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DarkAssassin last won the day on August 12 2017

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    TM HK416 devgru, CA M4 R.I.S., KWA LM4, KWA KRISS VECTOR, TM AA12, G&P Daytona gun (HPA)
  • Loadouts
    Have a black multicam loadout.
  • Sites
    Play at red 1 airsoft near Watford. and Xsite
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  1. Thanks for this have been looking for one for my pistol 👍
  2. Latest addition to my arsenal, brought stock from an owner on here and modified over the last week, a TM Saiga 12, added a new front end, cut the barrel down, added a new muzzle, changed to an m4 stock oh and the 1500 round HPA mag.
  3. TM Hi-Capa with a Limcat slide and Airsoft Masterpiece grip and trigger.
  4. Just brought a new Airsoft Matserpiece pistol grip and trigger for my Limcat Hi-Capa so much better than the standard plastic TM one! Oh and I went and brought a Tapp Airsoft drum mag for it!
  5. Just brought some new parts for the Daytona G&P M4 •High Rof spring •New flat tip (rubber) hop up set screw •New Reap nub hop up bucking •R hopped the barrel while I had it all apart Video for sexy noise and recoil, love a Daytona gun! Has been going strong now for 3 and a half years! 20200827_131725.mp4 Also ordered a new barrel for my Scar H Daytona gun, will R hop and fit that aswell as a high ROF spring too.
  6. Oh yes have to agree one I had to have in my collection too! Looks just like the Alpha tech grenade, had one but lost it, tried to get another one but apparently they got sued, I am all over this one though looks great!!
  7. Nice!!! Mine is very similar! G&P bodied Daytona gun with a TM m320.
  8. Have the same shotgun, absolutely love it!!
  9. Finally decided to get a tracer I have chosen this an "Acetech lighter BT" mainly becuase it will shoot red tracers 👌 Also it doubles as a chrono. https://www.airsoftcentral.co.uk/acetech-lighter-bt.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiA9orxBRD0ARIsAK9JDxQ4NOKRoMh8NxhBe-YSnrtyXooDVTW6tUK0aN3ukFAAsCsViSUU0HUaAor2EALw_wcB The Devgru is a great gun, had one about 4 years, its been an absolute workhorse, never failed me and so very satisfying to use. You made the right choice!
  10. Not for everyone I know but for me its perfect FOV is absolutely incredible and protection is second to none. I see so many people who just wear goggles, I know the first time I do that I am going to get shot and have a tooth smashed out. Plus I hate the mesh smashed against my nose, this doesn't have that issue + no fogging.
  11. I dunno I am questioning it now.... Going to have to check it now when I get home.
  12. I have to admit I have thought the same thing, but I think it's an illusion becuase the bottom of the receiver is a different angle than the top it makes it look bent. Cheers though 👍
  13. Playing @ Sentinel Airsoft (great site) Warq helmet Haley Strategic d3crx on a Mayflower APC HPA Daytona LCT Ak built by @proffrink Emerson Gear Multicam black gear Mike Cripps custom SAI hi-capa
  14. @RossF @Wo1f have the Hephaestus one, the seams aren't the best but the gun itself is fantastic! I brought an adjustable npas bolt for it but instead went for HPA tapped mag so I could adjust the FPS.
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