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  1. Like
    John_W reacted to Druid799 in Take the hint , it ain’t selling !   
    FFS It’s NOT a poxy licence ! It’s simply a registration on a nationally recognised database of site affiliated players , if you can prove by any other method your a regular player you don’t even need a UKARA ‘licence’ ! 🤦‍♂️
  2. Haha
    John_W reacted to AirsoftNewb in Take the hint , it ain’t selling !   
    You have to meat the market in order to sell. Its a risk to buy a gun with a clapped out gear box. I think the guns in classifieds are well over priced. I will buy new when I get my licence.
  3. Haha
    John_W reacted to Enid_Puceflange in Take the hint , it ain’t selling !   
    Keep me out of it
  4. Haha
    John_W got a reaction from Tackle in Lee-Enfield at T&G   
  5. Haha
    John_W reacted to Rogerborg in The importance of decent footwear   
    Urine was traditionally used to produce ammonia which can be used for softening leather.  However, just peeing on your feet sounds more like a prank played on the new squaddies.
  6. Haha
    John_W reacted to Tackle in The importance of decent footwear   
    PISS 😱, I was issued them & I'm pretty sure that at no point EVER was piss mentioned (I think that's just some kinky shit 🤣), but then unlike Airsoft we were wearing them almost 24/7, so decent thick woolly socks, changed regularly, soon had them like a pair of slippers.
    My feet are much like the OP's, smashed up, only 9 toes & a few ops, they won't win any beauty competitions lol, my super comfy boots of choice at the mo are belville tactical research, awesome, bit like an od boxing boot 👍
  7. Like
    John_W reacted to PopRocket123 in The importance of decent footwear   
    There's a reason the most expensive bit of kit I own outside of rifs are my pair of really nice Altberg tabbers boots. They've saved my ankles more times than could count at airsoft games, on hikes, at festivals and in snow. They're also the most comfortable footwear I've ever owned and being hand made with real leather and solid soles I wouldn't be surprised if they outlasted my legs. 
  8. Like
    John_W reacted to Rogerborg in world airsoft- what do others do differently   
    UK airsoft is just fine. It's a decent mix of rentals and noobs, Dye and Crye babies, geardos, Walts, and the actual airsoft veterans in jeans with random brand NBBs or a scruffy AK non-ironically held together with duct tape, all playing more-or-less happily together.
    Power levels are fine too.  I wouldn't be fussed if they went a bit higher, but they're not going there.  Auto guns and bolties are both usable and distinctive. There's some debate over DMRs, in terms of both power and power-play abuse of them, but it's not a huge drama and sites are free to fiddle with their rules, or bin them off altogether.
    When I hear about the competitive stuff from Italy, or huge sites and squad play from Hungary, nah, not for me, thanks, let alone the roid-rage flip-out-and-fite-IRL tosh from the Colonies.  I've enjoyed a couple of light filmsims, but for a regular Sunday I'm fine with short games, short walks, lots of shooting toy guns and maybe playing a bit of dress-up, without some Major Issues barking orders at me.
  9. Like
    John_W reacted to Hatchet in LCT LK-53(HK53) out on 5th August   
    Well, these look interesting. They've been on the cards a while, but looks like they're finally coming out. Both the A2 (solid stock) and A3 (sliding stock) will be out and I think they're doing a standard and an EBB version.
    I've always had a soft spot for the HK53, so hopefully these will be as well built as their G3/HK33, but without quite as much weight up front. No idea on prices, but my guess would be £400 to £500 depending on version.
    No word on the MP5 yet, sadly, but they might have missed the bidding on that anyway now that Marui's recoil version is due out.

  10. Haha
    John_W reacted to Enid_Puceflange in Take the hint , it ain’t selling !   
    Exactly what I said on Zero In a week or so ago 😂

  11. Haha
    John_W reacted to Chev Chelios in Take the hint , it ain’t selling !   
    And when you finally go to buy it after all that time its unavailable  https://www.amazon.com/LubeLife-Personal-Lubricant-Lube-Parabens/dp/B07FMGNV51
  12. Like
    John_W reacted to Tackle in Has Km Cheated the Chrono at Anzio?   
    So if you've got a brand new gun that's never been chrono'd before, & you take it straight on the playing field, but later get chrono'd mid game only to find it's hot, your off site ffs, just because the site staff have a lazy shit eating attitude.
    Fuck that, sites that operate like that won't ever see my money, Airsoft's been around long enough that sites have no excuse for lazy or slapdash set-ups, especially when it comes to safety, ideally site organisers should be picking snippets from all the best run sites & incorporating them in to their own gamedays, best all round for all involved.
  13. Haha
    John_W reacted to EvilMonkee in Has Km Cheated the Chrono at Anzio?   
    Its Monkee as in 60s pop band not Monkey as in small simian animal
  14. Haha
    John_W reacted to Rogerborg in Has Km Cheated the Chrono at Anzio?   
    I'd leapt and bounded to the conclusion that not "proving" you'd passed chrono means that they have chronos available for those with the wit and inclination to use them, rather than them putting on the safety theatre  performance of pretending that everybody has done so.
    If that's wrong and they don't have chronos available before play then I'll cheerfully reverse direction and shout "Boo, burn the witches!"
  15. Like
    John_W reacted to concretesnail in Has Km Cheated the Chrono at Anzio?   
    Last time I played anzio, back end of last year, chrono was there for players to go through just after site opened and they trust players to go through it, as they do regularly grab people going through to the safe zone post game and there was a roaming chrono too, for random testing. It was covered in the brief, regards to passing first thing in the morning then later failing in that you would be allowed to change or take the rif from play.
  16. Haha
    John_W reacted to Oneshotscott in Has Km Cheated the Chrono at Anzio?   
    Or post links to skirmshop websites version of the kmcs, stating how much better it is.. Lol
  17. Haha
    John_W got a reaction from sonofsammo in Has Km Cheated the Chrono at Anzio?   
    I may go on his Facebook page later and ask if Skirmshop are any good...
  18. Like
    John_W reacted to Samlondon in G5's in Black Widow   
    Yes sorry I was getting confused we had so many weapons out they were scorpion Evos not G5
    For anyone interested here is a pic of one I took in the Budapest safe house armoury

