Welcome back ✋
Yeah, the bug never completely goes away 😉
Do a few searches for starter guns/gear as the market may have changed quite a bit since you last looked.
Check out HERE for any sites near you.
Welcome ✋
Good starter guns can be had from CYMA and SpecnaArms for around £150.
Most guns around that price are decent enough to start with but I would stay away from Nuprol stuff in general.
Yeah, there are loads of posts about first starter guns and kit in general.
Keep some budget for decent boots with ankle support and eye protection. ( would suggest to look at posts about the best eye-pro)
You'll get the hang of things soon enough 😉
Don't worry about age since you can play at your own pace. (I know players in 60s and 70s that play)
But don't expect to stick with your son 😄
I don't know any specific cases of it actually happening but I'm not going to take any chances.
As we know, the public can be real arseholes when it comes to gun topics.
Anyone who acts stupid with em deserves the lesson.
Sure, you're free to call a pea shooter a gun 🤣
I was really just kidding about calling them toys.
I call em rifs, toys or pews if I'm discussing airsoft with friends in public.
The go-to for parts is KYAirsoft: https://www.kyairsoft.com/parts/we-pistols-gbbp/g-series.html?cat=371
Up to you to decide if the postage is worth it.
Yeah, 10 is too young.
As with your experience of hot paintball 'markers', the same can happen with airsoft.
Let him shoot in the garden for a few years.
Yes, full facemask is essential.