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  1. Haha
    John_W reacted to KOBK81 in Is That You Kicking Mustang?   
    Mustangs latest suits are going well i see 🤣

  2. Like
    John_W reacted to DaktariT in Is That You Kicking Mustang?   
    I miss Bodgeups. Bloody nice bloke.
  3. Haha
    John_W reacted to Druid799 in Weapon762 Opening a UK Store   
    Well that’s an easy one to answer for you , Crye is American so all there kit is made for roid’head mahoosive special forces and Arc’teryx are a Canadian company so all there kit is made for roid’free normal sized special forces .😉
  4. Like
    John_W reacted to Sitting Duck in The Zuckerpurge Has Begun   
    OK - that team didn't lose or got its arse handed to them
    NOPE - they came SECOND (in a two team game FFS) in fact
    my motto - poke shit at yourself before anybody else does
    if you have hurty feelings, or too fragile stay in your safe space/safe zone
  5. Haha
    John_W reacted to Stratton Oakmont in Is That You Kicking Mustang?   
    So skara can I have a free kmcs leaf suit now I’ve outed you?
  6. Haha
    John_W reacted to Skara in Is That You Kicking Mustang?   
    Thing is.
    It's NOT a copy, it's the same product, made by the same russian tailor using the same materials (albeit different print, KMCS in something, Stalker in M05), only the tag has a different name printed on it
    Everything, starting from the fact that they steal our oxygen
  7. Haha
    John_W reacted to Skara in Is That You Kicking Mustang?   
    Considering the current state of both Italian and UK airsoft, I would totally expect this title from KM lol
  8. Haha
    John_W reacted to Cr0-Magnon in Is That You Kicking Mustang?   
    I'm looking forward to being featured in your next video @Skara
    What will the title be? "Professional Sniper DESTROYS Forum Snowflakes with these OVERPOWERED Posts"?
  9. Like
    John_W reacted to Skara in Is That You Kicking Mustang?   
    The fuck? 😮
  10. Haha
    John_W reacted to Stratton Oakmont in Is That You Kicking Mustang?   
    Having read numerous threads on the YouTube sniper, I’ve noticed a theme running through the posts by one particularly vociferous poster.
    My suspicion is that it may be a distraction to pour scorn on the person whilst secretly concocting an elaborate back story when it’s them all along.
    SKARA, is that you kicking mustang?
  11. Like
    John_W got a reaction from Tackle in An Interesting Take From a 'Real Steel' Perspective   
    He does indeed.
    But we don't get five minutes of "um, this is the box and now, er, I am going to open it and we'll this is the instructions and you have some BBs and a charger and these safety instructions" 
  12. Haha
    John_W reacted to Tackle in An Interesting Take From a 'Real Steel' Perspective   
    Is that the black guy who runs around the house in full tactical gear & is very excited, like he's on speed lol 😳
  13. Like
    John_W got a reaction from Tackle in An Interesting Take From a 'Real Steel' Perspective   
    A bit of rehearsal and maybe a script might help. Throw in some decent lighting and sound. 
    Khan Seb was a great favourite of mine, and although he is a little irritating, Airsoft Mike isn't bad either.
  14. Haha
    John_W reacted to Druid799 in Space Force !   
    Well just when you think all the shits’n’giggles are coming to an end as general bonespurs leaves the White House something else pops up TO make you laugh one of those WTF ! Laughs .
    Gentlemen (and the one or two ladies on here) I present to you the KA-BAR SPACE-BAR ! 😳
    i shit you not this is real ! it’s one of the last Military things the trump administration authorized , a combat/utility knife for SPACE FORCE ! (They earned the exclamation mark just for existing) Now one would think you wouldn’t want sharp pointy tarey things near your space suit ? But hay it’s the trumpa lumpa’s SPACE FORCE ! So they can have WHAT EVER they want !🤣🤣🤣🤣

  15. Haha
    John_W got a reaction from Lozart in The Zuckerpurge Has Begun   
    Apparently he isn't Right Wing enough for some Americans. Or maybe he fancies Ivanka...
  16. Like
    John_W reacted to Sitting Duck in The Zuckerpurge Has Begun   
    Kids not going back to school ???
    it happens during July~August
    no offence to younger players out there
    but just shedding some light out there
    to possible reasons - Detective Inspector Duck

  17. Like
    John_W reacted to CrackCommandoUnit1972 in An Interesting Take From a 'Real Steel' Perspective   
    Airsoft reviewers should watch a hickok45 video to learn how to review a gun without sending people to sleep.
  18. Like
    John_W reacted to Druid799 in An Interesting Take From a 'Real Steel' Perspective   
    Over the years I’ve come across quite a few squaddies and Plod that came to the sport with a VERY negative preconception of what to expect who by the end of the day (some even by end of the 1st game!) had done a complete about face with there attitude to it and if it could be useful as part of there training regimens . As an RM said to me during a lunch break who’d come for his baby brother’s birthday “I REALLY didn’t want to come today but have to say I’ve never had a target shoot back at me before ! I’m f**king buzzing !” 🤣
    I think Airsoft is just like any thing else that could enhance your training , you just need to find the right way to use it .
  19. Like
    John_W reacted to Hami in Overkill?   
    Such a prick with a god complex... Someone posted a video breaking down his clips where he blatantly misses and doesn't take his hits. 
    Only people that watch him are kids that have never played the game... 
  20. Like
    John_W reacted to strykerles in Overkill?   
    total cockwomble full auto at those ranges
  21. Like
    John_W reacted to Tackle in Overkill?   
    Definite cnut, & he knows it, as he mentions "upsetting a few people" at the start of the vid.
    On the plus side, he's only any good at hitting players that wander about with their head up their arse, if he plays against anyone with any skill, he'll run dry in 1.3 seconds & then get picked off with ease.
    Although I suspect hell edit those bits out of his video, like every other YouTube wanker, I mean warrior 😏
  22. Haha
    John_W got a reaction from jsmithski in The Zuckerpurge Has Begun   
    The problem with Airsoft Facebook groups is that they get swamped with "show us your M4 pictures" "is Taiwangun any good" and the perennial classic of asking for opinions on guns after they have bought them instead of before, or how to upgrade them when they have never even skirmished them.
    I would however miss the pictures of loadouts in slippers because mum doesn't allow boots in the house, and the bad selfies in the bathroom mirror with pants drying on the radiator in the background.
  23. Like
    John_W reacted to Lozart in So - Does This Count as a RIF? Trigger Warning: Contains Speedsoft   
    Let's not forget that people have been shot and killed by armed response units for carrying a chair leg before now...
  24. Haha
    John_W reacted to Druid799 in So - Does This Count as a RIF? Trigger Warning: Contains Speedsoft   
    We’ll seeing as most speedsofters do generally hose the F*ck out of everyone wouldn't Hozeloc be an appropriate manufacturer ?
    Is that the new HPA one ? 😂
    now if someone could add a top loading system for faster feeding then “oh they already did , it’s call a paint marker “😳

  25. Haha
    John_W reacted to Adolf Hamster in What Is Dis Above a Traffic Light?   
    little known facts, traffic lights are like spider plants.
    what you're seeing there is the baby sprout that will soon make its way to pastures new, plant roots and grow into a fully fledged traffic light.
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