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Everything posted by mightyjebus

  1. here's some pictures of the Omega 9 tracer.
  2. it's a Tokyo Marui Sig 550 which has a electric burst mode. It's pretty rare but not too valuable. The burst module had a tendancy to break so if your one still works, that's a bonus. You have the box and all the bits but it's probably going to be worth around 200 quid and slightly less if the burst module is broken.
  3. check out Unlce Jessie's reviews on youtube for these 2 printers: https://www.elegoo.com/products/elegoo-neptune-3-pro-fdm-3d-printer-225x225x280mm or https://www.elegoo.com/products/elegoo-neptune-3-plus-fdm-3d-printer-with-larger-build-volume-of-320x320x400mm
  4. if anyone is looking for a tracer unit that fits the tri-lug on the TM MP5 NGRS then I can confirm the Omega 9K version fits. bonus is it comes with a couple of different ends so you can fit it to your other AEG's if they are -14mm https://shop.jkarmy.com/rgw-omega-9k-dummy-silencer-tracer-full-set-mp5-style.html
  5. I've used quite a few over the years, ANET, Creality, Anycubic and right now I have 2 FDM printers. I'm running a Creality Ender 3 MAX for large sized prints but there is a shift in FDM printers for faster print times and I invested in a kickstarter for the AnkeMaker M5 which prints about 5 times faster than traditional 3D printers. I'm hearing good things about the Bamboo Labs X1 carbon however it's pricy and it's stripped down little brother the P1P is worth a look. These 2 will give you the fast print speeds. To put it in perspective the Recoil part i designed and printed would have taken 5 hours to print on a tradition 3D printer but the Ankemaker did it in 56 minutes with the same level of detail you'd expect from a tranditional 3D printer. If you want to go down the resin route then Elegoo or Anycubic printers are good value for money with very high detail. I had an original Anycubic Photon, then got a Anycubic Mono x and a Elegoo Saturn and now have 2 Anycubic M3 Max's as I found that I wanted the bigger build plates every time a new larger one was released. A decent mid range cheapish do all you need resin printer would be the Anycubic Mono X 6K or the Elegoo Saturn 2 8K. Very high level or detail, decent sized build plate and the price isn't crazy.
  6. working on a TM MK46 recoil in need of some love. Knocked up a 5.56 link retainer for the magazine to keep the rounds attached to the mag (and cheaper than the £66 fake bullet set from TM). The recoil part that shakes the rounds had been damaged so I designed and printed a new one and one of the bipod feet was missing (let's not talk about TM's decision to use a magic pin system to hold the foot on instead of welding it). I've got a replacement bipod on the way so the foot design and print was just for fun and it does work.
  7. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    Picked up a 2nd hand TM MK46 which needs a bit of work. It didn't come with a manual and google turns up nothing. Can someone who has one take a couple of pictures of the exploded diagram (if the manual has one in it!) and share.


  8. Latest addition - SIg Air (VFC) MPX AEG
  9. PMR radios work in the 446Mhz range. Lambda length for 446Mhz is around 62cm however an antenna can be 1/4 lambda so around 15/16cm would work in theory. That's for the TX side for the receive side the longer the better is my experience (I once managed to talk to a ship anchored in Cyprus from Brize using the worlds longest slopping V HF antenna which was a bit of a surprise.). The TX/RX will probably be shit to be honest as you are working with 0.5W output power so the range is always going to be a bit pants. factor in the site you play at having trees, buildings, etc then the range will drop significantly. Thinking into it a bit more the best chance would be to thread 16cm lengths up and down and across the full molle on a chestrig would in theory give you multiple 16cm antennas which might work better.
  10. real wooden furniture for those interested. https://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/p51731/Airsoft-Shien-Marui-AKM-GBB-Laminated-Birch-Stock-Set/product_info.html
  11. bit of a work in progress. Fitting LED's and laser to the TM Curve pistol. LED's work but the laser is giving me grief. Need to redesign the push button as the grey one on there now was just to get things working.
  12. True. It's up on wolf Armouries for £550 but isn't planned to be in stock until Q1 2023 for those with patience.
  13. MP5SD6 up for sale on impulse101 now. With EMS shipping it works out at around £550
  14. they will but you will need a long nozzle on your gas can to reach the fill valve
  15. You might struggle to find MP7 fill valves but you can use TM USP fill valves instead. check out here: https://www.wgcshop.com/products/tm-pt-gbb1-46
  16. £200 for a couple of x-poice red-dots. Externally a bit beaten up but the optics are crystal clear and the red-dot's are fully working. oh and I ordered on the 12th and they arrived on the 14th (very well packaged I may add).
  17. could be the brushless motor. Chances are Ares used a cheap Mosfet that isn't designed for brushless motors. there's some interesting data here on mosfets and brushless motors. https://www.electronicspecifier.com/industries/industrial/how-to-drive-bldc-motors-effectively-with-mosfet-tech
  18. talk to Frank at fire-support. he can order from TM but it won't be quick (usual TM slowness)
  19. Battery extender for KWA sliding stocks.
  20. The handheld thermals are ok for searching but not really suitable for airsoft unless you want to walk around with a pistol in one hand and the imager in the other. Here's my UNI-T I use for electronic repair viewing my dogs in the garden. These cost around 220 quid from aliexpress. I've also got a Leupold LTO and I modified it to work more as a close range scope and is ideal for airsoft. There is a knock off version on aliexpress for around 450 quid and it actually has a higher resolution sensor than the LTO and it has an adjustable cross hair as well. link for anyone interested in it. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004799373798.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.3b395cf7qZemN5&algo_pvid=d7feabd9-3d95-485e-9b63-76577f5916e2&algo_exp_id=d7feabd9-3d95-485e-9b63-76577f5916e2-1&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000030529096690"}&pdp_npi=2%40dis!GBP!649.15!454.41!!!!!%400b0a01f816656009065817414e980f!12000030529096690!sea&curPageLogUid=UovvyxjEY0h6
  21. for those wishing to start turning their MP5 into a M4 https://shop.jkarmy.com/bow-master-ar-m4-stock-brace-adapter-for-umarex-vfc-mp5-gbb-tm-mp5-next-gen-aeg.html
  22. no idea, haven't taken it to bits yet
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