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  1. Haha
    Asomodai got a reaction from EDcase in Return to Airsoft   
    It's a far better conversation now then it was then! 
  2. Haha
    Asomodai got a reaction from GenuineGerman in Return to Airsoft   
    It's a far better conversation now then it was then! 
  3. Haha
    Asomodai got a reaction from Spartan09 in Return to Airsoft   
    We have some things in common it seems!
    My Grandmother was born in Austria to German parents, my Great Grandmother was a staunch Nazi who defended Hitler to the hilt, yet my Great Grandfather was one of the 7% of pacifists and a true leftist socialist. I can only imagine the dinner table conversation.
    He was called up to service as a medic. 
    They both fled to Austria when the allies got close. 
    My Grandmother arrived in the country after meeting my English Grandad. Of course she is 100% anti immigration now and yes is fully aware of the hypocrisy!
  4. Like
    Asomodai reacted to Shamal in Return to Airsoft   
    Love it!
    Nooo! Roast spuds in goose fat. Its the only true way lol....
  5. Haha
    Asomodai got a reaction from GenuineGerman in Return to Airsoft   
    Ah my wife is fine with it really, the fact I was English was quite the stumbling block with one of her family which nearly ended things. I voluntarily gave up pork in the hope it would help them accept me more.
    After we got married and were allowed to move in together they asked whether I would have a separate fridge for my pork... It turns out the missus never told them I gave it up... it wouldnt have been a problem after all!
    I just stuck without it since as I only ate the unhealthy bits anyway!
    In fact the only time I have eaten it since was when the missus tried her hand at cooking and got a pack of special fried rice. She took a bite of it and said it tasted funny, I said it tasted delicious. She didnt know what was in special fried rice... I love telling her Mother about that story!
  6. Haha
    Asomodai reacted to GenuineGerman in Return to Airsoft   
    Yeah I think so. 
    Unfortunately my family history is a lot more shady when it comes to the Nazis which is another thread I think lol 
  7. Haha
    Asomodai got a reaction from Shamal in Return to Airsoft   
    Ah my wife is fine with it really, the fact I was English was quite the stumbling block with one of her family which nearly ended things. I voluntarily gave up pork in the hope it would help them accept me more.
    After we got married and were allowed to move in together they asked whether I would have a separate fridge for my pork... It turns out the missus never told them I gave it up... it wouldnt have been a problem after all!
    I just stuck without it since as I only ate the unhealthy bits anyway!
    In fact the only time I have eaten it since was when the missus tried her hand at cooking and got a pack of special fried rice. She took a bite of it and said it tasted funny, I said it tasted delicious. She didnt know what was in special fried rice... I love telling her Mother about that story!
  8. Like
    Asomodai reacted to MiK in Return to Airsoft   
    @Asomodai I read that to her after she asked what I was laughing at.
    The only reason she had the yank one was due to her surgery being able to store the Pfizer at -70, she said that even when they got the Astra one too people where still refusing a jab.
  9. Like
    Asomodai reacted to GenuineGerman in Return to Airsoft   
    My Grandmother was known as “Rote Helga” haha. Absolutely convinced socialist and always voted for the Die Linke. 
    And chairwoman is the local factory workers party during East German times 
  10. Haha
    Asomodai reacted to MiK in Return to Airsoft   
    Neither did I until I called, if I wanted the Pfizer that was done at the Royal or General (two major hospitals in Leicester) and the Astra was at the Glenfield Hospital which is like 5mins away.
    I wasn’t fussed which and since parking at the royal is stupidly expensive and the general was the other side of city. I went for ease of getting to the Glenfield and I chose the day’n’time to avoid the so called queues, I walked in, sat down to answer a couple of questions and then went to get my jab, I was in & out in 10mins. I haven’t had any side effects or anything that is on the list nor the arm is t sore either, Mrs ain’t happy as her’s hurt like billy’O but she had the Pfizer one
  11. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Lozart in Return to Airsoft   
    Envious. I married into a Turkish family, I gave up pork for love.
    It's the cheap and unhealthy bits of pork i miss. Haslet, sausages and bacon! Though lamb sausages arent that bad really. 
    Think I'll start up a "What you cookin'? photo thread" in off topic soon!
  12. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from GenuineGerman in Return to Airsoft   
    Much appreciated.
    She is certainly a character. Funnily enough we mostly talk about politics when we are together. She was in the running to become a conservative counsellor in the early 90s, she introduced me to John Major, William Waldagrave and William Hague at various Conservative party fundraisers and events. On my 11th birthday she bought me a signed Maggie Thatcher autobiography. John Bercow used to stay at her house when he was a young whipper snapper trying to gain influence. 
    She has always been disappointed how I turned out politically despite her best efforts. Though she is happy that I am at least active in politics, have conviction in my belief and do more then post on the internet about it! (Honest! :-D)
    I certainly hope I can continue lively political debate with her for years to come!
  13. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Shamal in Return to Airsoft   
    Much appreciated.
    She is certainly a character. Funnily enough we mostly talk about politics when we are together. She was in the running to become a conservative counsellor in the early 90s, she introduced me to John Major, William Waldagrave and William Hague at various Conservative party fundraisers and events. On my 11th birthday she bought me a signed Maggie Thatcher autobiography. John Bercow used to stay at her house when he was a young whipper snapper trying to gain influence. 
    She has always been disappointed how I turned out politically despite her best efforts. Though she is happy that I am at least active in politics, have conviction in my belief and do more then post on the internet about it! (Honest! :-D)
    I certainly hope I can continue lively political debate with her for years to come!
