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  1. Sad
    Asomodai reacted to MiK in Dying Camo From Desert/Green to Blue/Black (Vegetato)   
    Depending on the colour of the dying blue - maybe a bright blue diluted 30-70 dye/water and using a synthetic dye (the hot water type) might get something but I doubt it will get close to the colour of the navy uniform.
  2. CoolAF
    Asomodai reacted to Druid799 in Dying Camo From Desert/Green to Blue/Black (Vegetato)   
    You won’t get a blue even vaguely like the navy vegatato I’m afraid to say , the base colour On the woodland is darker than the base on the Naval . It will come out a strange green colour due to the Woodland colours on your trousers . Worked a couple of yrs in a printing business so I lived colour overlaying bloody day in day out ! 🤦‍♂️😖
  3. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Druid799 in Dying Camo From Desert/Green to Blue/Black (Vegetato)   
    Darn. I figured as much. Thanks for the advice!
    I think black is the answer 😕
  4. Like
    Asomodai reacted to Druid799 in Lunacy in Public. Man Points Bb Pistol at Police.   
    Had a really good chat with a firearms officer a while ago(I was sorting his shredded arm after a raid) and we were discussing shoot don’t shoot scenarios then , his take was as a British policeman his core ideal is to save life not take it and living in a society that is so against guns so they really are not the norm , no matter how much you train with them there’s still very few officers who don’t have that split second even micro split second hesitation before they pull the trigger , hence when there where all those raids on suspected terrorist sites a few yrs ago and there was thought to be a real risk of suicide bombers it was predominantly SF leading the breaching teams , No hesitation .
    Which I freely admit I’m more than happy having a police force the still sees firearms as a necessary evil and NOT something encouraged to be carried every day . 
  5. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from IFartedOnTheWayHere in New Site Announcement. Ex Delta Force - Cobham Surrey.   
    Just spotted Ambush Adventures have acquired their own site. The old Delta Force site in Cobham. Ambush used to run games at the Campaign Paintball site nearby.
    Looks like the old Delta Paintball sites are being mothballed as AP acquired the use of the Delta Force site next to them last year (Tower Airsoft)
    The site, much like the Campaign site is public transportable from London. 
    Get your wookie suits on and equip your Star Wars blasters.

  6. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from allyballybee in Airsoft Governing Bodies   
    Many people know my opinion in the need for a bonified license, which would only come with a governing body and recognition as a valid hobby/sport.
    However some people don't want this recognition because people don't like change and oversight. It works for them right now, so why change? The answer is, Airsoft has been in or around part of this grey area of legality and acceptability for a very long time, which cant last forever. Are we allowed to continue, be visible and be legitimate, or not be legal and become underground? The risk of trying to find out once and for all is that we might get the wrong answer. But I think it's something we really have to deal with as Airsofters and get a definitive answer. If we come out of the gate wanting to become legitimate, it would give us an advantage in negotiations, rather then skulking around in the shadows waiting for an "incident" to bring the problem to us completely unprepared to deal with it.
    I support some form of recognition and legitimate representation, as it would help legitimise Airsoft in the eyes of lawmakers and set us apart from the idiots with RIF's in public that you find in the newspapers.
    Airsoft itself may come across a bigger (Unspecified) threat in the very near future which if we had representation in place, could help fight off whatever it is more effectively; rather then scramble around at the last minute fighting amongst ourselves to organise. If we have no representation in place to already deal with an (unspecified) threat, we would in a far worse position to defend Airsoft. 
    Airsoft is already or will become political for those outside of the hobby, we need to acquire the tools to negotiate, defend and come out the other side as a legitimate sport or hobby. It might mean it would be harder to get into the sport as a new player, it might mean paying a regular yearly fee and as a result might mean less money flowing to retailers, but at least it will save the hobby as a whole which is far more important. 
    Bottom line. I don't mind paying more money to help safeguard what we do. 
  7. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Albiscuit in New Site Announcement. Ex Delta Force - Cobham Surrey.   
    Just spotted Ambush Adventures have acquired their own site. The old Delta Force site in Cobham. Ambush used to run games at the Campaign Paintball site nearby.
    Looks like the old Delta Paintball sites are being mothballed as AP acquired the use of the Delta Force site next to them last year (Tower Airsoft)
    The site, much like the Campaign site is public transportable from London. 
    Get your wookie suits on and equip your Star Wars blasters.

