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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. That was quicker than i expected..... When you say made a barrel, do you mean machined one yourself? Or modified an existing one to fit?
  2. in fairness, depending on your personal standard of acceptable performance, all but the most premium brands (and i'm talkin systema not tm) might need tweaking out of the box. it can be as much about stock availability as anything else, some stuff you just can't get over here, or if you can it's so overpriced you might as well buy from overseas. in @Asomodai's example, even if he got stung with 50% of the value of 20 pps shells as charges he's still saving £44 buying abroad, if you ain't in a rush then it's worth it. meanwhile, i'm curious to see if DHL will stick to their claim of delivering yesterdays GS order next tuesday, if they do that'll say a hell of a lot about UPS given moscow is a tad further away than krakow and definately not in the eu......
  3. always the problem with the more niche guns. i do hold that the dragonuv in general seems to be much less popular than it should be.
  4. custom making parts certainly is a way of doing things, depending what kind of equipment you have easy access to. makes me kinda wish i didn't work in composites, not so much useful equipment for airsoft stuff in that field.
  5. i must admit the ability of this forum to maintain civilized discussion/debate (even on potentially contentious issues) is a welcome break from the usual mess that makes up the internet.
  6. must admit i'm curious myself. i presume it's gonna be a longer stroke cylinder (like an sr25), but internally the cyma stuff ain't too shabby. hop unit might be a fun one, combat union make an svd hop unit although whether this is for the cyma pattern or some other variant i don't know, if it does fit the cyma then that'd yeild an aftermarket nozzle too. i think (read: assume) @Asomodai will have picked one up in his quest to own all the bullpups so maybe he might have some more specific info. tbh for a dmr platform, assuming it takes the combat union hop/nozzle i'd probably just change the piston head for the air seal, bump up the spring (although it might be pretty close from factory) and a new barrel/bucking/nub (probably my usual pdi/macaron/omega combo) and wire in a warfet (which will sort any sluggish response) then feed it some good .48's
  7. ehh i can't say i think this plan is gonna work out all that well. "upgradeable" means a hell of a lot more than just a spring change to get more power. for starters you're talking sniping, which is much more demanding for precision, which means impeccable air seal, and adding a faux shell with all it's extra leaky places to try and keep sealed consistently is not gonna help in the slightest. then there's whatever is going on with the hop setup, and by extension the barrel too. and that's before we start talking about how well the trigger pack is gonna get on with being asked to take the strain of a stronger spring. don't get me wrong, i agree shell ejectors are cool, and i have respect for anyone trying to snipe with something that isn't a vsr/ssg/srs variant because variety is good for the hobby. but i'll be amazed if this works out the way you want it to.
  8. yeah i did take a look at the various suits, but gs was already bad enough at sucking my wallet dry for me to get a set just for the jacket.
  9. yeah, suppose running sleeveless any hope of camo has already gone out the window. not that i'm all that good at the hiding anyway, i'm more the be where ye aint looking type
  10. i can't wear a Hawaiian shirt, i wouldn't hear the end of the big luao/boogaloo/big igloo jokes...... looks like sticking to the plain grey t shirt it is
  11. do they do digiflora or spectre? problem is i don't do plate carriers (mans has enough padding without adding more) so ubacs style stuff doesn't work.
  12. on the subject of trousers..... a non-waterproof set in digi flora now i just need to find me an appropriate summer shirt.....
  13. fair enough. tbh i think this is sidestepping the real issue which is still just... why?
  14. i haven't, what i'm meaning is with the pivot point being the firing hand, you want the weight to be forward of that to hold it nicely in the elbow cup. at least i'm assuming that it's meant to be held that way, but a human being, with the normal number of appendages.
  15. if you lift at all from that front grip it's gonna take weight off the elbow cup. really impractical setup.
  16. welp, finally being let out to play again this weekend and just not feeling excited.


    guess i'm worried that the flood-gates opening will leave some poor sportsmanship for a month or so before it all settles down.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lozart


      Partly why I haven't booked a game until mid-May!

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      guess i'll keep going through the motions and just go, suppose if i'm expecting it to be bad then hopefully it'll soften the blow.


      at least it's good enough weather now to get the dragonuv running

    4. Shamal


      My game at greenops last Saturday was a real joy. No moaning or griping all day.

      The sun was out and I think everyone was just pleased to be out and playing.👍


  17. an interesting question, i keep meaning to look into making up some kind of rack, currently mine are all stacked in the corner of the wardrobe which is fine from keeping them away from prying eyes not so neat and tidy.
  18. to clarify- the joke was is the m1 garand is in metres, the mm1 garand in the picture is milimetres knew that was too nerdy
  19. The mM1 garand? Ok maybe a bit too nerdy that one, should probably go to bed......
  20. Oh i was just taking the mickey at folk saying they were posting in the thread to boost their post count Not that post count alone means much to me anyway, i tend to remember usernames (which is why i'm glad folk on here dont change them too often otherwise i'd be confused as shit).
  21. Guys, your doing it wrong. If you want to bump your post count don't agree with people- start a massive argument
  22. Is it bad i have the balaclava for that setup? I dont wear it, i literally got it because it looked stupid
  23. can't say i've noticed anything odder than usual
  24. was being facetious to answer your question the answer is yes absolutely you can. take a look here, it's focused primarily on the polarstar product line but there's a lot of similar concepts with for example the redline, mancraft and wolverine kits:
  25. i did wonder, didn't someone mention one of the fb groups getting nuked a while back? maybe folk are drifting in from there after finding this place on google?
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