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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. that's slightly better than the one i came up with, which i didn't post in case it went down like a lead balloon...... i mean at least it's green?
  2. suppose that's a fair point, if you don't actively go looking for it then much less likely to encounter it. i guess it's a double edged sword. i do agree with the issue of doing the whole "loadout posting" thing, you're always gonna find a few people who love it, a few people who hate it, and most folk either ambivalent or who simply can't be bothered to comment. certainly expecting (or even worse insisting) on getting nothing but positive feedback on a loadout post on the internet is somewhat naive. of course there's criticism that's constructive, and criticism that's a put-down, and that can be a tricky line as to wether the person has made a mistake but who would want to rectify it if you told them versus someone who took a shortcut because they're happy with close enough. not always easy to tell either.
  3. i don't think there are many locations in the uk where that would be an effective set of colours
  4. a fair point, the distinction i thinking of was between people who absolutely must have the correct loadout for themselves, and the type to "look down" on others for being insufficiently funded/motivated to match their levels of dedication to loadout correctness. granted crye baby/stitch counter is a derogatory term, but i'm not sure what other term would conveniently describe the personalities i'm trying to refer to.
  5. i have heard of this being a thing, the russian version of the crye babies/stitch counters. never really encountered them but they sound like not my kind of people. absolutely, the only person who needs to think it's cool is you. i'm sure i'd drive the aforementioned red alliance nuts off the walls with a 1p63 and repro 2dp strapped to what's almost certainly the "wrong" rifle, with a grey shop smersh and digi flora. meanwhile most normal people see someone in some russian shit carrying an ak with some russian abomination of an optic strapped to the top.
  6. not like you have ammo anyway..... "the first man gets the rifle....." but seriously the wheel on the mag has just the right combo of stiff and sharp to shred the skin from your fingers after a days play.
  7. It looks (supreficially) very similar to the pps mosin only with a turned down bolt handle. The pps version is a pretty good shooter tbh, although externals aren't as tough as would be ideal, for example the front sight mounting isnt the strongest. The magazine works ok, although it'll strip the skin from your fingers winding it open to refill and good luck fixing it if the string goes. Assuming the bo version is the same then might be worth a punt, its a pretty fun rifle although you do gotta be in the "airsoft hard mode" mindset when using it.
  8. i'm assuming your goal here is improved range/accuracy? as a general rule the path to improving things in this regard goes something like: clean the barrel (and keep it clean), the little plastic rod a lot of guns come with and a shred of microfibre is good for this, you can also use cigarette filter tips. you wanna be doing this on the regular (read: after/before each game). use good quality ammo, as heavy as your wallet can take for the amount you shoot. generally for an "assault" role outdoors i tend to like the .3g range as a balance between cost and performance. if you're indoors (ie not using the range) then this isn't needed. change of hop rubber, there's a bunch of options out there but my general preference tends to be the maple leaf macaron+omega nub combo for most guns or the PDI W-Hop+standard nub combo for the guns that are fussy about feed lip length. air seal air seal air seal, you want every last molecule of air the piston scoops up to be going down the barrel after the bb and nowhere else, this requires disassembly of the gearbox and potentially swapping parts/more involved tech work. energy, you want to be sure the air seal is good first (this can be measured by how much chrono readings vary/vertical shot dispersion) but make sure it's reasonably close to the site limit, a few fps under isn't going to mean anything but a 0.6j gun on a 1.1j field is gonna struggle. a good quality barrel, there are debates about bore diameter (tight versus wide) but these imo are secondary to overall quality (the consistency of the bore, the inner surface finish, straightness etc), simplest option is to keep to the stock length, on aeg's making a big change in barrel length will mess with the voluming which will be counter productive unless you adjust the volume to suit. that's in ascending order of difficulty/cost for the amount of improvement can be netted. to answer your question more directly, for a uk based supplier i'd be looking at ak2m4, they do the maple leaf combo mentioned for the hop, and their ZCI 6.02 stainless barrels are really good performance for the money. hop rubber: https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/hop-up-buckings-nubs/maple-leaf-macaron-60-aeg nub (there are aftermarket versions on the site, but i've not tried them): https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/hop-up-buckings-nubs/maple-leaf-omega-nub barrel (i'm roughly guessing the length, measure your existing one to be sure): https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/inner-barrels/zci-inner-barrel-363mm
  9. even admits to expecting degraded performance having been sat in storage.......
  10. it saddens me to see men who when presented with an opportunity to set fire to something seek an alternate option. why would you not want to unleash something so pure, so beautiful upon the world?
  11. and as we all know, 2-tone adds value because nobody with a defence would want to remove it.....
  12. you could drop a fusion engine in there. but this is not what's happened here.....
  13. sure you got that calculation right? 0.86g at 120m/s is equivalent to an 0.2g going at 816fps? for en166: there's f marking for low velocity, which is 0.86j there's the b marking for medium velocity which is 6.19j there's the a marking for high velocity at 15.5j only the f marking should be of concern, but needless to say the gaps between them are massive, so whilst eyepro that can stop say 4j would be fine for uk fields it'd still only be f marked, of course it's not really worth rolling those dice.
  14. https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/pistons/cyma-15-tooth-reinforced-piston https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/pistons-heads/gearparts-pom-piston-head would be a pretty basic (but not bad either) replacement. if you wanna be fancy you could grab some of the aoe spacers, but for a low stress build probably ain't gonna matter too much. potentially if the nozzle doesn't have a sealing o-ring then might be worth looking into getting one (just be sure to measure the length proper), will help air seal (and by extension accuracy) if you're happy with the speed as-is no point changing gears/motor etc. apart from that it's all in the assembly, shimming, air seal checks etc.
  15. oh the tracer unit in it weighs almost nothing. reason it's so heavy is because the walls of the can are no joke 4mm thick steel.
  16. While that might look like a cheap knockoff red dot, it's actually an ion sight. Explains why it's so expensive, never really took off as a technology due to the ion emmissions causing some strange side effects including delusions. Apparently the problem was incorrect polarity but you know what its like once a story gets in the media. Theyre pretty much collectors peices these days.
  17. I wouldnt worry about it. Unless it's an especially heavy can (looking at you lct pbs4) or you're regularly knocking it into things. What's more likely is striking the can purely because the can isn't well made tolerance wise (still looking at you lct pbs4) or the barrel thread is a little off.
  18. shouldn't be too much of an issue. if the bb path/outer barrel is deviating enough for that to happen then there are bigger problems at stake
  19. i've not seen one. it's related to the original length that the gun is gassed for, so adding 100mm to a pistol is gonna have a bigger impact than taking 100mm off a rifle. if it's for cqb tbh i wouldn't even bother changing it, effective range of a tm pistol is more than fine for those kinds of distances.
  20. fair enough, thought it might have been intentional and by extension amusing
  21. tell a lie, think it just took a while to update. did he really pay us to use a german (austrian?) banner on a uk forum?
  22. is it bad that i didn't even notice? think i forgot to whitelist this place after my last rampage of installing every damn adblocker i could so i could read the 4 lines of meaningful text that constitutes a news article these days.
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