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Heath last won the day on January 21 2020

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  • Guns
    Specna Arms SA-E08
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  1. Latest rail version printed in bronze gold. Not a perfect match, but close enough to the lower frame.
  2. I've designed and 3D printed a rail for my FNX-45, with the plan to do a low-profile plate adapter if I ever get round to ordering a cheap red dot that includes one. More tweaking to follow to make it more low-profile.
  3. Looks fake. Same S/N as this one by the looks of it. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32974604383.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.1e521c09VtZhIY&algo_pvid=348cf774-b80e-43f3-b057-fb608351de1a&algo_expid=348cf774-b80e-43f3-b057-fb608351de1a-30&btsid=0b0a3f8115980932759782035e2ee2&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_
  4. His account is still up currently https://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/geobottomley123 Might drop him a message and see if his 100% super genuine Trijicon Red Dot is still for sale.
  5. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
    • As new

    As the title suggests, I'm after a TM Micro Pro Red dot with all of the included screws etc.


  6. Tiger 111 HK are selling 7" SRC MK18 style rails for £14.50. £22 delivered. https://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/product_info.php?products_id=43968%2FSHS-MK18-style-RIS-197mm-Handguard-for-M4&currency=GBP&languag=en
  7. A lint free cloth on a plastic barrel cleaning rod.
  8. 10% off at FRV Tailoring with the discount code FEMMEFATALE.
  9. £280 for Specna Mk18 (£190 brand new) with a clone sight, grip, peq box, and 4 high caps. It's not been fielded though!
  10. In all fairness to the owner It could be that the current circumstances surrounding coronavirus may have had a big financial impact, in which case you could do all of the thinking you want but when they ordered it in September there would be no way of knowing what was coming up.
  11. I'm calling it now. In the future all guns will have the following options when being bought: 1) Two tone 2) A receipt that matches what you told your partner you paid for the gun(s)
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