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  • Guns
    TM 416 Delta Custom, Krytac LMG Enhanced MKII, WE G17 W.E.T, TM KSG, JG BAR 10, FNX 45
  • Loadouts
    DPM, multicam, Ranger green, black, depends on the mood!!
  • Sites
    Proving Grounds, Fear Masters and Killhouse!
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  1. Sorry to hear that mate, was good to meet you the few times at kill House and proving Grounds. Must admit I'm only getting out a few times a year now.
  2. Original plan was to put it on my tm 416, and it might end up on there yet, but i bought an evo 3 a1 bet recently so that's getting a run out this Sunday with the vortex.
  3. Yeah price increase is too much, tbh this is totally top end for me, really couldn't justify spending more. Been running an el cheapo 1-4 for last year and the magnification is ideal for me. The eye relief on the vortex is seriously good.
  4. Well not really, just received it back from Luke at negative airsoft, really happy with it, guy is a great tech, especially from a communication pov. No bullshit, fixed what needed fixing and kept costs down , even free issued a few bits. Video from 14.40 if anyone is interested:
  5. Nice to see another Proving Grounds player. Couldn't make this one, my fave site tho.
  6. Good post lockdown pew day today, cracking weather, aching now though!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lokai


      I was none bands , felt a touch one sided in our favour I thought. Did you get to try the new sniper tower? And complete disaster 😅 hop up/something  fail on the px, couldn't lift anything beyond 10 Mtrs, and the sa80 a3 fuse or mosfet failed!!! Luckily had the 416d as backup!!!! Need to get onto dca. New safe zone was cool.

    3. sonofsammo


      I was non bands too. How bizarre lol. And I mostly played the objective too - except I didn't go near the sniper tower, so missed out on that one 😞
      I was in the safe zone at the back, so just the same as usual for me lol.

    4. Lokai


      Think we won most objectives. And lol yep, especially as there where lower numbers today. I was far left in the safe zone in a little dark corner not on one of the new tables 😅  hopefully we'll see some decent pics tomorrow. 

  7. Picked up a classic army x9 (with a few choice upgrades) and a drum mag, wanted something really lightweight, also got a g&g/dca SA80A3 that hasn't been fired in anger yet, plus a few new pistols. Might have to give the Foundry a whirl, it's quite local to me, I want somewhere I can go to for a few hours midweek. Halo Mill is a bit of a trek midweek, also speedsoft 🤮 Haven't tried either of those but both are on my radar deff. Usually I stick to proving Grounds or fear masters on a weekend, I do like humber too (leggotts quarry) but those hills kill me.
  8. Yeah managed to get a ticket, wow 62 that would be a very quiet day for Proving Grounds and lol I wouldn't count on it 😅 tbh just looking forward to getting out and trying some new toys! Edit, now that killhouse has bitten the dust have you any other cqb suggestions?
  9. Ggrrr booked onto proving Grounds on the 4th and now it might not happen!!!

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