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  1. Haha
    Tackle reacted to EvilMonkee in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    You don't want to flood the market.....
  2. Haha
    Tackle got a reaction from Druid799 in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    good to know, I've got a pile of it that I've been debating what to do with it 😁.
  3. Like
    Tackle reacted to ImTriggerHappy in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    Personal choice on the upgrading as some reckon they are the bestest a gun can be out the box. But then some people still believe the earth is flat so talking bollocks (sorry @Spuggy1uk) isn't just an airsoft thing.
    The part that gets me is when people advertise guns like this they add full value of the base gun and that is wrong. If you buy a £380 gun and then remove 2/3rds of it you end up with a £135 base gun. I always work out the cost of the upgrades then take off the retail of the stock parts and that is how much value you really add. Pull a £30 motor and add a £50 one you add £20 not the full £50.
  4. Like
    Tackle reacted to ImTriggerHappy in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    £1500 to build? really?
  5. Like
    Tackle reacted to Druid799 in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    He says the make is unknown (funny thing about blank boxes ?) then how can he confirm it’s rated for 223 ? How many times have we all see hilariously ridiculous claims on Chinese adverts ?
    So sorry bud but NO ONE is going to give you 65 beer tokens for that . 
  6. Like
    Tackle reacted to Druid799 in scammer on free ads - Steve Glennie   
    Unfortunately Valentine is right, recently a friend had some very rare gear scammed of him , went to the police with email print outs , screen grabs , the guys real name , address , phone number the lot , there response ? F**k all was there response ! BUT when he said fine I’ll go and sort it my self , which we did luckily with no drama (the guy absolutely shit him self when we very politely AND non aggressively introduced our selves on his door step) they turned around and basically threatened him with arrest if anything went wrong ! Now I know the police are absolutely swamped but there attitude to this was quite frankly unf**king believable , and they wonder why so many in the public are turning against them ? 
  7. Like
    Tackle got a reaction from GothicGhost in scammer on free ads - Steve Glennie   
    For fucks sake guys, give the poor bloke a break, everybody will get their stuff, he's just going through a spell of bad luck at the moment, I know for a fact that his mum has died at least three times  .
  8. Thanks
    Tackle reacted to Glock'n'spiel in scammer on free ads - Steve Glennie   
    Well. The cuckoo has flown the nest!
    I contacted him today to say I had sold my 6mm G17 as I had noticed he had marked his pistol as sold.
    He contacted me to say he had done so to 'stop pms' from contacting him about it but that he had held it for me.
    I told him I had another that he might be interested in but he declined.
    I also offered to meet him in person as I am going to Belfast in 3 weeks but he didn't appear to want to, especially when I told him that Freeads had got his address in 3 different locations in the UK, N Ireland, Bedfordshire and Tyne and Weir. I suggested that he speak with Freeads as people might get the wrong impression of him!!!
    Just looked on Freeads for a response and his adverts have all disappeared and all his correspondence to me in my inbox has done the same!
    It's a pity as I was just beginning to enjoy our banter and mirrored piss taking.
    I'm sure he will surface somewhere at sometime in the future but here's one chap he got F*** ALL from! 
  9. Haha
    Tackle got a reaction from Druid799 in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    lol, just me that's a bit slow then 😵
  10. Like
    Tackle reacted to XanderShadow in Gun picture thread   
    Full current arsenal.
    KWC Mauser: Display only at 457fps.. don't buy these, even the ones advertised at 350 are NOT.
    Unknown brand Mac10
    G&G M92FS Beretta.
    Colt Revolver

    Striker Amoeba S1
    G&G M14 S.O.C (Stock Hicaps are trash, but with midcaps, a dream)
    Cyma M870 (Very good 'budget' shotgun honestly)

