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Posts posted by Jez_Armstrong

  1. 2 hours ago, Jaylordofwaargh said:

    Adding to the general "this looks really cool" crowd. I like the idea a lot, so much so I now have a new "saving space" in my account.


    I would like to see the glow in dark standard.... Size is good as well. It is far too easy to lose a "quake" style in a woodland.

    Thbaks bud! 


    After making the prototype from parts the next mission is to source the same internals for a decent price and have them all shipped to me 

  2. 3 hours ago, Madhouse said:

    I like this a lot, no messing around with primers, you can use it as many times as you like and there's all the customisation you could want from a grenade. Hell you could even have CQB / outdoor volume settings which would overcome my reservations about grenades & indoor spaces.


    Could you not have some lights on it that start flashing once the audio has finished and then stop on whatever reset method you have? or an audible beep, or both? That would certainly help in finding it.

    It's certainly something I can look into, adding a beeping sound after a few minutes would be easy as its just an mp3 file 

  3. 13 minutes ago, EDcase said:

    The MK1 doesn't do much for me.  If it had a delay then boom sound (white noise) for a few seconds it might be worth pursuing in my view.

    But the MK2 definitely has marketable potential as long as its priced right and up to the point a certain country makes a cheaper copy...


    My input would be if you could give it a thin rubber/neoprene outer to protect it and the victims.  That would help it being accepted at sites (most allow rolling BFGs and dropping through windows)


    Great minds I'm currently trying to fit it inside an inner tube 😂


    It's not going well 

  4. 18 hours ago, Tackle said:

    Yeah the first one is just annoying, but the Mk2 definitely has the potential to be considered a timed "grenade" of sorts, especially useful for those urban sites that can't have any form of pyro ? 

    I think I've figured out how to make the mk1 play for only 10 seconds also, I wonder if that will be ok

  5. On 19/03/2023 at 11:50, mightyjebus said:

    Picked up a CA53 from @VonGrimm and he was very honest in his description. After a bit of work she's looking a bit better. Just need to sort out the gearbox issue once the part arrives and I might replace the CA Mosfet with a NanoAAB I've got here sitting doing nothing.





    Based on a HK53A2 I fondled in Iraq belonging to the RMP CP teams. I also took a bit of time and gave the XM177 PTW a bit of a service.



    Damn you I was going to get that 😂

  6. 46 minutes ago, Davegolf said:


    Do you do 3D design for a living!?


    Your distraction device reminds me of the tactical rubber chickens we used to use at a CQB site 😂

    No mate I'm a Watchmaker, just dabble in making stuff that I need 

    4 minutes ago, Wavey_Gravey said:

    Doing the lord work with that Rheinmetall vampir, wanted one since I saw that pic of craighead with one.

    Still a long way to go, printed the first attempt in PLA to test sizes and had one made in resin to also test, still definitely in the beginning phases 



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