevitably get sucked into the gears at some point and make it into a runaway gun).
  7. Have a look at the pic here. May be helpful. Edited - Actually, probably not helpful if you're talking about wiring to the microswitch, because I don't have a picture of that. I think from memory that's just the bottom two contacts to wire to, but may vary depending on your switch. Fairly easy to test...
  8. Yes, runs fine on the Gen 4 mags.
  9. Okay, but *apart* from the recoil shocks, magnetic fire control in the MP5, MWS system, gas AK's, gas semi auto saiga, new pistols, electric shotguns, recoil MK46, sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us? Yes, this isn't a new gun. It's a refresh. Plenty of other threads people say "JG/CYMA have mosfets and Marui don't". Marui refresh to bring them in and then "They're not innovating"? Combined with "I'll wait for the clone to come out" seems hard for them to win.
  10. Add this to the list of "Phrases you don't want to hear in Airsoft"...
  11. Looks like Marui are giving the minor update treatment to the G36c now. Mosfet, different sights and allegedly better finish (although I suspect it'll be the same as the recoil ones, but I could be wrong). https://www.tokyo-marui.co.jp/products/electric/standard/512
  12. Did not play as I had non-airsoft plans (surely not!) and was mildly annoyed that the first sunny day is the one that I'm not free. Then remembered that my leg is buggered anyway so it would have made no difference. The Ghillie discussion is probably one for another topic, since there's bound to be quite a lot of opinion on it. I have to say I'd be in favour of fewer of them and this comes purely from personal gameplay observations. 1 - Many ghillies with HPA M4's where you can no longer see or hear your opponent can lead to an awful lot of stalemates where nobody can advance (depending on the site layout/games). Like many things, it's hilarious when *you're* lying invisibly in a bush silently murdering everyone, but gets a lot less entertaining when everyone's doing it. 2 - Hit taking. Normally when having issues with hit taking the standard process is "This player, wearing this camo, with this rig and this type of helmet, using this gun - I believe was not taking his hits". This now becomes "Someone in a ghillie", which makes it a lot harder to resolve issues when there's 10 of them. But, we'll see how it plays out. Probably still plenty of sites there that don't mind you doing it whilst you wear your armbands on your feet, etc. if that's your thing.
  13. Same with the bipod. Most of the time they're just dead weight and you're better off bracing against an arm/leg/tree, etc. Particularly with VSR, adding a bipod is probably going to near double the weight anyway (okay, a slight exaggeration, but then again I've got this Parker-Hale bipod that probably makes that an accurate statement) Usually bipods end up just being used to stand the gun in the safe zone on rather than shoot from, unless you're talking something particularly heavy (support weapon, EBR-14, etc). However, if you're determined to have one, I'd suggest something like a Harris - I'm sure there are plenty of clones but I've not used them. They're lightweight and quick to deploy with spring loaded legs and usually the ability to cant to one side or other to keep the rifle level.
  14. You've also got UCAP GreenOps within an hour of you that is pretty easy to get to and well run.
  15. I've got HSGI tacos in both pistol and extended pistol and both work, although the extended give you more coverage unsurprisingly. A lot of it can come down to play style and what other guns and rigs you run. You haven't mentioned if this is for belt or chest/plate carrier or both. For example, HSGI do a taco that's rifle+pistol, so if you often run an M4 but also have occasional MP5 you can use it for either. Alternatively if it's a more dedicated mp5 plate carrying rig, you might want all 4 to be quick draw across the chest (although I find this awkward with long mags and prefer a belt draw). You generally don't *need* more than one or two of the tacos in my view. I have a couple on the belt since I tend to quick reload from those and then top them up from additional closed pouches on a chest rig in a lull.
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