  11. Thanks
    Tackle reacted to GeorgePlaysAirsoft in Gun picture thread   
    This is not strictly true. Not having a go cause not only is it really quite confusing but there's lots of information out there which isn't really worded that well!
    For example - shops selling 'real' supressors will say you need an FAC to buy cause they are technically firearms. This is technically true, sort of- but only when they are attached to a firearm. Shops will ask for proof the suppressor is on the FAC due to 1) target audience 2) arse covering.
    The definition of a suppressor isn't really that great imo:
    "any accessory to any such weapon, designed or adapted to diminish the noise or flash caused by firing the weapon"
    So there's no distinction between a 'real' and a 'replica' - could be a real KAC, could be the TM mk23 one, could be a coke can - the crucial bit is if it diminishes the noise or flash of a weapon and you dont have it on the FAC you are in trouble!
    For example - its fine for an air rifle (-12ft/lbs KE) or shotgun to have a suppressor. Anecdotally sellers will ask you what you intend to use it for - if you want to put in on a firearm they will ask for the deets of your FAC, if air rifle thats fine.
    Additionally, some 'real' supressors will be 'proofed' - if your FAC specificies a proof and you wanted to replace it, you would have to ask permission to do so. If your suppressor is unproofed you can replace with another unproofed supressor. 
    The law is messy but it helps to know that it was written with poaching in mind - context is important.
    In short a supressor in of itself is not illegal but if you also own a firearm i would keep them very, very seperate should it raise eyebrows at an inspection. And i probably wouldn't bother getting a real one - you can still get into legal difficulty without having broken a law.
    Sorry for going off topic.
  12. Haha
    Tackle got a reaction from Druid799 in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    lol, only if we can hit him with derp memes too at the same time😁
  13. Haha
    Tackle got a reaction from Philby21 in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    lol, only if we can hit him with derp memes too at the same time😁
  14. Haha
    Tackle got a reaction from Rogerborg in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    buy it from this joker for £55, or buy new from pretty much any "quality" retailers with bb in the name for £30 lol
  15. Haha
    Tackle got a reaction from Rogerborg in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    when L3wisD was asked who he thought would portray him best in his life story, he replied:

  16. Haha
    Tackle got a reaction from Druid799 in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    buy it from this joker for £55, or buy new from pretty much any "quality" retailers with bb in the name for £30 lol
  17. Haha
    Tackle got a reaction from Philby21 in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    buy it from this joker for £55, or buy new from pretty much any "quality" retailers with bb in the name for £30 lol
  18. Haha
    Tackle got a reaction from Philby21 in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    when L3wisD was asked who he thought would portray him best in his life story, he replied:

  19. Careful Now
    Tackle got a reaction from L3wisD in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    when L3wisD was asked who he thought would portray him best in his life story, he replied:

  20. Haha
    Tackle got a reaction from Druid799 in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    when L3wisD was asked who he thought would portray him best in his life story, he replied:

  21. Haha
    Tackle got a reaction from Adolf Hamster in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    when L3wisD was asked who he thought would portray him best in his life story, he replied:

  22. Like
    Tackle reacted to L3wisD in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    Seeing as the seller has responded to my "£100 special" remark with a laughing smiley, I'll back myself up.
    Let's start with the fact that the gun is £125 brand new, as mentioned above.
    The gun in the advert is absolutely filthy, so we can only assume has been neglected with very limited maintenance. With the amount of dirt around the trigger, dust cover and magwell, it's safe to assume it has some amount of detritus in the gearbox and/or motor.
    The exceptionally rusty forward assist, while not functional shows its been used in the wet (not a problem) and then left to fester, not dismantled and dried between games.
    A handful of cheap accessories a sling and some mags do not justify the additional cost, these things are very cheap and hold very little 2nd hand value.
    Also, there's no photo of the T1 red dot. Get one of those added as soon as possible or the advert could be removed.
    And finally, the FPS is incredibly low compared to normal G&Gs.
    Your 250 on a .25 equates to around 280 on a .2. If someone wanted to buy it, a spring change would have to be a necessity.

    Overall, a £100 project gun. At best.
    I'd recommend pitching it for £100 without the extras, and sell them separately for a reasonable 2nd hand price.
  23. Haha
    Tackle got a reaction from Rogerborg in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    lol weathering ?, I think the word your looking for is "F@cked".........i do hope the seller comes on here all offended, defending his overpriced crap.
  24. Like
    Tackle reacted to Philby21 in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    £200 for a G&G CM16 Mod 0???
    Not as silly as some we've seen recently but currently available from Patrol Base new for £125.
    Now to wait for the OP to come in and explain what makes his second hand toy gun worth the price! 🤣
  25. Haha
    Tackle reacted to Druid799 in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    Has to be said from looking at the two pics of it it look like a right dog ruff piece of shit , and that’s being kind ! 🤦‍♂️
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