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Nick G reacted to heroshark for a status update, Hey all I hope I find you well. Some of you will know me some not. Many of you I have
Hey all I hope I find you well. Some of you will know me some not. Many of you I have met. I'm somewhat of a dinosaur now. I spent some time hunting 80-90-2000s spring guns. It became quite an obsessive project. I never thought I would get rid of any of them but I've come to realise much of the thrill was in the hunt, and I let one go and it was nice to let it go to someone else to enjoy. I'm not sure what I want to get rid of some of you will have watched as I amassed it. There are so many it's very hard to list. If there's anything anyone is interested in do give me a shout.
Nick G reacted to Tackle for a status update, Jesus H effin christ, the rule 5 thingamabob has taken a right pasting tonight, so ma
Jesus H effin christ, the rule 5 thingamabob has taken a right pasting tonight, so many noobs that join & immediately post in the classifieds without reading the rules ffs 🤬
Nick G reacted to DanBow for a status update, I think I'm letting the side down. I've got one rif, one pistol and am happy with wha
I think I'm letting the side down. I've got one rif, one pistol and am happy with what I've got. I look at other pews and think That's nice but I wouldn't use it as I'm happy with what I've got!
I'm sorry. I'll try harder.
Nick G reacted to MILITATED for a status update, AF-UK going down makes me realise I check this site an unhealthy amount of times per
AF-UK going down makes me realise I check this site an unhealthy amount of times per day 🥴
Nick G reacted to Shamal for a status update, Just a message to say that I will be stepping down from the forum. On the 13th I lost
Just a message to say that I will be stepping down from the forum.
On the 13th I lost my wife and best friend.
Thank you all for listening to my silly comments and crap jokes over the years. Life seems to have lost its humour for me.
Fire off a few for me and remember, call your hits 👍
Nick G reacted to DanBow for a status update, Apparently I'm now ranked as a Mentor! I think they've missed the De off the beginnin
Apparently I'm now ranked as a Mentor! I think they've missed the De off the beginning!
Nick G reacted to EDcase for a status update, Going to be a bit quiet on the forum for a time. Had a motorcycle crash at Brands Hat
Going to be a bit quiet on the forum for a time. Had a motorcycle crash at Brands Hatch and currently in hospital.
So please forgive if it takes a while to respond to messages.
Of course engraving service isn't possible at the moment.
Nick G reacted to geeno3000 for a status update, Reece could you please contact me. You have sold me the Ak and I have recieved it. Bu
Reece could you please contact me. You have sold me the Ak and I have recieved it. But it was advertised as an LCT but it is not, its a cyma. There is also 2 magazines missing and a silencer. Now you will not answer my calls and have blocked me.
Nick G reacted to kasaran for a status update, well, npas in the m16 and not overgassing has certainly improved the performance and
well, npas in the m16 and not overgassing has certainly improved the performance and fire rate
Nick G reacted to rj1986 for a status update, I know the mk23 isn’t to everyone’s taste, but still a bit harsh
I know the mk23 isn’t to everyone’s taste, but still a bit harsh
Nick G reacted to eyes for a status update, Retiring from airsoft due to age and shot knees
Retiring from airsoft due to age and shot knees
Nick G reacted to JinxDuh for a status update, Does anybody else start off with a solid build plan in mind, then go to look at parts
Does anybody else start off with a solid build plan in mind, then go to look at parts and end up finding something completely different?
I planned to build a GBB MK18 out of the spares I've got, and then stumbled across some Colt Canada furniture in the green and now my mind is changed fully 😂
Nick G reacted to Tackle for a status update, Welcome Sofie, whatever dad posts in the "what I've just bought" thread, you can't te
Welcome Sofie, whatever dad posts in the "what I've just bought" thread, you can't tell mum about it😏
Nick G reacted to Shamal for a status update, Pissed off big time! Just been sorting my rig,filling mags,charging tracers and clean
Pissed off big time!
Just been sorting my rig,filling mags,charging tracers and cleaning barrels ready for Saturday's game at z mart Newbury.
Damnit very nearly had it all ready by front door!
Just got email from ukapu that z mart,for reasons unknown as yet,are unable to cater for us.☹️
I was really looking forward to going.
I'm so pissed off that I'm considering going out and buying a cat so I can kick it!
Nick G reacted to RostokMcSpoons for a status update, Chuffed to see a couple of L85s appear in the Action Hobbies boneyard tonight, at pri
Chuffed to see a couple of L85s appear in the Action Hobbies boneyard tonight, at prices that made me want to break out the old credit card...
Gutted when attempts to purchase either of 'em failed within 4 minutes of them appearing, as someone else beat my to the punch. ARGGGGGHHHHHH.
Nick G reacted to Shamal for a status update, Well I really can't work women out. Mrs Shamal is on a ten day cruise of the med . So
Well I really can't work women out.
Mrs Shamal is on a ten day cruise of the med.
So I hatched a plot to send her a video of her two most loved furry friends. Nonky the tiger and cheeser the mouse. She is so protective about them that it's unreal.
With the help of @EDcasea video was produced that showed them both hanging from my drone at the local cricket club although they have never left the house.( Excellent production from Ed.)
I sent her the video today thinking that she would go ballistic( imagine a five foot stick of tnt in the heat of a Turkish bazaar)
Her reaction? "Ahh Sweet"🤔
I asked her how many cocktails she had had. No reply.
I may be on some sort of hit list for when she returns.
If you don't hear from me then you know the reason why!😂
Nick G reacted to Jacob Wright for a status update, Week off work with an ankle injury ... how long will it before I buy another RIF 😂
Week off work with an ankle injury ... how long will it before I buy another RIF 😂
Nick G reacted to Steveocee for a status update, Had the kind of day yesterday you always dream of having. Guns worked perfectly all d
Had the kind of day yesterday you always dream of having. Guns worked perfectly all day, fair play, fair weather, perfectly even teams, lots of firefights. I am a happy bunny.
Nick G reacted to JinxDuh for a status update, Finally "completed" my Afghan spec L85. Just ignore the cable ties holding the DD rai
Finally "completed" my Afghan spec L85. Just ignore the cable ties holding the DD rail on 😂 Still not found a way to secure the RS rail to the WE
Nick G reacted to pauldevon for a status update, feeling happy as success converting real steel mags to run in my rare arms shell ejec
feeling happy as success converting real steel mags to run in my rare arms shell eject ar15 and saved a small fortune
Nick G reacted to GAMBLE for a status update, Hi, ALL! 👋 Here is part 4! 😁 Managed to get to the site and have a Great day despite
Hi, ALL! 👋
Here is part 4! 😁
Managed to get to the site and have a Great day despite the weather! 🤪
Doing the best with what I have, enjoy it for what it is!
Nick G reacted to Impulse for a status update, I was looking forward to playing this weekend until illness poked its unwelcome head
I was looking forward to playing this weekend until illness poked its unwelcome head in. Don't know if it's covid (don't have any test kits) and I don't care if it is or not. I simply won't go and spread illness to all my friends just because I want to play BB wars
Nick G reacted to HuttArmouries for a status update, me: Why is the dmr I just built firing only in full auto? The selector plate on my de
me: Why is the dmr I just built firing only in full auto?
The selector plate on my desk: No idea buddy.
Nick G reacted to strykerles for a status update, Don't you hate it when a motor connector snaps off as you bend it to fit 🤬
Don't you hate it when a motor connector snaps off as you bend it to fit 🤬
Nick G reacted to Adolf Hamster for a status update, like a bat out of hell he was gone when the morning came
like a bat out of hell he was gone when the morning came