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Status Updates posted by Tackle

  1. There's some concern that this member may be a scammer, recommend nobody attempts to buy from him until this is resolved.

    1. JinxDuh
    2. Tackle


      So definitely not his pics🤨

    3. Tackle


      I gave him til midnight, he deleted his threads & didn't reply, so he's gone🖕

  2. Piss off jaja🖕

  3. Welcome Sofie, whatever dad posts in the "what I've just bought" thread, you can't tell mum about it😏

    1. Lozart


      also - the reply to "how much did that cost?" is ALWAYS "£30".

    2. Gryph


      ^^ Or "I won it in a giveaway"

  4. Your starting to get negative feedback for time wasting, lowballing & generally messing sellers around, it's not a good look for future transactions, no one will want to deal with you. 

    Think about it🤔

  5. Daniel, I suspect your a scammer, can we have some genuine pics of the item your trying to sell, not retailers images, & please include your username and the date handwritten on a piece of paper within the pics. 

    1. _K4MF_


      Looks like the images for Daniel's listings come from Reddit, East Coast Airsoft and another random airsoft site, when reverse searched on Google. 

  6. Seemed apt today, I'm bored AF & seemed to have developed insomnia since my surgery so can't even escape the boredom by sleeping. 

    In the words of the great Chandler Bing, "Could I be any more bored" 

    #rip Mathew Perry😞


  7. Probably a spammer or scammer, be careful 😏

  8. SCAMMER, DO NOT BUY FROM HIM, OR USER rami22, they are likely to be the same person. 

    1. Jedi_Master


      Ban hammer applied to both accounts

    1. mec


      Where is the inner barrel and shells for the schofield you sold me weeks ago???? Left me with £125 paperweight, why are you now just ignoring all comms, been weeks now? Fucking rip off merchant 

    2. Haru
    3. Colin Allen

      Colin Allen

      The lack of response is telling.

  9. 🤣


    1. Skara


      I'm sure he will now teach angels to strike first in self defense, based on some D.U.S.T. or Master Ameriken ultra sikrit ninja technique.

    2. Druid799


      After reading Tackles post ;


  10. Scammer, don't fall for his bullshit. 🤬

  11. Word to the Wise:

    If your planning on doing some longstanding jobs at home, kinda things you've been putting off, & someone slips you a pint of Morgans & diet coke beforehand, 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. strykerles


      reminds me when I went out with my mates for my 18th


      at a mates before we went out he got me a pint of what looked like orange juice. turns out it was 3/4 vodka with 1/4 orange just to give it some color 😙

    3. Shamal


      Hope they didn't slip you something else after you downed it.🤣🤣

    4. Tackle


      Lol, that's when shit gets silly, a glaswegian mate felt it was his national duty to always be the the most pissed person on nights out...... Until one night he collapsed blind drunk, totally unconscious, when people tried to get him up, he proceeded to piss & shit himself, an off duty nurse present deemed him at risk so an ambulance was called, while we waited for it another lad collapsed, falling forward & breaking his nose. 

      They both got stick for a long time afterwards. 

      Happy times lol🤮

  12. If your selling anything Airsoft related & I contact you, feel free to tell me to FUCK RIGHT OFF🤬, I've got too much stuff already, literally a ton or more, don't feed my addiction 😬


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Druid799


      I’m bollox’ed when it comes to that argument as my mrs isn’t interested in any of the ‘lady things’ like bags/clothes/shoes/etc etc about the only thing that she can’t resist are boots BUT even then I can’t use that excuse as she scours the net looking for mega bargains as she hates spending full price AND so she can have smug face with the girls in work ! 🤦‍♂️
      so yup I’m flucked ! 😭

    3. Tackle


      It's happened again, nice looking Aug at a good price, the only thing that saved me from myself is that it's collection only from Dorset, thank fuck for that 🤤

    4. Druid799


      I’m sure if we all gofundme the P&P he’ll sell it too you ? 😈

  13. Dear God please let it stop. 



  14. It's Saturday night, no posts for well over an hour, must mean that all you rufty tufty operators have settled down to watch strictly ? 🤣

    1. Shamal


      Well I went out earlier to get rabbit food but went down pub instead....I really let my hair down 😄



  15. Hey Jai, pm'd couple of times but no response, dunno if your getting them ?

  16. Whooooo, I'm an apprentice apparently 🙀

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tackle


      Lol, week I'm having I'm definitely veering towards the dark side👿

    3. Tackle


      Did I say week, I meant year ffs🤬

    4. Druid799


      Take a ticket 🎟 and get in the queue ! 🤦‍♂️

  17. Mate, where are ya ? 😵

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Shamal


      Welcome back fella👍🙂


  18. Jeez H Christ I'm bored, youngest stuck on a hosp ward, everybody else here remembers rationing ffs. What's best downloadable free game for android phone ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sonofsammo


      Sorry to hear that dude. Hope they're better very soon.
       - For hospital stays I quite like Hitman: Sniper - it's therapeutically violent and I still get to snipe 😄


    3. Skara


      Quiet atm.

      For most people it's noticeably hard to adapt to this "new" lifestyle.

      I am completely fine with it, apart from airsoft (and courier tracking not working apparently) my life hasn't changed much, obviously social interaction mostly happens via social media (which I don't like) but that's how it is really.

      Embrace the suck and carry on with life.


      The village I work in (2500 inhabitants) is really quiet, only a handful of people outside who are either going or coming back from the supermarket. Not that there is much activity anyway during winter months but it's noticeable.


      Haven't seen much police around either. These measures may seem harsh but it's common sense really.


      The health system isn't doing great though, as people from the original outbreak areas seem to not give a crap about following the rules and we had an incident when Milan (which is a fucking huge town) was about to be locked down last Saturday. You probably already know about that.

      If you don't, basically some retarded politician leaked the soon-to-be law on social media and a third of the people living in the city escaped to their hometowns (mostly in the South of Italy). So now instead of having two big "sources of infection" confined you have hundreds of smaller ones throughout the country, which obviously makes things harder as the hospitals in the South are generally shit so they can't stabilize/treat patients.

    4. Tackle


      That sucks mate, odds on most of those that ran were not actually in the high risk groups, elderly/serious underlying probs etc.

      I actually spoke to a doc here yesterday who had a friend working in an Italian a&e in one of the big cities, apparently the friend said they're literally letting people die, not in a god-mode nasty way, but because their overrun & having to triage those who they hope to save, & not waste limited resources on those who are beyond hope...... apparently Thursday was worst day yet with 337 fatalities, whether this is public knowledge I don't know ?....... Scary times, stay safe buddy.

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