  19. Like
    John_W reacted to Rogerborg in G5's in Black Widow   
    Interesting stuff. I'm actually a little surprised that they used blank firers, given how prevalent CGI is now.
    See: Thor Ragnarock.  Obviously upgraded to Asgardian technology...  

  20. Like
    John_W reacted to Samlondon in G5's in Black Widow   
    I was one of the armourers on Black widow and can cofirm they were section 5 G5s set up to fire blank. Not GHK
    The Glock 26 firing on the bridge was an umarex, the only airsoft used in the film.
  21. Haha
    John_W reacted to Rogerborg in G5's in Black Widow   
    It's a compelling argument, but unlike Disney+, thefappening.plus is free to access.
  22. Like
    John_W reacted to Samlondon in A Warning, Attempted Scam   
    Hi all,
    please forgive me if I have posted this in the wrong section.
    Recently I posted a wanted advert up for a GBBR G28 
    The next day I was contacted by a member Dannywill (danielwill###@#####.com) who said he had one and that I should email him.
    it all seemed very good I asked him for some pics and he sent a load through it was a good deal, said he had recently broken his back and just wanted rid of most of his collection. He wanted a pick up but would post if needed but he was in Thurso in Scotland (the southern most tip)
    I agreed to by the rifle but said I would only pay via pay pal as the forum has advised me not to do bank transfers. He agreed but said
    “I'm presently having some technical hitches with my Paypal but my son is here to help me with his Paypal, Kindly let me know when you're ready to proceed with the purchase so I can send you the paypal address you will make the payment to.” 
    Red flag No.1

    So I asked for his phone number just as a back up but then he sent me this.
    ”Here's the paypal address you will make the payment to, ongoloerick@#####.com , Kindly make payment via family and friends, and please include your contact information and shipping address in the next mail. Thanks
    Daniel Wilson,  ###### Crescent, Bettyhill,Thurso #### 819 334 #####”   Strange I thought that’s not a UK number and so I checked the paypal and it only accepted $ USD    I pushed him on it and said I would have to speak to him on the phone before I would send any money and that the phone number he had provided seemed not to work to which he replied.   ”My phone is bad Sam, it accidentally fell of while in water while cleaning an hot water tank rupture I had on Monday, I think I will get a new phone once I had some cash on me.”   It was getting more dodgy by the message I asked him again for a number to which he sent another American number saying it was his son who was over from America to look after him after breaking his back.   I told him I’m not giving him any money and at which point he called me from an phone number in Great Falls Montan USA and was even more sketchy on the phone.   I said to email me a picture of a utility bill or junk mail with the address he had given me on it to which he refused.   He then kept calling me from the same Montan number demanding I Pay.   He told me he would right my name on a bit of paper next to the rifle but never sent it this would only prove he had a G28 not that it was in Scotland.   his last message was as follows  
    “Sam, How I Wish you Know me personally, you would really no am a man of my word, My Son Eric is a student in the USA, he has only been home to take care of me since I had an accident
    if you doubt this, I would advice you to come for a pickup, I will be waiting for you right in the front of my house or you make half payment and if you refuse to balance me up after receiving the goods on your end, I will filed up a case against you, let me know if you're okay with this”   I never replied.   We then found an advert from October 2020 with the exact same description and pics that he had sent but collection from Bedford.   we contacted the original seller from the 2020 advert who assured us it was sold in 2021. He was pissed they had used his images as part of a scam and reported the guy.   This is just a warning to other to be very careful when buying stuff and if anything seem even remotely dodgy don’t do it!!!   and to the mods please look in to this and ban Danny Will!   Some pics attached.        


  23. Like
    John_W reacted to EDcase in Suggestion on a AEP   
    Something like a Scorpion Vz61 or Mac10 AEP might be a better compromise though more expensive and still not as good as an AEG.
    I agree with the consensus that gas pistols are more effective and certainly more fun to use.
    If you want something for CQB you can't go wrong with the good'ol MP5 AEG 😎
  24. Haha
    John_W reacted to Rogerborg in Block 19. Aka How to Ban 2 Tones....   
    It's already been crushed by Lego's lawyers, but it was fun shrieking and flapping about it for the 7 nanoseconds for which it actually existed.
  25. Haha
    John_W reacted to Adolf Hamster in Block 19. Aka How to Ban 2 Tones....   
    and a status update before that.
    hell my own mother messaged me about it this morning
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