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Everything posted by BigStew

  1. Grey imports Japanese market will always take priority for TM.
  2. Hi there really isn't that much performance difference between the two of them they are very common guns. If you use the forum Search function you will find countless posts going over these guns
  3. what battery system? only 416C has in mag batteries. No you do not have to up grade a TM gun. the whole point is that they are well designed with high quality control that just work out the box and perform better than other guns. So question still stands what do you want the gun to do? Also whats your budget whats your technical skill?
  4. Nothing is particularly close with only A road access. Inverness is your quickest journey at 2 hours. it's slightly quicker to go to a Glasgow site rather than Dundee but that's 2.5 hour drive compared to a 2.75 hour drive.
  5. Is it the co2 version? If so it should be we compatible ish. Be prepared to modify parts and spend more than buying a new one.
  6. if the gun is brand new return it to the retailer. don't faff about with it.
  7. i have sacrificed gear to the airsoft gear to the airsoft gods in field but never had anything nicked so never thought to mark my gear. I have thankfully only seen four of five incidents of theft on sites in 20ish years.
  8. that's one i forgot yep they are heavy and more expensive than mp7 mags
  9. there are multiple types of scope mount https://www.google.com/search?q=airsoft+mp5+scope+mount&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB961GB961&sxsrf=ALeKk01XI099WZvdS6BBcB8HUu6eZ3qmfQ:1629465848723&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjqmdio2b_yAhUaRkEAHVzoDSwQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1200&bih=657
  10. It is personal preference. As a left hander ambi controls will always win out over crossbolt controls. I also found the grip on the mp9 grip position would cause the skin on my trigger finger and the web of my thumb to rub and become sore quickly.
  11. The TM MP7 is just a much better gun in terms of performance and ergonomics.
  12. I just looked that up. Good god I want one but under no circumstances could I justify one.
  13. They have not had it in stock for awhile I was looking at least 2 months ago (very annoying they keeps sending me in stock notifications for a BAR that is never in stock). Anyway the add 60 to 80 quid postage and fees and you are back to roughly £350 new.
  14. now this is kidding themselves £195.00 all in for a gun with no mag https://prefired.co.uk/ads/kwa-mp9-2/
  15. they are rare and are about £500 to £600 new. parts are available but this is really old tech and you are only getting parts from Asia, so couple hundredish.
  16. where the hell can you get it for £300 new? i paid £350 for mine last month with a discount code in the UK. if you can find the mags in stock they £60 to £80 each. the only way you can get these for below £300 is from Asia then add a £100 for shipping a fees if it makes it.
  17. unless its been reposted it will have long gone
  18. The Korth is ironically utter garbage can barely run a mag.
  19. That's not that fast but still most likely.
  20. What's your rate of fire? If it's fine in semi It sounds like your mags just can't feed fast enough.
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