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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. generally top load, either via speedloader or by hand. dislike loading from the bottom as you always get an uneven stack and the shaking/rattling that goes with trying to get it to even out. however i tend not to completely fill mags, my rule of thumb is whatever the RS capacity for the gun is what i expect to mag dump from a fresh fill, if i need more than that then that's what extra magazines are for. so thumb loading 12 rounds into the makarov isn't exactly a chore.
  2. huh, the report button is right before share for me. browser issue? although it works on my main rig which has opera and every adblocking cookie killing script denying add-on under the sun.
  3. it's the 3 little dots at the top right give you a drop-down menu
  4. That and water in the trouser-sock-boot transition does not sound fun......
  5. Dont listen to him, he'll see the light once he see's us having a proper tea and crumpets on proper tables and plates rather than eating beans out of the tin in a muddy hole. A gentleman must have standards y'know......
  6. I think the o-ring might be the trick here, the airsoftpro one has one and i can see that really damping out the bounce. As for the fps i'm not sure, a shorter inner barrel would help although by how much i dont know, issue is that thing's just venting co2 straight down the barrel. Maybe a spacer in front of the cylinder to shorten how much the valve can open, or maybe tap a grup screw into the nozzle and have a smaller hole to restrict flow. These systems tend to have quite fine balance to them so going to that level of tweaking can end up going very wrong very fast. To be honest, if it were me, i'd just go back to spring operation. You have to pull the charging handle back anyway so i dont really see what this is really offering you in terms of an advantage over the standard system.
  7. There are mid caps that claim up to 250 rounds but tbh around 120-150 seems to be the sweet spot for reliable feeding. But yeah just fire until the bb's stop coming out (you'll hear the difference in the sound of the gun) and just reload.
  8. Maybe a seperate grach thread? I know @kasaran has been having some trouble with his, seems more mags though.
  9. best? the ones you can run around in all day and still have usable feet by the end of it. i'm a big fan of lowa's, they're expensive yes but for me at least they're worth it. C-diddy is bang on about the stocks too.
  10. screw hicaps, they rattle, winding them is annoying and i've never met one that could discharge a decent amount of rounds without constantly being wound in the field. people claim such magazines exist but i've never seen it. they are however the standard mag you tend to get with a new gun, and when just starting out they're good for carrying enough ammo to play with without needing to invest extra in mags/gear to carry the mags, a single hicap with a spare in a pocket is a lot of rounds. midcaps imo are better in every way, used to be their main downside was being slow/annoying to load with the older style speedloaders but now you can buy an odin m12 and refill a ton of mags quick enough you can even do it mid game. aside from that they're fit and forget- fire it till it's empty then reload.
  11. i had a scout around and it looks similar to the airsoftpro one? at least in concept, the one i found was advertised as putting out "you have to be joking" fps so i wonder if the version you have has had some different springs/tweaks to bring it down to something sensible? is there an o-ring around the outside of the moving section? if so is it a relatively tight fit to the cylinder?
  12. Tbh, its not something i've ever worried about, if i'm dropping a few hundred on a pew then dont see the point sweating over a few £ either way. But then i dont tend to haggle either- if i dont like the price i just dont buy it or wait for the seller to drop it to a level i'm ok with paying. Someone else jumps in and buys it in the meantime so be it.
  13. Its not an argument i really understand. Just work out the fee's and postage before you list it and add it onto the total price. I mean your almost always tanking a massive depreciation loss when selling secondhand gear anyway.
  14. iirc isn't the uk definition based on a design that came out before 1875? theirs might be something similar. tbh i can still see it killing canadian airsoft, reckon a lot of them would rather have nerferised pews than lever guns.
  15. Also, those key holder reels are great- hook one onto the pin and if you set it up right you can pull the pin by extending your arm so you can throw it one handed.
  16. depends how far you want to take that statement as to wether or not i'd agree. yes you have a point that if you know what you're doing in terms of sneakyness you can bypass the deficiencies of a particular pattern. the patterns designed pre-90's for a european theatre of war (ie germany) which have similar enough climate to the uk that the forest patterns match up nicely compared to those designed for the more modern conflicts we're seeing in the middle east. add in the cheap milsurp prices and that's why they're popular. of course folk can wear what they like to the airsoft fashion show, and folks wearing mtp are doing so for the same reasons i'm wearing digiflora- because it's close enough and we like it, rather than being the perfect choice for the environment. besides it's all academic when you get shot by someone in a deadpool onsie
  17. i kinda wanna put 2 co-witness red dots on a pew now. come to think of it, manufacturers missing a trick- make a red dot that looks like a magnifier and a bb shield that looks like a red dot.
  18. can confirm, nearly lost a sig mag learning that one. heel release is another reason the makarov is the best pistol
  19. Lol, i was too busy microanalysing the price to see it was collection only......
  20. Ahh tolerances.


    Also the we ct25 trigger pack is now my most hated thing to work on.....

    1. ak2m4


      Ahh tolerances indeed, bane of my life, I get asked on a daily basis "does this, fit with this", one thing I wanted to do was setup a airsoft wiki for compatibility but never enough time in the day

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      A compatibility wiki would be nice but i suspect an impossible task.


      Currently its the sear is very wobbly on its pin, like 0.5mm oversize.


      And it aint worn out this gun hasnt fired more than 100 rounds

  21. Sounds about right. Tbh the complexities of how dyes in clothing work are a mystery to me, for example how they do repeatable camo patterns in the first place. One of these days i must look it up i'm sure the process is interesting.
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