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Everything posted by Asomodai

  1. Decided to do a large import from HK. 3x Cyma SVD 80 RD Mid Caps. Already got 6 mids and 3 highs. But my Smersh can hold 12 mags so! 1x Cyma P90 gearbox Spring set 1x 5KU ZenitCo A-1 Sling Swivel mount 1x 5KU Zenitco PT-3 AK stock for E&L (Cause the PT-1 that arrived was for LCT and I think on hindsight the PT-3 will look better with the VS-24) 1x 5KU Zenitco PK-6 (The tiniest Foregrip) A bunch of Keymod to Picatinny adapters 1x Pro Win P90 Hop unit (Mangled my original Pro-win one.) 2x Prommy purple. 9 dollars 50 is quite cheap.
  2. A valid UKARA needs to be written on the box of anything you import so that if customs find it in a random search, you can get it released easily. If you cant prove a valid defense the rifle can be destroyed and you in hot water legally. (Possible fine or sentence.) UKARA is the one provable method of a defense that Border Force recognise and has a form of access to. Read what happened to me and I was lucky enough to have a UKARA number on the box and could insist on them checking it as proof of my defense. https://airsoft-forums.uk/topic/47276-rs-t97-is-home/ As I said before. Get your UKARA or go two tone.
  3. You are correct, there isn't a way to start getting your UKARA at the moment. You will struggle to find anyone who will accept anything other then UKARA which satisfies the VCRA. However here is what you want in the UK. WE MP5 Apache A3 GBB Black | Praetorian Tactical | Airsoft | Tactical Kit | Equipment (prae-tac.com) Be patient. Get your UKARA or go two tone.
  4. Where on the scale of "Cool" is the PP-19 Bizon in your opinion? :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stratton Oakmont

      Stratton Oakmont

      Love the look, the real thing is ridiculous, if you get the hicap it will sound like you’re making I cocktail every time you run.

      i still would like one but only the fold over the top stock version 

    3. sharpe


      my mate had one, loved it! shame he doesn't play any more. hmmmm i wonder if he still has it.....

    4. SeniorSpaz87


      Its OK, but the Vityaz is Ace. I refuse to own an AK, but I love my other Russian guns - though I like to be a bit odd with my choices. Went SR-3 instead of AK, Vityaz instead of Bizon, DP-28 instead of PKP, and I turned my VSR-X into a SV-98.

  5. Pretty standard, though the SRC G36 hop unit is proprietary (Though you can fit an Airsoftpro one when using the added tube portion), unless you change the magwell for a JG one which will allow you to use any G36 aftermarket hops.
  6. I believe it was Airsoftworld. Their tech said the quality was shocking.
  7. I thought the Specna was based on the non TM Spec G36, so aftermarket hop units wont fit?
  8. Incredibly frustrated is what I am right now. Waited 3 months on an order from JKArmy, only for them to send the wrong 5KU Zenitco Stock! I ordered the PT-1 Gen 1 for E&L, but they sent the one for Cyma/LCT/GHK. Arggh!

    Anyone want a brand new unused one for £75 posted? 

    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      no room for a bit of fettling to get it to fit? in the truest of ak fashions

    2. Asomodai


      It wouldn't fit well enough to satisfy me. 


      The Stock tube on the Cyma/LCT one is 20mm where as the E&L stocks are 26mm. So it would have to be shimmed to a ridiculous amount, The holes would have to be drilled out to accommodate Real Steel pins. 

      I'd rather sell and get an E&L one ordered. I am in no hurry. 

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      fair enough, i'm just suffering from a lack of any repros of the pt5 so i'm stuck either going RS or getting a whole other gun.....

