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Everything posted by rj1986

  1. From memory the TM M4 is different to ta GBB. The AEG goes: - Body - Barrel - Screw Barrel Nut - Spring - Retaining collar And also has 2 screws to hold the outer barrel in place
  2. It took them about a month to realise the site was down. Wouldn't hold my breath tbh
  3. rj1986

    WA SVI

    Found this down the back of the cupboard, forgot I even had it. 3 mags total, all still has tight. Shoots well. Locks back as expected. No box. About 6.5/10 condition. Some scratches but no major chips or chunks missing
  4. I would say around 600-650 gun: 525 mags: 50 ea 825 x 0.7= 577.5 plus case and postage edit: that’s assuming it’s all as good as new and unfiddled
  5. thats what im saying - there are mags, just not in the same vicinity as us.
  6. Theres always mags, you just need to know where to look. I picked up 4 TM mp5 mags in Osaka in March just walking into a shop. There's so many shops that stock TM stuff IN Japan, that finding things is easy. And as it's easy in Japan, this equates to TM going, "It's OK"
  7. Once you slap on a ton of extra weighty not very useful for airsoft accessories, they look a quite tasty. Longer suppressor also helps balance the looks i think.
  8. Its a Maxim Defense PDX https://www.maximdefense.com/product/urban-grey/ With the black one being MDX https://www.maximdefense.com/product/mdx508-c/ New bits of gucci kit as its an AR platform that fires 5.56, 300BLK and commie 7.62
  9. rj1986

    TM mk18 MWS

    There's a boot sale next weekend - i figure without a bolt carrier bodypart, and with the mag and stuff £400? Going rate seems to be £500 for lightly used with 1 mag, so that seems fair?
  10. rj1986

    TM mk18 MWS

    photo wise, its just a Vanilla TM mk18 with the usual light use scratches. Bolt - it's an AG bolt, and the 2 screws holding the nozzle guide are basically welded in with theadlock, so i can't get the nozzle out to change the buffer. My choices are: - Swap out the bolt with my other MWS which is a standard with NPAS - Swap out the bolt body so its a TM bolt with AG nozzle, and rebuild my other bolt with parts i choose (probably the most favoured option) - Buy a 2nd hand complete bolt
  11. rj1986

    TM mk18 MWS

    So the bolt is a wee bit fucked. So would it be better to put another 50-100 in making it right, or breaking for parts?
  12. rj1986

    THE TM MWS thread

    i'll give it a try, nothing to lose Edit: An hour in and still no luck. I've basically cut off the bolt carrier key to try and get at the screws better, but still not budging 2nd edit: yeah, nah, its fucked
  13. rj1986

    THE TM MWS thread

    so box of goodies i ordered from Fire support turn up to try and cure a similar problem. Go to disassemble to bolt and the 2 screws on the top are solid. Like proper solid. So now seeing if the penetrating fluid will help - if not, have to break out the tools and buy some new screws . When a 5 minute job turns into a 4 day one...
  14. Why does Elton John always play piano? Because he sucks on an organ
  15. Unlimited money - I would buy the IP and R&D of the BO Dynamics Phantom and make it a viable product
  16. So fiddling and cleaning gbbr’s and I’m trying to fill mags. In the MWS chat there chat about filling and gas pressures. But I have come across something that someone might be able to find useful. nuprol 2.0 - fills blue gas - does not fill the mags yellow gas - works like a charm same goes for WE ACR mags. I still have various TM and WE pistols to try. Anyone who knows more about that have any ideas what all that means.
  17. rj1986

    THE TM MWS thread

    I'm experiencing the same. Nuprol green, fills in about 8 seconds and fires lovely. Propane adapter, I get about 3 shots worth. On another note, I've got a mk18 that i got in a bundle deal I've noticed the nozzle seems to be dragging on the bolt. The spring seems snappy as it starts its journey back perfectly, but then i hear it rubbing, almost like air is escaping from it. Edit, on closer inspection it looks like an AG drop in set, so not sure why its rubbing. I think that when it gets low gas/cold, the bolt cycles but the nozzle doesn't. So maybe a 170% spring is needed? Edit 2: Post on pg90 says the AG buffer is too big and drags, so maybe that first?
  18. rj1986

    TM mk18 MWS

    Probably going to sell one of the MWS's as its now surplus to requirements As i got it lightly used, I'm trying to remember the internal build, but I will assume its stock apart from the bits i can see. - MWS Mk18 VGC, light scratches around the rear stock tube collar, 2 mags total - NPAS - RS AR15 Buffer spring - AG heavy weight buffer + original - AG (?) rear sling plate - MP22 wrench for when you need to do a hop rubber change - Spare nozzle spring set as the current one is on this side of usable but a wee bit sluggish
  19. if you do split, i would be interested in Repro Midwest Extended Top Mount (I believe this is CYMA) Genuine Arisaka Defense Offset Scout Light Mount Repro SureFure Scout Light And maybe like 1 or 2 mags...
  20. I got my car keys stolen when i was 17 (luckily they didn't steal the car). My dad shouted at me, but basically taught me to ask "Would I leave my wallet there?" If the answer is no, then don't leave anything valuable there.
  21. On facebook, he said it was stolen out the back of his car. From the rear footwell. Without a case.
  22. The other week i slipped sideways on some wet leaves onto concrete. Instinctively I took the fall with my shoulder due to a) many many years of playing rugby, I knew my shoulder could take the fall b) i had my shiny new mk46, and i would rather break my shoulder than that
  23. QQ: Will these work with MP5 mags https://www.bullseyecountrysport.co.uk/fma-airsoft-molle-pistol-polymer-speed-fast-magazine-pouch-19406-p.asp
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