  14. Sad
    Asomodai got a reaction from Tackle in Return to Airsoft   
    Evidence seems to be going towards that transmission rates go down with people who have caught COVID despite having  vaccine which is some good news.
    Sadly my crazy elderly battleaxe Grandmother has been very unlucky as shes currently battling the Bristol Covid Variant despite having her first Pfizer vaccine 4 weeks ago. Shes doing... ok. But it's touch and go. We'll know in a few days time. 
    I have also been informed that my estranged Father has caught it. Hes an ass, but I wouldn't wish it on him. Mixed emotions. 
    I wish I could begrudgingly praise this government for their response, but I really cant going by the stats.
  15. Like
    Asomodai reacted to GenuineGerman in Return to Airsoft   
    Let’s just hope tomorrow bojos announcement brings a glimmer of hope to us all. 
    In hindsight things could have been done differently but sadly we are where we are. I’m sure the blame game for this will last for many years, let’s just hope that is the light at the end of the tunnel we all need desperately. 
  16. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from EvilMonkee in Return to Airsoft   
    I'll be brief as I am on a walk. Population shouldn't be an issue as we should have been investing more in the NHS to support our population, instead it has been bled dry or invested into frankly awful outsourced contracts. Which is why singapore managed it better then us, because they have an adequate health service that matches the population. 
    You mentioned population density with NZ, but why not Singapore? Singapore has more population density then London yet handled it far better. Why? They had a health service that was proportionate to the health service amongst other reasons. 
    With regards to setting equipment aside for potential pandemic, that's what many countries should do. The health service needs to be effective for disastrous events, not "barely functioning" in normal times. 
    Criticise NZ all you want, they recognised they only had to do one thing, close the borders, which they did, it worked and saved them from hemorrhaging more money then most countries. One of the first things you do in a pandemic is to restrict travel. We didnt do that, in fact Boris was bent on herd immunity, until he was proved wrong. 
    I certainly do vote at the ballot, but the role of an opposition party is to keep an existing government in check so that people are better informed at the next election. Though sadly the opposition is pretty feckless at the moment. 
  17. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from EvilMonkee in Bad Publicity?   
    In the interest of fairness Hancock would outsource the chrono at massive cost to taxpayers, to his neighbour. who knows nothing about airsoft, wouldn't even turn up to the skirmish and wouldnt know how to operate it 😄
  18. Like
    Asomodai reacted to MiK in Bad Publicity?   
    im sticking to my initial thoughts of outdoor Airsoft early to mid April and indoor Airsoft/cqb late April/early may - there’s no point in rushing this anymore another month or so over another 3 month lockdown
  19. Like
    Asomodai reacted to Tackle in Canada Threatening to Ban Airsoft   
    Sadly I too remember hungerford & dunblane, the latter was very poignant for me as my niece was the same age as many of the victims at the time, & a ban wasn't a knee jerk reaction, but was a somewhat heavy handed but simple response against a system that desperately needed an overhaul.
    As for the politics, total bs, much of the changes in legislation we now experience come down to the opinions of those in charge, sometimes the motivation is personal, or financial, often both.
    There are people that don't like guns, or what they represent, in much the same way there are people that don't like motorcycles, usually with no valid reason, but it's much easier for the anti gun lobby to garner support, which is why as Rif owners we've got to be at the top of our game, to appear almost Saint-like in the eyes of the media & authorities.
    For this reason I'm glad that FB keeps cracking down on Airsoft pages, 90% of social media users are thick as shit, so when it comes to our hobby most do more harm than good, at least with the forums there's a more proactive attitude to do (& say) the right thing, as well as vigilant admin to monitor it.
  20. Haha
    Asomodai reacted to GenuineGerman in Bad Publicity?   
    Boris wouldn’t call his hits
  21. Haha
    Asomodai got a reaction from GenuineGerman in Bad Publicity?   
    I would absoloutely support this, politics is incredibly mickey mouse and I like very few serving politicians at the moment!
    My bet would be on Larry the cat for the win. Scratching Boris and Starmers eyes out.... brutal. 
  22. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Tackle in Canada Threatening to Ban Airsoft   
    It's in response to the posts and general feeling that it's just the left that are more likely to ban firearms (which seems to not be challenged when stated here, I am playing counterpoint), Just clearing that up.
    NZ had a mass shooting and they have cleaned up their gun laws as well being a leftist/centrist government. 
    The Conservatives were absoloutely right to ban those firearms, it was very close to banning Airsofts use of RIFs as well. 
    The issue is already politicised by people "bashing the left" on the forum, I just want to make sure that people are aware it is not necessarily a "Left or Right" issue. Changes happen in reaction to an event or authoritarian methods of control. 
    Edit: I am old enough to remember the mass shootings. 
    Further edit: I hadnt brought up the idea that "governments will do it in reaction to an event" because I assumed that everyone knew that was obvious and a given. I am sorry I didn't specifically mention it before. 
    I also agree that I did labour the Authortitive part of that statement when I shouldn't have as even a non authoritative government would have acted the same. (The government happened to be authoritative, but it has no real bearing on what resulted from the shooting, it was the right thing to do)
  23. Haha
    Asomodai reacted to ImTriggerHappy in Bad Publicity?   
    I check in occasionally to see if there is anything remotely interesting and once I see the answer is no off I fuck again
  24. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from FreeFrag.UK in Canada Threatening to Ban Airsoft   
    Consistently voting in Authoritarian governments whether its left or right of the political spectrum will make bans a common place. 
  25. Sad
    Asomodai got a reaction from Druid799 in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    I saw a brand new airsofter get an Ares L1A1 with wood stock two toned... 
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