  9. I have two XM8s and they are perfectly fine rifles!
  10. A balanced 16 TPA with high speed gears wont give you the ROF you want and will be somewhat inefficient. I suggest a 22TPA high torque if you want 13:1s.
  11. They are specific to each different model of Moscart. You will have to measure the thread as well as the head diameter. I haven't been able to find ANY replacements for my Battleaxe ones.
  12. Here's a sneak preview! Liking what I see so far. I'll be putting an order in.
  13. It wont ever be in stock anywhere in the UK, but Airsoft Zone in Romford order NPO rifled on occasion. Hit then up and see what is possible, though it will likely be slow considering the way the world is right now.
  14. To be fair we haven't had an actual left wing or (it can be argued) centrist government since 1979, I think it's safe to say that the economic and foreign policy issues we have had in the past 10 years couldn't be blamed on the left. Not that I want to spin anything positive on New Labour, but the economic issues and "The note" came after the worldwide stock market crash that we had very little to do with in the first place. If the Conservatives were in charge at the time, the exact same thing would have happened as New Labour were more Tory lite then actual Labour in terms of economic policy. I imagine our current government will blame our economic woes on Covid in the same manner. In the past 30 years we've only had business comes first; faux Neo Liberalist economically centre right or right wing governments. As a reluctant Remainer (As in I think the EU is corrupt, but I voted remain because as a country we have consistently voted in even more corrupt governments for the past 30 years and are likely to continue to), I think its disingenuous to hypothesise as to what another party would have done in any given situation. Sadly political discourse has descended into a supporting football team mentality. Shouting down from both sides on subjects that you might even agree with the opposition on, just because it is coming from "them". Which is of course what the ruling "elite" want us to do, let the voters blame and fight each other on any and all issues. Anyone trying to change that status quo will get completely rinsed by the papers (and in recent times yes I do mean JC) Brexit will play out in the next few months or years, conclude where the land lies and then see if it was really the golden goose that was promised, if not and there is a political will, we could always re-join.
  15. 2 days in and I am proud I havent bought anything yet!
  16. The last time I saw anyone put any up for sale they were about 40 quid each, obviously used condition. They were snapped up within a couple of hours. Good luck!
  17. Make sure you lube the slide. My Strike Warrior barely fired 5 shots out of the box before running out of gas. Now it gets through a full mag during the warmer of the three seasons.
  18. I suspect the UK's unreadiness is why we've implemented the “collect VAT at source” rules for foreign sellers. Entirely relieves Border Force of an admin burden on high volume low value parcels that honestly probably constitute the majority of any given sack of parcel post. So why should EU sellers go through the admin burden because of a choice we made? If EU businesses can turn their noses up at £135 or under orders, it doesnt look great for Brexiteers claiming the EU need us more the we need them. Though we may not see much in the way of VAT charging in the short term, just because we don't have the infrastructure to cope, it's been intimated that the VAT collection importing from the EU will be quite "soft" initially. Though you bet exporting from the UK will be collected more effectively by EU countries who are more ready. Re: Second hand sales and purchases. As well as that, we are bo longer in the single market so no longer in the EU Margin Scheme. Which means if you are buying a used item via FB, Facebook, etc etc etc and that item is in the EU, then you will be charged an additional 20% when it is delivered to you, in the UK - Makes no difference if you buy that used item from a private seller or a vat registered business - Ditto the EU buyer will be charged 20% on arrival of the goods at his front door - Hence the chances of any of us selling to a EU customer has somewhat diminished and few of us will be buying used gear from the EU. So used gear has now just had a 20% price increase, once the goods go through a customs boundary. And this is all entirely self inflicted.
  19. Literally the thread below this one. 🙂
  20. Just noticed this on the Camo FB. Possible new site and store being built, indoor American CQB killhouse style.
  21. Due to Tier 4 I had to wrap up 2020. So I have written up the end of year awards for 2020! Take a read! 


    1. Skara


      My 2020 'soft season ended in September unfortunately :(

      Worst year ever

    2. Asomodai


      @Skara Honestly I am surprised at how many skirmishes I managed to go to despite lockdown.

