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Everything posted by rj1986

  1. Why buy brand new, when you can pay the same price used? https://prefired.co.uk/ads/tokyo-marui-sopmod/
  2. I'm looking for a Ferrari SF90, new or used, but sadly i only have £348.87 and a packet of Hubba Bubba.
  3. As a TM fanboy, i have too many NGRS. But every game day i take a stock one with me - its nice to know that i will always have one that will work in case everything else shits the bed.
  4. JD Airsoft have their 12 days Advent sale thingy on again https://jdairsoft.net/deals
  5. Action hobbies boneyard is a gold mine when they have stock. I always seem to miss them, but some great deals on there
  6. I actually forgot to add my serious response. I've found with DHL when getting Apple stuff from the Netherlands, they scan the parcel received, chuck it on a pallet or container, then ship that when it's full or scheduled. So you parcel doesn't get scanned again until they unload that cargo at the other end. So its nothing....nothing.... nothing... i'm pulling into your road now, hope you're in.
  7. Yeah, but look at the £350m we have each week, the control on immigration and the great trade deals with other countries the blue passports now?
  8. I think i still have an amiga 600 in my mum's loft somewhere with the Quavers game
  9. This happens every so often. Comes back sooner or later. Most people nowadays only use it for classifieds.
  10. Might a well just post up "Its some Airsoft stuff innit - £3k"
  11. As a summer player, i tend to put all my lipos on a storage charge then keep them in a metal ammo tin over the winter. Any of them that feel puffy to the touch, bin them off ( admittedly I used to be a but more liberal with them when Hobbyking was stil around)
  12. Must've got the most Friday of all Friday afternoon guns.


    Pistonhead screw threaded/stuck, couldn't get it off. Upon inspection, someone had put the base part on upside down, so the screwdriver slot was on the inside.


    1. Monkman


      Time for them to re-new them child labourers then I guess...

    2. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      Creative if nothing else.

    3. Rogerborg


      How... but... the mind boggles.

  13. Plus his other add is for a CM16 - which is £30 over new as well.
  14. i used to play a game of cans - someone picks out the order (so pespi, carling, red bull, dr pepper, pringles). You would memorise the order - the 2nd person would arrange the cans in a different order. On the whistle, turn and shoot in the order. Fastest time/fewest shots win.
  15. 3m .22lr rounds were nicked from a lorry earlier this year and that barely got any traction at all. Mainly because it was in The Sun, but my spidey senses think it would've been a much bigger story if it was around the same time after that journalist was shot and killed in NI by a .22
  16. These will be in car boot sales by Sunday, sold for £50 a pop. Much rather these than a batch of Glock 19's go missing, which will be much more likely to be used for serious crime rather than flogged to punters.
  17. Reading it again, it does say "took replicas from 9 pallets" For all we know, they could've taken 10-12 RIFs ... Edit: It will be more of a ball ache to retailers/customers as they will have to work out out of the 2000 items (of the SA shipment alone) what's missing before they can release the load.
  18. You can use mini blowers for a 3D printer, hook up to a 9v battery, and if you want to be fancy, use a PWM to control the speed. However, you're not going to get a lot of spare real estate inside the lid to circulate air
  19. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-57149741 20 companies account for more than 50% - yet im the one stuck with a paper straw that folds over after 20 minutes Anyway, what were we talking about?
  20. I take offence at being called an SAS wannabe. I'd go for the Air Force and have a nice comfy officer's mess if anything
  21. I'm a semi-regular at RIFT so you'll be in for a treat at their sites. You've already got the main thing which is a decent set of boots with ankle support. Apart from that, maybe some gloves, plenty of liquid and a good sense of humour and willingness.
  22. I think it would be because its cheap as chips, easy to get hold of and available in pretty much every size under the sun.
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