  8. Haha
    Asomodai got a reaction from Lozart in Trying to Achieve a Flat Trajectory With Hop at the End. Rather Then Hop and Drop.   
    Toilet Roll with a couple of bits of glass at both ends. 
    I wish I could stick my Simmons Whitetail internals in the the PSO
  9. CoolAF
    Asomodai reacted to Adolf Hamster in Trying to Achieve a Flat Trajectory With Hop at the End. Rather Then Hop and Drop.   
    thought the PU only had mosin style mounts?
    i dunno, i kinda like the pso, it's not good by modern standards but it's very simple and afaik the doctrine was mostly a case of "if he ain't really far away just hold-over is good enough" as opposed to the more western dial in for a perfect shot
  10. Like
    Asomodai reacted to Adolf Hamster in Trying to Achieve a Flat Trajectory With Hop at the End. Rather Then Hop and Drop.   
    what's the consistency like?
    might be that's just what you're losing in spin?
  11. Like
    Asomodai reacted to Adolf Hamster in Trying to Achieve a Flat Trajectory With Hop at the End. Rather Then Hop and Drop.   
    yeah, this is where the different compounds/patch shapes come into play with a larger contact patch/softer compound needing less pressure to get the desired spin.
    of course you're always gonna lose something.
    it's a tricky one because the question then becomes how/when fps is measured ie off versus hopping game weight
    personally i lean on the latter, as turning the hop completely off as some sites ask can lead to erroneously low fps readings because the bb has half rolled out of the barrel before firing.
  12. Sad
    Asomodai got a reaction from LlamaTheMighty in Taiwangun Shipping Disruption (Brexit Related Content)   
    Been waiting for the package to clear from the clearing agency at Stanford. Tracking hasn't updated since the 24th
  13. Haha
    Asomodai got a reaction from Druid799 in Airsoft Governing Bodies   
    Nowt much difference to this place then! 
  14. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Cannonfodder in Looks Like the Start Back Has Crashed and Burned   
    Mayhem run the old Tech Brigade site is what I should say. 
    Looks like Reforger have got the same advice from the council.
  15. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Tackle in Looks Like the Start Back Has Crashed and Burned   
    Looks like Mayhem who run a couple of sites in Kent and now Tech Brigade have a different interpretation of the rules and will open.... It actually kinda makes sense? Or am I kidding myself?
  16. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Nick G in Airsoft Governing Bodies   
    The EAA (European Airsoft Association.) Which are UKAPUs partner. Stopped a bill going ahead in the EU that came very nearly to passing, that would ban Airsoft entirely within the EU. Instead they turned it around so that Airsoft was recognised as a non Firearm's "activity". Which has made Airsoft more secure then ever before in the EU. So a Players Union really does make a difference if given the power. 
  17. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Nick G in Airsoft Governing Bodies   
    Well you kind of answered your own question! 
    Who would run it? I dont know. Someone smarter then I.
    I think UKAPU have the right people in charge personally and would do a reasonable job. As we pay in our subs, they would be accountable to it's members as a union.
    It's better then the "nothing" we have representing us now. 
  18. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from JSwan in Airsoft Governing Bodies   
    Many people know my opinion in the need for a bonified license, which would only come with a governing body and recognition as a valid hobby/sport.
    However some people don't want this recognition because people don't like change and oversight. It works for them right now, so why change? The answer is, Airsoft has been in or around part of this grey area of legality and acceptability for a very long time, which cant last forever. Are we allowed to continue, be visible and be legitimate, or not be legal and become underground? The risk of trying to find out once and for all is that we might get the wrong answer. But I think it's something we really have to deal with as Airsofters and get a definitive answer. If we come out of the gate wanting to become legitimate, it would give us an advantage in negotiations, rather then skulking around in the shadows waiting for an "incident" to bring the problem to us completely unprepared to deal with it.
    I support some form of recognition and legitimate representation, as it would help legitimise Airsoft in the eyes of lawmakers and set us apart from the idiots with RIF's in public that you find in the newspapers.
    Airsoft itself may come across a bigger (Unspecified) threat in the very near future which if we had representation in place, could help fight off whatever it is more effectively; rather then scramble around at the last minute fighting amongst ourselves to organise. If we have no representation in place to already deal with an (unspecified) threat, we would in a far worse position to defend Airsoft. 
    Airsoft is already or will become political for those outside of the hobby, we need to acquire the tools to negotiate, defend and come out the other side as a legitimate sport or hobby. It might mean it would be harder to get into the sport as a new player, it might mean paying a regular yearly fee and as a result might mean less money flowing to retailers, but at least it will save the hobby as a whole which is far more important. 
    Bottom line. I don't mind paying more money to help safeguard what we do. 
  19. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from MadMole in Airsoft Governing Bodies   
    The EAA (European Airsoft Association.) Which are UKAPUs partner. Stopped a bill going ahead in the EU that came very nearly to passing, that would ban Airsoft entirely within the EU. Instead they turned it around so that Airsoft was recognised as a non Firearm's "activity". Which has made Airsoft more secure then ever before in the EU. So a Players Union really does make a difference if given the power. 
  20. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from MadMole in Airsoft Governing Bodies   
    In addition. I am seriously thinking of throwing my hat in the ring for the vacant London Representative of UKAPU post. Though I somehow think doing the site reviews would not be possible if I did!  
    I keep forgetting that the UKAPU Consultant Matt Furey King's Father was my wood working teacher at Secondary school back in Bristol! Matt is was also the president of the European Airsoft Association for many years.
  21. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from MadMole in Airsoft Governing Bodies   
    It's not that UKAPU is ready to go to be that representation. It's that I believe they are the closest thing that we have now that could become that representation.
    Who are they?
    UKAPU Committee Biographies | UKAPU
    Why are they the right people? From a personal standpoint, they helped me get a RIF into the country that had been seized by border force. They have been a source of sensible legal advice for airsofters playing in the pandemic and have been almost always been correct. They have a code of Conduct, Rules of Affiliation and more. They help not only the common Airsoft player, but also site owners and retailers. 
    Yes you could create a company no problem. But you don't already have thousands of members already signed up? 
    UKAPU have some sort of legitimacy and outreach within the Airsoft community that others including the Airsoft Trade Federation simply don't have. 
    I would hate if a commercial entity represents us. Imagine if Frank at FireSupport succeeded all that time ago to get the importation of Airsoft RIFS banned unless it was imported through them? (It was a possibility!).  Imagine if the exclusive club, the old triumvirate of retailers who run UKARA represented the hobby as a whole? 

