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Posts posted by concretesnail

  1. Pictures will help a lot, but it sounds like it's sitting a touch low or a bit long.

    Make sure the plates are just below the point your collar bones meet the centre of your chest and lift the cummerbund to bring it up so the bottom edge doesn't drop too far below the bottom rib on your side (lowest curve of the rib)

  2. I've done the battle sim days at anzio.

    The jist of the day is that once the brief safety brief is done then the scenario which the objectives are based around is given and then objectives through out the day are posted via a teams HQ, although it's not always the respawn points as these are often located elsewhere, and as such can be used as objectives/taken and held etc.


    In terms of the day. Once it starts it doesn't stop for breaks or lunch, so it's up to you to eat/drink in the game area or return to the safe zone. I've found it a better day when teams have taken breaks in the field and have a drink/take break within the game area, so are never out of play but obviously that's down to the players on the day.


    I've played those days as both dmr and aggressive bolt action support (snipe but not Bush wookie) as well as assault/cqb and it works well either way for me bt I would say to wear a watch or have the ability to know the time with you. Objectives are often time based, eg your have x time until x happens or to capture a point. Which I felt was a great idea to stop things getting too stick if one team players decide to take an hour off for lunch.


  3. For the gear box in general, I've never had an issue precocking, however it does mean your spring will be compressed for an increased amount of time so its life span will be reduced slightly. If you don't decompress it after a game day then this fps loss over time will be dramatically shorter.


  4. Glad you found the issue and that a solution is in the making. The last re wire I did I used the wire have in an ethix silicone wire selection box for building fpv quads.

    Quality is good and you get a few guages which worked well in the rif

  5. If you have a multi meter I'd check the wiring loom on the motor as well as the physical connection tabs. It could be something as simple as you pinched a cable and broken the wire, or the spade isn't staying put when the grip gets closed up.

    If all is fine until the base plate goes on then start at the base of the motor and connections and work your way up as the perun yellow code is for motor connection not gearbox jam, which is a blinking red light usually.

  6. On 12/02/2022 at 18:28, Stevobeavo said:

    Had my eye on this for a while, last week I contacted patrolbase to import one from Taiwan gun, filled out there order forms etc. 


    Noticed on their website last night they are now stocking them so made a order today. 

    Post up on how you find it. It's so temptingly odd.

  7. The krytac has a mosfet already so you should need to worry about contacts and that page doesn't say anything about voltage so I'd suggest try it.

    I'd always use a battery that can handle what'd be asked of it. I'd rather the mosfet ie than a lipo pushed into failure next to my face.

    Treat them with respect and lipo can be great batteries, I use a lot of them.

  8. Generally its fine but that's a loaded question. It would depend on the aeg in question. The lipo will only give what the system demands and in worst case scenario, die trying.

    Some manufacturers think its okay to use the battery as the limiting factor and recommend batteries with low 'C' ratings so the battery suffer voltage drop and keep running rather than burning out poor quality components.

  9. 8 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

    Mmm, Perun AB++ does look like a viable default choice, if only because they're actually available.

    A friend of mine has just fitted one o these and is over the moon with the performance.

    He's just made the jump to 11.1 as well. Active brake should fix the over spin, the setting would be dependant on the system but the instructions are easy to follow.

  10. If its from ak2m4 then its worth asking. :)

    I'd still look at the mag spring for the mags which have an issue as you already said all the other midcaps feed and fire fine and that uts just the 200rnd ones that don't.

    I seem to recall people that have the large midcap pts mags having similar issues, just too much pressure.

    I know I have zci barrels and maple leaf rubbers in nearly all my rifs and use nothing but mid and low cap mags.

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