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Everything posted by MAX DICKER

  1. Just want to see some of the kaleidoscopic bruises from BB's that some of you guys must surely have. I'll start. Loving the deep burgundy dappling with a greenish edge fading to yellow.
  2. Oh don't get me wrong, I've bought dozens of Rifs over the years, I just don't collect them. I'll get something new and sell the old one. Most I've had at any one time (nit including pistols) is maybe 4. That being said, I'm sorely tempted to get an M41a 😍
  3. Wow. I literally have 1 rifle and 2 pistols
  4. Oops my bad, I was thinking of a different recreational toy gun based hobby 😄
  5. Your first 100 bb's are free, then £6.99 per 100 after that
  6. Thanks for the info, I'm happy enough to pay for good content though, and frankly I couldn't wait to watch it 🤣
  7. Video of MWS recoil making my bingo wings wobble I'm definitely going to have to do more dips 🤣
  8. Manic day at strikeforce Gloucester yesterday, everyone seemed to have had their weetabix and the quality of play was fantastic, my friends and I found the honesty levels to be very high. The MWS always brings a grin to my face (not great when I don't wear face protection lol) and I found I was going through all 6 of my mags most games as well as all 5 of my glock mags. The last game I played was Tug of War which was basically a stalemate for the entire game with the middle of the play zone being an absolute meat grinder. Must have over 100 welts on my body (8 on my face alone). Amazing day.
  9. I've played sites for £20 and had a bad time, and played sites for £35 - £40 and had an outstanding time. The opposite is also true. Every time you pay your fee to play you're rolling the dice. There are so many variables as to what will make your day good value for your money; site size, development, layout, rules, marshaling, weather etc.... But frankly, the thing I feel makes or breaks ANY game day, no matter the site, are the players. All it takes is a few dickheads to flip a day and make me regret handing over my hard earned cash.
  10. I was going to post this but you beat me to it
  11. Just ordered one from Kydex Customs... have one already on my M640DF
  12. https://airsoft-forums.uk/topic/53628-unscrewing-x300-bezel/
  13. They are going to savage our beloved hobby and I can't wait lol Also, me and the boys are going to have to change our 'team' name now ☹️
  14. I know my MWS is gucci'd up but I do love the classic look. My WE M4 basically looked like that the 2 or so years I used it
  15. £240 in diesel in a recent trip to Scotland lol
  16. Not so much made, but hacked away at until it fit... a rs Stike industries dust cover, took some trimming but now it operates as it should. Looks a bit rough but it's hardly a bank busting item so now I know it's doable, I'll get another and do a tidy job
  17. Never been due to the overwhelming amount of bad experiences I've heard about it.
  18. So I'd definitely say its a serious consideration as airsoft sites can be hazardous at the best of times let alone when running about with pews. I have a bald spot on my head where I caught it on a vehicle door frame about 7 years ago and literally peeled a piece of my scalp back. If I had been playing with a helmet that day, I'd have saved myself a trip to an out of hours gp to get stitched up.
  19. Absolutely not doubting their customer service or the value of their products
  20. Not for me sorry. Mainly as I avoid Chinese companies as best I can.
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