  22. Hello all! Welcome to the third end of year review with yours truly. What a year it has been! very frustrating due to closures, but I still managed to get in a number of skirmishes when things were slightly better. I totted up 9 new sites in the South East, 3 in the South West and a few revisits which is probably way more then most! Like last year, more sites have closed down then opened, with a few new ones that never came to fruition (Echelon I am looking at you!). This year the standard of site has been much better then the previous years. No site was truly awful which makes a change! Sites that bit the dust in 2020: Incursion/EAG Dorking Combat South Urban Assault Grange Bravo One The Depot Glasgow Sites that changed hands: Zed Adventures -> Gunman (Battle Lakes) Sites that have opened/reopened: Zed Adventures Z-Mart Incursion Epsom Bunker (2019 but meh) Doomsday (Not sure how they re-opened considering the issues they have had, but I am thinking they are still on life support) AP The Tower Last year I announced that 2020 would be the last year I would do this due to trying to start a family. For various reasons this may no longer happen so I will continue with the reviews into 2021! This year I have been ably assisted by my buddy @Albiscuit who has graciously given me lifts to many of the sites this year. It's been nice to play with someone else rather then going on my tod for so long! Sites I hope to visit by the end of 2021 are: Finmere Airsoft, AP - The Tower, Special Ops HQ, IronSight, Gunman Camp Alpha, Z-Mart, Epsom Tunnels, Mayhem South East Longfield and Canterbury. @Albiscuit and I are hoping to bring you a special weekender report at a couple of very interesting sites up t'North at some point. I am also hopefully making a return to the South West to clean up some of the sites I missed near Bristol such as Black Ops Cribbs and HMP Gloucester. We are running out of sites in the SE to visit... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So without further ado, here is the SE Tour Awards for 2020. 9 new sites were visited to add to a grand total of 37 in the South East alone. Best Overall Site – This is the award to the best overall site in terms of everything. 1) Airsoft Plantation (Essex) 2) Dogtag Airsoft (West Sussex) 3) Imperium Airsoft (Kent) AP: Retains the top spot for the third year running, though it was really pushed hard by Dogtag this year. I popped to AP a few weeks before writing this and had a great time with the lower numbers due to covid. It has some work to do to keep top spot though. Dogtag Airsoft: Knocked Driver Wood off the 2nd spot, such a varied and "shapely" area. We didnt get to see all of the areas available so we cant wait to go back! Safe zone was probably the best one I have seen outside. Food was great too. Imperium Airsoft: Suprise entry considering I had slated the organisation of the day, but they have gone strength to strength to improve the playing area and have now provided a covered safe zone. Considering how unique this place is, it deserves a tentative spot in third. Best Medium/Long range Playing area – Variety and/or quality of the playing area. 1) Reforger Airsoft (Herts) 3) Airsoft Plantation (Essex) 2) Apocalypse Airsoft (Kent) Reforger Airsoft: Reforger has knocked Airsoft Plantation off of it's perch. Though Reforger has very few man made features, it's natural stuff completely makes up for it, it's a huge site which really lends itself to long range engagement. AP: Has fallen to second place, even though it has the largest variety in terms out outdoor playing area. It is mostly flat and with few water features, the sheer changeability of the terrain and vegetation, interspersed with manmade obstacles. Apocalypse Airsoft: Has fallen one spot due to Reforger Airsoft. Surprised me in its decent size, huge variety of woodland sections and best of all the variety and scale of the buildings used. Best CQB playing area – Variety and/or quality of the playing area. 1) Longmoor Camp (Hampshire) 2) Reaper Ops The Fort Borstal (Kent) 3) Gunman Airsoft Tuddenham (Suffolk) Longmoor: Creme de la creme for CQB. Play in a perfectly recreated suburb is fantastic. I would love to go back again during the day. Reaper and Longmoor have switched places this year as I feel I got it wrong! Reaper ops: The Fort is a really interesting era Fort, A moat section, plenty of elevation, tunnels and turrets. A really unique site with really good views over the Medway. Since the downfall of the Mall this has now essentially replaced it at the top. Gunman Airsoft Tuddenham: Has replaced Erebor due to it closing in 2019. Tuddenham has so much going for it for it's CQB action, they have just put in a new trench system which improves things. If they got rid of the silly grenade rule in use inside the huts, this could climb the places. Best purpose built buildings – This means actually built for the site and not already existing. 1) Dogtag Airsoft (West Sussex) 2) Apocalypse Airsoft (Kent) 3) Mayhem Paintball and Airsoft (Essex) Dogtag Airsoft: With the demise of Dorking, Dogtag deservedly takes the top spot. The constructon of the buildings especially in the CQB area is incredible. The quality oozes out of the construction. There are more buildings planned as well. Apocalypse Airsoft: Drops down to 2nd this year. The sheer variety of buildings at play, well-spaced out, multiple tiers and well looked after means this is a great site for snipers and CQB assaults. The trench system is also worth a mention. Mayhem Paintball and Airsoft: The sheer amount of obstacles and buildings means this is worth an entry at number 3! Best Safe Zone – Safe zone is classed as the setting up area. Enclosed? Felt Safe? Lots of space? 