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Everything posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. So, when was the last time anyone heard from Geoff? Yeah.
  2. Can't believe a photo of me sparked this, I've had a beard to some extent since I started growing facial hair. Being clean shaven is horrible, I end up scratching myself to death and it looks like I have acne afterwards, so continual face pubes in the best I can do to avoid it. I usually keep it pretty short and forego the moustache, but since it's Movember I thought it was a good excuse to see what would happen in a month. The most annoying thing, is that I don't get any growth on my cheeks, just chin, jaw line, sideburns and neck. My moustache and beard never connect, which is why I always shave it off - it looks ridiculous lol. I think a lot of people would assume that I style it to look how it does, but it literally just grows like that, I just tame it a bit, since it never seems to grow evenly.
  3. Battlefield 4 is quickly growing on me, my Xbox seems to have decided to start crashing a lot less and the frame drops are getting less frequent too. Also, the QBZ95 is the most epic rape-tastic gun ever! :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      apart from the scar's sights, they are just aweful.

    3. Airsoft-Ed


      I meant the Famas' sights in comparison to BF3. No iron sights are bad compared to those.

    4. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      I might actually get it when I build a new PC.It looks kind of fun,and I enjoyed the beta. One things that does annoy me is when you get the CD version,IT DOWNLOADS THE BLUDDY GAME FROM ORIGIN ARGHH.

  4. Quite amazed that DICE and EA have actually released BF4 at all. It ought to be called BugField: Unlimited.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. AirsoftTed


      I started back with 1942, epic game. I had a few games of bad company but can't say I had the same experience as you lol. There isn't much to cater to old school BF style gamers now apart from mods or ARMA which is more full on and realistic than a standard BF game.

    3. SpecialForce


      Ive played it at my cousins on ultra, and yes the visuals are nice but it looks all a bit flat and way to crisp. Loads of glitches too and crashed 4 times in a matter of an hour or two. Glad i didnt pre order it! gta all the way..

    4. DX115FALCON


      It's funny because it's true!

  5. Just keep an eye on the news, 'cos if anyone ever asks me if my L85 is a Battlerifle from Halo, the entire world is going to know about it...
  6. Dear god. The Works run by Cerberus is the most diabolically wank site I have ever been to. And I've been to quite a few.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. evilfree


      Link to facebook page :)


    3. Airsoft-Ed


      Try to resist commenting, I don't want it to start again:



      I'll be adding a review to the forums imminently, going over all the issues I had all day too.

    4. evilfree


      lol 206 comments

  7. Kittens - Excellent airsoft accomplices. Rated for 11.1V LiPos and up to 1fps right out of the box.

    1. Airsoft-Ed


      I now recognise that a link may have been helpful:

    2. adam bussey

      adam bussey

      cat videos, proudly brought to you by ED

  8. Finally got through to Ares about getting the feeding mech for my shite sniper replaced. Fingers crossed when I get the parts they'll actually make a difference.

  9. Full video showing my scope cam effect is now up in my channel's thread in the media section. I'd appreciate some feedback. I think it's pretty awesome, but I guess I'd be biased...

  10. Gun/scope cam video has become my 4th most popular upload in barely 20 hours, and it's only 10 seconds long lol. The full video will go live on Wednesday at half 5.

    1. Moose87


      everyone loves gun cam.

  11. I just got a new Contour ROAM 2 to use as my headcam, so my old headcam - a Contour ROAM HD, the original ROAM model, is now my gun cam.
  12. Gun cam footage teaser in my channel's post in the media section. It's pretty god damn awesome if I do say so myself.

  13. A smaller teaser of things to come
  14. *In A-Team theme* Gun cam-ras, are awesome! You can see the BBs, in mid-air. They whizz through holes, taking noobs out. It is awesome... Awesome awesome aawwwweeesome.

  15. Hmm, how much would you charge for that paintjob, including the scratchy bits? Quite fancy it on my AK...
  16. Took some monster hits today, there's one on my chest that I didn't even realise I had until I got home. Looks like someone dug a chunk out of me with a spoon shaped scalpel or something. Truly freakin' horrific.

  17. The first thing I did when I left school was listen to that
  18. New video, I like the thumbnail for this one :3
  19. Where's my RA-Tech M4 CQBR, AF-UK?! I are disappoint.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. M_P
    3. Airsoft-Ed


      Haha I remember seeing that somewhere before.

    4. M_P


      I found one of their boxes in my fridge yesterday, been laughing ever since lol

  20. I've been hooked on Alter Bridge's 3rd album (ABIII, imaginative or what?), and their guitarist's solo album (All I Was) for months. Their 4th album (Fortress) was just released and I'm trying to like it, but I just don't. The only track I'm enjoying is 'Waters Rising', because the guitarist is on lead vocals and it reminds me of his ultra epic solo album stuff. I'm actually starting to prefer him over the actual vocalist. Mark Tremonti is the guitarist btw, Myles Kennedy is the vocalist; he's fairly famous from also being in Creed, and doing quite a lot of work with other musicians, Slash being one to note. Lindsey Stirling's solo album caught my attention a while ago as well, I'm finding that fairly epic. Which is weird considering my music taste is largely hard rock, nu metal and heavy metal type stuff. But I've been thinking of trying to do an airsoft video montage around 'Moon Trance' but I don't understand YouTube's stupid copyright policies well enough to risk it just getting removed.
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