    UKAPU is my preference over all other candidates. They are not perfect and need some work, but they are in a far better position then anyone else. 
  22. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from MadMole in Airsoft Governing Bodies   
    Well you kind of answered your own question! 
    Who would run it? I dont know. Someone smarter then I.
    I think UKAPU have the right people in charge personally and would do a reasonable job. As we pay in our subs, they would be accountable to it's members as a union.
    It's better then the "nothing" we have representing us now. 
  23. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Lozart in Looks Like the Start Back Has Crashed and Burned   
    I had been booked up for back to back skirmishes next weekend. Bit of a kick in the teeth for the government to only just put out new guidance for it now. 
    Odd that Airsoft was the example used, either too many people asked them the question or as is being touted on Social Media, some of the recent "idiots that ended up in the media" highlighted airsoft.
    UKAPU has weighed in. Shut it down folks! 😞

  24. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Druid799 in Airsoft Governing Bodies   
    In addition. I am seriously thinking of throwing my hat in the ring for the vacant London Representative of UKAPU post. Though I somehow think doing the site reviews would not be possible if I did!  
    I keep forgetting that the UKAPU Consultant Matt Furey King's Father was my wood working teacher at Secondary school back in Bristol! Matt is was also the president of the European Airsoft Association for many years.
  25. Thanks
    Asomodai got a reaction from Druid799 in Airsoft Governing Bodies   
    It's not that UKAPU is ready to go to be that representation. It's that I believe they are the closest thing that we have now that could become that representation.
    Who are they?
    UKAPU Committee Biographies | UKAPU
    Why are they the right people? From a personal standpoint, they helped me get a RIF into the country that had been seized by border force. They have been a source of sensible legal advice for airsofters playing in the pandemic and have been almost always been correct. They have a code of Conduct, Rules of Affiliation and more. They help not only the common Airsoft player, but also site owners and retailers. 
    Yes you could create a company no problem. But you don't already have thousands of members already signed up? 
    UKAPU have some sort of legitimacy and outreach within the Airsoft community that others including the Airsoft Trade Federation simply don't have. 
    I would hate if a commercial entity represents us. Imagine if Frank at FireSupport succeeded all that time ago to get the importation of Airsoft RIFS banned unless it was imported through them? (It was a possibility!).  Imagine if the exclusive club, the old triumvirate of retailers who run UKARA represented the hobby as a whole? 

    UKAPU is my preference over all other candidates. They are not perfect and need some work, but they are in a far better position then anyone else. 
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