1) Dogtag Airsoft (West Sussex) 2) Mayhem Paintball and Airsoft (Essex) 3) Red 1: The School (Herts) Dogtag Airsoft: Almost like it was built for social distancing in our covid times. Almost everything is under cover and is of really good construction. Mayhem Paintball and Airsoft: Has a huge multi roomed indoor/outdoor safe zone. Heated inside and benches everywhere. Shop and Toilets were pretty good as well. Red 1 The School: It's completely indoors, which is the only reason it gets in this spot. Its not quite big enough and the toilets are pretty bad. But hey... indoors? Best on-site shop – Shop selection. 1) MPA Hockley Airsoft Arena (Essex) 2) Battle Lakes (Kent) 3) Airsoft Billericay (Essex) MPA Hockley: is a new entrant and absolutely deserving. It's a full retail shop with a small skirmish area attached to it. Its well appointed even for an airsoft shop. I have my doubts they will ever be topped. Battle Lakes: Had a very large indoor shop with lots of interesting weapons and gear for sale, also sold second hand stuff. Airsoft Billericay: Has a very large selection of gear is available at reasonable prices. It has gone slightly downhill recently but still claims 3rd spot. Best Catering – Catering selection. 1) Dogtag Airsoft (West Sussex) 2) Invicta Airsoft (Kent) 2) Airsoft Plantation (Essex) Dogtag Airsoft: Had a hog roast and a freakin' Ice cream truck turn up. Invicta Airsoft: Not the best tasting food, but you got LOADS of it. Breakfast was included in the price and they have lots of vegetarian options too. AP: Has a proper burger van, all the sauces, reasonable prices and a vegetarian option. Tasted good as well. Best Marshals – Marshals that made sure you had a good time, were friendly and weeded out troublemakers. 2) Airsoft Plantation (Essex) 1) Gunman Camp Bravo (Hampshire) 3) Invicta Airsoft (Kent) AP: Has climbed back to the top spot after playing the weekend before writing this review. They will do anything to help you and bend over backwards. Gunman Camp Bravo: Had such a friendly bunch of people running it, really professionally run. Invicta Airsoft: Award goes for the most marshals and staff on one site for so few people! They were everywhere! Site where (We) had the most fun in 2020 – Might not have been the best sites, but definitely had the best experience. 1) Dogtag Airsoft (West Sussex) 2) Gunman Camp Bravo (Hampshire) 3) Invicta Airsoft (Kent) Dogtag Airsoft: Dogtag definitely took the top spot this year, we both had an amazing time and had something for both of us to like. (Considering how we are very different players!) Gunman Camp Bravo: A very solid day, couldn't quite put our finger on it, but we had a great time and could have played for another couple of hours. Left us wanting more! Invicta Airsoft: More of a pick for @AlbiscuitIt was a good day in terms of personal performance for him and he loved the Invicta CQB area! Best site inside the M25: 1) Red 1 Chislehurst (Kent) 2) Doomsday Airsoft (Kent) 3) Mayhem Paintball and Airsoft (Essex) Red 1 Chislehurst: Retains the crown as the best site inside the M25. Steady improvements despite thieves taking away part of the safe zone. Doomsday Airsoft: Needs to sort out its sometimes open/sometimes closed status. Mayhem Paintball and Airsoft: Fantastic playing area, good variety, but poor organisation lets it down. Most Disappointing site - For sites we had high hopes for but was a bit of a let down on the day. 1) Splatoon Airsoft (Essex) 2) AirsoftGB (Essex) 3) Mayhem Paintball and Airsoft (Essex) Splatoon airsoft: Went for a Battlesim, it was one of the most poorly run events that we have ever been to. Had so much promise. Shame, considering the site itself is not that bad. AirsoftGB: Was the biggest let down. We heard many many good things about it. But when we got there just saw a bowl of grass with a bunch of structures in it. The Farmyard section was quite good, but the rest of the experience wasn't fantastic either. We didn't quite get the hype. Mayhem Paintball and Airsoft: The photos on the website didn't disappoint. But I didn't realise how quite bad organisation could get until I played here. Spray and “prey” award: For the third year running, I still have nightmares of Tactical Warfare in Croydon. I just cant bring myself to go back due to the liberal usage of plastic death. Best moment: When we first saw the "Village" at Dogtag Airsoft. Jaw dropped and we looked at each other knowing it was going to be good. Here are all of the in-depth individual reviews for your viewing pleasure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There have been more changes this year in the awards then last year. The standard has been overall much higher. Though there were a number of "middling" sites, which just couldn't quite get on the board. Not much to say this year, I think people are just hoping to see the back of it. Definitely more of a year for purchasing gear that I haven't played enough to get around to using! In 2021 I am hoping to get to more sites outside of the South East, just for a bit of variety. So don't expect too many SE reviews... Not enough sites left to add anyway! See you in 2021 folks! Z-Mart, be there!
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