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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. awaiting someone finding that out of context on google and signing up to berate you for it in a years time
  2. indeed. don't really know why folk need to overshoot rentals, popping one sneaky shot into them to hear the yelp is enough entertainment
  3. not so sure on running from grenades, but i would agree with a ban on trying to throw them back, had it happen with a fella tried to throw it back assuming it wasn't going to go off, fortunately it was a thunder b (which is why he assumed it had failed) and he was wearing decent gloves so no no actual harm done.
  4. i can see where you're coming from with that, although the rounded edges just make it look slightly chunky for what it is. i mean really we're discussing which form of heresy gets burned at the stake and which merely gets beheading here
  5. ahh, that puts paid to my theory in your status update then unless, and i wouldn't suggest it if i hadn't been tricked myself- you haven't been duped by the combat union adjustment wheel have you? insofar as it can look like it's supposed to go the opposite direction to turn the hop on than it does....
  6. because a drum magazine is a believable thing for a pistol compared to 5.56x45 magically shrinking into 9x19......
  7. dummy grenades i don't think should count like actual pyro, but that doesn't make them useless. lob a dummy grenade (and the inventive things that can be used such as chocolate bars) then shoot them as they try to flee. yeah it's the kind of rule that's best left for video games. one of those rabit holes that if you started you couldn't get out of- if plate hits don't count do non-lethal grazing shots not count? what about lucky leaf bounces? etc etc.....
  8. thought occurrs, as we're discussing different game rules: gun hits..... there seems to be 3 options: all gun hits count, so if you poke the end of your suppressor out of a window someone can bounce a round off it to tag you the first gun hit doesn't count and you have to either swap to pistol, or walk if you don't have a pistol guns are bulletproof most sites i've played at tend to opt for the latter, although a mate of mine did get caught out by a wannabe novritsch type character who called him out because he was used to gun hits counting (even though on the site he was playing at the time they don't count). whilst i like the middle option (gives pistols a bit more game time) i can get why most places go for the latter as it's a rule that can generate confusion. likewise i can understand counting them from the point of view that a lot of "gun hits" wouldn't exactly save you if it were actual lead being slung downrange (but then if you're making that argument should armour plates not count?)
  9. speak for yourself, imma just mount the bayonet on the dragonuv. social distancing thine filthy casuals
  10. havent watched the vid but afaik the americans tend to be bigger on their bang/surrender/mercy rules purely because they run higher fps where a lot of folks have some form of med. personally i fall into the camp of bang rules being courtesy only- you get the drop on someone then you can choose to do the bang rule, if they accept then happy days, if they try some john wick shenanigans then light them up. if you pull a bang rule and the other guy can pull some john wick shenanigans and shoot you first then you weren't in a position to be giving out a bang kill in the first place. i dislike both having them enforced or banned, as it's highly situational, for example if memory serves the last time i gave a bang kill i had the barrel of my makarov basically pressed against the guys shoulder, it would have been a dick move to just shoot him like that hence proferring the bang kill which he accepted. likewise i've had folk get the drop on me just pop a single round somewhere that doesn't hurt and i can get why they'd choose to do that and prevent arguments (even if i would have accepted the kill in that situation). now granted i'm coming from an environment where med's aren't a thing, but my view on that is it's precisely why pistols exist and frankly if you want to play the marksmans role you really should be trying to avoid up close action to begin with. knife kills are a different story- should absolutely be mandatory to take them (well, if we aren't bringing covid and social distancing into this) and if someone's had the skills to sneak up on you for a knife kill the least you can do is give them the courtesy of dying quietly, plus it'll make for some good theatre as you walk to respawn watching them take out your team.
  11. could do, those zci 6.02's are cracking for the price and happy enough with the ml stuff. tbh i suspect window length is probably more important than width, but we're getting into very theoretical territory
  12. i can understand it, i'm happy to trade the grin factor for a gun that pretty much only works in summer but i get why others ain't so happy with that.
  13. yeah, this is where the different compounds/patch shapes come into play with a larger contact patch/softer compound needing less pressure to get the desired spin. of course you're always gonna lose something. it's a tricky one because the question then becomes how/when fps is measured ie off versus hopping game weight personally i lean on the latter, as turning the hop completely off as some sites ask can lead to erroneously low fps readings because the bb has half rolled out of the barrel before firing.
  14. i thought it was why graphics cards cost more than cars these days.....
  15. fair enough, it's one of those guns that's on my list, however initially i decided to go with the WE option for dat gas blowback goodness which is a decision i have yet to regret. however maybe for a winter gun, when i win the lottery......
  16. what's the consistency like? might be that's just what you're losing in spin?
  17. ooh, a man of taste and refinement. i would like to request copious amounts of pictures when you get it
  18. as mentioned clipping springs isn't the wisest idea. the float valve spring can in some scenarios be clipped to reduce fps output, had a kwc co2 makarov that had it done to bring it from "you have got to be kidding" fps down to 1j. however needless to say such a permanent mod runs the very serious risk of screwing things up. i wouldn't do it without a spare sitting around. you could maybe try an NPAS? pretty sure the WE float valves are similar enough for most of their pistols and rifles for that to work, if you're worried i can try pulling the one from the dragonuv see if i'm right about that. barrel change would be my normal go-to for fps adjustment being both consistent and non-permanent, problem is when dealing with pistols the barrel is that short that there's not much scope to shorten it further, and as you mention in the op normally that sort of thing is fitting a longer barrel to increase fps. as for consistency, the only thing i can say is gas sealing, the nozzle-hop tension (maple leaf autobot rubbers are good for this with their metal c-clip, plus they're good hop rubbers), nozzle-piston (some aftermarket piston heads that function similar to aeg piston heads seem to work well) and mag router-nozzle fitment (9-ball routers or simply not having worn mags/mag catches) are the key areas for gas to leak, after that you're down to fundamental gun design (weight of slide, volume of gas in the mag etc). as @heroshark says WE's are famously averse to the cold so an inability to just mag-dump a 50-rounder is something you might just have to live with.
  19. Or *shudders* rear wired buffer tube ak's..... That was the day i simaltaneously found out spade connectors onto deans tabs works surprisingly well and that i hate the buffer tube......
  20. thought the PU only had mosin style mounts? i dunno, i kinda like the pso, it's not good by modern standards but it's very simple and afaik the doctrine was mostly a case of "if he ain't really far away just hold-over is good enough" as opposed to the more western dial in for a perfect shot
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