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Everything posted by Cr0-Magnon

  1. A rest bite? Isn't that what Bulldogs have?
  2. Sadly I think in the not too distant future, children won't be taught the difference. Same with you're and your.
  3. Which ones do you come across whether it be online or not, which make you teeter between laughing and crying? The most common one I see is "I could care less" Also on another forum someone just used this could be a "Blessing in the skies"
  4. It's like you've just walked in to a really rough pub and this guy is sat at the other end of the bar staring at you.
  5. Wow a lot of castrated guys in here...do your partners at least allow you to see the glass jar with your balls in when you've been good boys? Also, can we flip it and add people who make ridiculously low offers or trades such as "Fancy trading a five year old Honey Badger for your fully upgraded TM NGRS package? I'll even throw in a 9.6v NiMH to sweeten the deal!"
  6. Haha, that's amazing! Although individual pockets/bins for each troop really isn't the most efficient use of space.
  7. I may have just pre-ordered a 2020 Scorpion Evo in FDE....
  8. Items are always worth what someone is willing to pay, obviously lowering it increases that pool of people. You may get lucky and be contacted by that one person who has been searching for ages and absolutely desperately wants one with this skin. However 99.9% of potential buyers would rather pay £99 for a brand new (black) one, therefore meaning the value you've put on the skin alone is more than £100. It's your property, you can ask whatever you like for it but this thread also helps buyers get their items sold quicker.
  9. Mine was the latest "US M9" version with adjustable hop and working decocker.
  10. Good luck, I couldn't figure out how to get mine to hop again even with a 50 degree maple leaf, i key and pdi barrel. Bought a TM G19 which hops fantastically on Nuprol 1.0 regardless of the temperature. I must have lost all my Marui fairies when I opened it to clean! I've just bought a Umarex G19X although starting to regret it as it seems their QC has gone downhill massively?
  11. I ordered mine in what...November? No harm done though, received yesterday with thanks!
  12. Echoing the above statements, I don't think their advice or customer service is the best but if they have a known brand for a good price then I'd take a punt. Someone was trying to tell me only an idiot would buy from justBBguns but I got Marui G17 from them considerably cheaper than I could find anywhere else, it was no worse than a Marui G17 from any of the retailers who don't have "BB" in their name.
  13. Wait, so are we officially adding Odin to "Dreamers of the Week"?
  14. Depends what they've had doing to them. I've put £1600 in to my SCAR....
  15. I'm starting to think my hobby is buying airsoft guns, rather than owning and using them 🤔

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Musica


      I have so fair avoided this trap I own 2 guns and I use both at the same time my pistol and evo. 


      Every time I look at another gun I just think it won't be as good as my current ones. 



    3. Cr0-Magnon


      @Musica - That's a very mature way of looking at it. I envy you!

    4. Skara


      For once it feels good to be poor!

  16. Rather than renew, they should just screenshot the previous add and repost...full Droste effect style!
  17. An excellent day at Zed Adventures Battle Lakes yesterday, really made me fall back in love with airsoft. A bit further afield than I'm used to but it was really good to finally play at a new site (had only been to two different ones in three years of playing).

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cr0-Magnon


      @Asomodai  - Yeah, definitely "out in the sticks" but well worth the 45- 50 minute drive (each way) for me. Made a bit easier too as Negative Airsoft have just upgraded an AEG and pistol for me, so they were waiting at chrono upon my arrival 😁

    3. Lasbrisas17


      Did he make a video on them? @Cr0-Magnon also battle lakes is great

    4. Cr0-Magnon


      @Lasbrisas17 - My pistol he did:   




      I wasn't sure about the purple grip when I saw it in the vid but it's darker in person and I really like it. Plus it's very snappy, you can really tell the difference between this and a GBBP with cheap pot metal slide.

  18. Gonna be testing my fully upgraded WE G18C (aka Poseidon P18 Evo Mod1) against a stock Marui G18C this weekend. Any suggestions for criteria? Would anyone be interested in seeing a report with photo's and even short videos? 

    1. Skara


      gas efficiency, cooldown in both semi and full auto.

      Maximum and effective Range, groupings (same bbs of course).


      Honestly though I'd like to see a comparison between two stock guns, rather than stock X vs fully upgraded Y (X and Y being of different brands)

  19. Just booked Zed Adventures Battle Lakes for 26th Jan. Anyone else going?

  20. What we've learnt today is people really put a lot of financial value on their "custom paint jobs"
  21. This is fantastic and exactly what the thread is all about. Translation: I wanted to age it but didn't have a clue how, so just started scrubbing the paint off. Oh btw, in the process I even broke a part. In summary I didn't do a good aging job, so I've gone completely off it. Anyone want to give me enough to buy a new one? Cheers. You see it frequently in secondhand sales. "Just needs a part which is cheap and easy to install".....then do it yourself so you can legitimately class it as used rather than bone yard!
  22. I'm just glad I managed to avoid public flogging! Personally I take this thread as just a bit of banter. People are of course allowed to ask whatever they like for their goods. Besides this is limited edition, you'll all be dead but in a hundred years time I'm taking it on the Antiques Roadshow and then will make a fortune! We all know limited edition airsoft guns only rocket in value......
  23. Woah...I'm popular, haha. If someone had messaged me to point it out/ask, you could have saved yourselves some time speculating but yes that's a typo. Also this is no longer for sale.
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